Security :: Way To Get Membership On Masterpages

Feb 8, 2010

why cant i type the following code on the masterpage's vb code behind?I am abel to do it on a normal aspx's code behing, why not on the masterpage'si am trying to use the following code in the page_load event


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I'm working on a website where it should be possible for registered users to upload word documents. The administration of users is done through Membership and Profiles. When the documents have been uploaded, the following needs to be achieved:Non-registered users should not be allowed to download documents I should be able to control which users that has access to which documents I should be able to register which user downloads which documents I should be able to track how many times a document has been downloaded
Can this be achieved be using Membership and Profiles?

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Feb 28, 2011

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Security :: Custom Membership Provider Error "Could Not Load Type Custom.AspNet.Membership.PostPropertyProvider"

Jan 5, 2011

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Security :: Choosing The Provider For Security Membership?

Feb 9, 2010

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aspnet_regsq.exe it doesn't ask me what SQL database i want to use and seems to default to my local SQL Server 2005 installation. How I change this to use my SQL Express database on a local server?

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Security :: Webshop Security - Membership Provider Useful?

Aug 10, 2010

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Now to my question: I can set up the membership system easily but I do not need such things like username or password-question but I would need a reference to an address table to store the users home address. So, it is possible to change or customize the membership system to for eg. a unique customer id instead of the username column and set this in codebehind when the user is creating a new account? And is it possible to insert new users/customers from codebehind in an easy way? (I mean without checking each foreign key and inserting the customer reference to the userinrole table and so on...)

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Jan 21, 2010

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Jul 22, 2010

I created a soultion and used membership for login and I have the site working fine you can log in and out and I can see that my roles are working. I created a folder called Admin and I created a webpage in there that I can edit my data table that I wanted to be able to edit when I am logged in as a user with Admin role thats working... well it works...

anyone can get to this webpage and edit my data. I have it set in the membership using the role managment to deny users * and allow users with Admin role however I can open up a new browser with out login into my site and type in the web information and it pops right up says Welcome:Guest [LOGIN] theres my data and I can edit it see do whatever and this page shouldn't be able to be seen.

What did I do wrong?


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Oct 1, 2010

am working on an application with membership controls and the SQL Server database. I have this put together, however it appears that adjustments need to be made to enhance security. Many websites have membership features, so I was wondering if there are some blog posts that describe the steps that need to be made to enhance security.

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Security :: Add Some Methods To Membership?

Oct 21, 2010

i use membership provider in my website

i use membership methods like getUser() and so one

i need to add some other methods like getAllApprovedUsers()

where and how can i add this method to membership but i want to use standard membership methods

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Security :: SQL Membership Provider Using .NET 3.5 C#?

Dec 13, 2010

I am using SQL Membership Provider to create user accounts for my web site and for some reason, the CreateDate and LastLoginDate fields are NOT saving the current time of my machine when I add a new user to the website. It is showing the previous day's date and the time is displayed as PM when it's AM and vise-versa in the CreateDate and LastLoginDate fields in aspnet_Membership table. I am developing and running the website via localhost on my laptop using IIS 7 (Windows 7). Does this have anything to do with my laptop's clock settings or is there something I need to configure in the web.config file or in IIS.

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Security :: (VB) Captcha And Membership?

Jul 25, 2010

I could really use some help here. I owuld like to implement a simple CAPTCHA mechanism with the membership system. Can someone please help me out. I have found MSCAPTCHA, but it doesn't seem to work in the .NET 3.5 world. I have been pulling my hair out for a couple of days now.

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Security :: 'membership Db' Play With Another SQL Db?

May 14, 2010

In what way, if any, can/does the 'membership db' play friendly with another SQL db.. or can I wire up the 'login control' to use a SQL DB to validate/get perm info?...

I believe the aspnetdb inside the actual site in app_code or somewhere is the 'membership db, correct?

Whereas I wish to use all info pertaining to logins/perms from fields in an actual SQL DB since my web app is using a huge DB for a factory floor's production management.

How do I authenticate this way? Also, I would like it to be in a master page, and upon login, redirect to another directory say, '/Members' which is locked out from anonymous browsing.

I previously had the following code:

web.config :


Default.aspx :


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Security :: Membership Behavior With PHP?

May 5, 2010

I have a test site that is using the sqlprovidermembership. It is now working as expected. one of our clients has a site that was written in PHP. They created a link to our test site and when you click on one of there menu items it places the login page in a frame on there site for instance ( Now when the user enters their username and password the validation does not work. It simply continues to bring up the login page. it does not even say that they login was unsuccessful.

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Security :: Membership Roles In MVC Asp 3.5?

Mar 1, 2010

Pls explain the Membership Roles in MVC ASP.NET 3.5

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Security :: Using The Same Membership On 2 Sites?

Feb 8, 2011

i have some website with users that registered trought membership. I want to build another site (diffrent url, diffrent issue) but i want my user to use the same details (username, password, email etc) they are using the first site. is it possible to use the same aspnet_ tables in diffrent website?

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Security :: .Net 3.5 Membership DB Not Working With .net 4.0?

Oct 11, 2010

I am working on a new application that will feed off my application's DB that was written with .net 3.5 (really 2.0, since thats where the aspnet_regsql.exe lives)... I open up the application settings page on my old VS2008 application, and see all my 4000+ users, but if i link the membership to that database in VS2010 with asp .net 4.0, it shows 0. I have verified the connections, and i also noticed there is a net aspnet_regsql.exe in the 4.0 framework folder.

Is there any way to make the old membership work, or a way to migrate my users? If not, i would think this would cause a LOT of issues with many .net applications with many forms based users.

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Security :: How To Update Database For Membership

Feb 22, 2011

I installed sql server express 2008 R2, no problems.

I created a database and added a table, no problems.

I'm using the entity framework, I created and am using the .edmx file, no problems.

I created a form that reads from and submits to the table, no problems.

I added the membership tables to the database, now I have problems.

I can still read from and update my table fine, so clearly the connection string in my web.config still works. But I can't add a new user or do anything with the website administration tool. It can't find any providers, and under security, it tells me it can't login into the database. When I try to register a new user, I get a failed login error, again for my database user. Yet I can login fine through Server Management Studio with the same credentials.

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Security :: How To Get The Total Count Using Membership

Feb 2, 2011

I need to get the total number of users in aspnet_users table. How is it done.

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Security :: Share Membership Between 2 Web Applications?

Jan 9, 2010

Is there a way that I can share membership (login, etc.) between two different web applications? I would like to create a smaller debug application to test some stuff in my database.

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Security :: How To Share Membership For Different Applications

Feb 11, 2011

I recall some way to use a single instance of the the membership for multiple applications. For example...if I have a main single sign on portal, perhaps I'd like them to have access to Application A, B and F, but not C, D & E. Instead of maintaining different security for each application, can we have a single membership table maintaining all of the enterprise applications? So user 'John Doe' would have a single membership record, but have access to different applications.

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