Sending Email Using C# To Multiple Recipients?

Mar 31, 2010

I am having some trouble with the syntax. I'm trying to build a web form that users (at my work) can enter multiple email addresses into. For some reason it will only send to one email address.

Here's my code... Hopefully all I need to do is change the syntax a bit.


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mail.To = ";;"

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I have used this solution. And it's working fine for single id. But when i am using multiple id as reciepent mail id , it's mailing the text only to the first id. I am providing multiple id as below:

mm.To.Add(New MailAddress(","))

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Dim myMail As New SmtpClient("")

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---.aspx showing the gridview---




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4.Directed to? (this would be a drop down menu of 3 or 4 different emails the info would be mailed to)

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<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Send Mail">
<a href='mailto:<%#Eval("EMP_ID").ToString().Trim()%>?CC=<%#Eval("EMP_ID").ToString().Trim()%>&SUBJECT=<%#Eval("EMP_ID").ToString().Trim()%>RE: Test' target="_blank">Send mail</a>


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select * from sysmail_mailitems SM inner join sysmail_profile SP on SM.Profile_Id = SP.Profile_Id
and SP.Name ='ReminderProfile'

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I am trying to figure something out, on this page:


I have the following code:

PHP Code:


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Sending Email Not Working

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class MailHelper [code]......

but am still getting an error (System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: bosauthsmtp05: Host No unauthenticated relaying permitted at System.Net.Mail.MailCommand.CheckResponse( [code].....

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