Social Networking :: Display Google Maps From Database On Button Click
May 7, 2015
I have a problem with displaying maps in page load the map is displayed, but when I want to execute the code on a button click the map is not displayed
Function javascript
function AfficherMap() {
// alert("ssss");
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(markers[0].lat, markers[0].lng),
zoom: 10,
I have a repeater to show the data and has another repeater for google map.My map will show 10 markers .Now i need to highlight the first marker when hovering the first result in the repeater and so on Here is my code...
i have map and iwant to add multiple markers to map from sql database,and each marker has colorful infowindow that has few details and has link when it cklicked the infowindow will be large and contains tabs every tabs binding to sqlserver and in one tab we add image gallary.
The page is not redirecting to another tab...the address is opening in the current tab itself but i want the address of google map to be redirected in another code is
I used a Google Maps Distance Finder API that comes with two textboxes, one for the source, and one for the destination. It also comes with a button, that when clicked, will find the distance between the two locations using the funciton GetDistance(). The code before the function initializes the map. I created another button and used VB.Net to run SQL code first, and then to automatically populate the two textboxes, then I had it call the function GetDistance().
The issue I ran into is that the function won't calculate the distance, and the map never changes from its default state. I believe it's because it's not running the code that initializes the map. (I could be wrong) I have tried WebBrowser1, to call the click of the button, but I had to Inherit Forms, which I can't do, and I have also tried adding the top code into the GetDistance() function. Is it possible to call the initializing code before GetDistance()?
Here is the JS function code:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var source, destination; var directionsDisplay; var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService(); google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', function () {
[Code] ....
Here is the VB Code I use to call the JS Function:
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OleDb.12.0;" & _ "Data Source=|DataDirectory|Address Database One Calculation.mdb") cn.Open() Dim cmd1 As OleDb.OleDbCommand Dim sqlconnection1 As String
[Code] .....
For reference, here is the explanation of the full API Code: [URL] ....
i want to include google maps API into my ASP.NET page and allows users to input the locations(few places) they are going to visit. When the user inserts the location, the google maps API will mark these locations. It means in the maps it will mark the places. some red bubble to indicated the places is marked.
for example,i list a few checkboxes beside the check boxes will have a places'name. when the checkbox is checked, Google maps will make markers on these location. How to do this?
IF after the places is marked in google maps, i want to get some information from google maps (such as the coordinates of the all the marked place). Then, use google maps to run some code behind to find the shortest path using Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) algorithm.
After that,generate the proper sequences of the places ( which place to go first, and which place to go last). is it possible to be done?
I am using simple google map. When first time click on tab "showmap" when perfect load map.
Like show in image 1:
Now "showmap" tab hide other tab show and then again open tab "showmap" then not perfect open map.
Like show in image 2:
The code is:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function show() { var map;
private DataTable GetData(string query) { string conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query); using (MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(conString)) { using (MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter())
[Code] ....
In above C# code, I want to change the color of DataTable row "Upstream" based on If condition from code behind. I tried below code, but its not working:
decimal res = Convert.ToDecimal(Upstream); if (res <= 0 && res >= 2) { Color col = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#0000FF"); Upstream = Color.Blue; } else { Color col = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF"); Upstream = Color.Red; }
I want to display data from database in GeoMap. My database table is:
Station Name Danger Levels St-01 Normal(blue) St-02 Danger(red) St-06 Warning(yellow) St-10 Danger(red) St-11 Warning(yellow)
Now in GeoMap, For Particular state(of Malaysia), I need to show the different stations and danger level(using colors defined in above table) related to each stations (from above database table). Need to understand the code as per my requirement: URL...
I've a scenario in my website where there is a search page.
When the user fills the search criteria and submits the search button , a Google map will be displayed with a pin depicting the addresses listed by the returned records.
This is code for searching latitude and longitude . so how to save into database.
function GetLocation() { var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); var address = document.getElementById("txtAddress").value; geocoder.geocode({ 'address': address }, function (results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { var latitude = results[0];
When I click marker hes show a Description. reference by this Example : [URL] .... but I want add some features, when I click marker hes show a description and also one link/button(DELETE). When I click link/button then delete marker also delete from database record.