Social Networking :: How To Access Facebook Page At Dialog Of Facebook Send Button
Aug 18, 2012
I see that only name,group,email address we can access at facebook send button. How can i send to my facebook page wall (where i am admin) by clicking facebook send button. It's by default don't show it.
I need to develop a login where user can login from his facebook account. When user login first time, an auth dialog should open from facebook asking to user for access permission and than it should move to one of my page where I can retrieve user email address and first name & last name through his facebook access token. How to achieve this?
I have gone through your articles and I really enjoyed with all the facebook articles. In my aspx page in place of posting walls I want to send notification to facebook users. How can I do this.
i have made a gridview which contains three fields, two textboxes and one combo box. ComboBox fetchs data from table(SQL) and when a combox box triggers, data related to combo must be added in two boxes. i did this throw another button, but i want this to be trigger directly when it clicks..
i have made a web form in whcih i want to show pop up of social networking sited if user click on that particular icon it should like that page in facebook
i have used this code
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_floating_style addthis_32x32_style"><a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a><a class="addthis_button_twitter"></a><a class="addthis_button_google_plusone_share"></a><a class="addthis_button_linkedin"></a></div><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><!-- AddThis Button END -->
but when i run the web page on clicking on that icon it goes to facebook and share this link
i am developing mvc4 webapplication in that when loading home page facebook like box shows? its working fine but already when user like that box and in browser facebook login user that like box how to hide?
How to add facebook share button on my website? I am building a website there need to share my website link ,like all website have facebook sharing the same function I want to put in my website ...
I want to create my own face book share link, but it's not going to take image of perticular home or not even name.Why it's behave like that?
Below is my code.
<a title="send to Facebook" href="[title]=home&p[summary]=sum_my&p[url][images][0]
I am following your code. In "FaceBookConnect.Authorize", if a user is logged in in Facebook, it prompts for authentication. But if the user is not logged in, it redirects to facebook home page. I would like to create a pop up instead. Is it possible to do so?
I am showing thumbnail images in dataList on a page of my website. When i click on any image they open in big size. How i will share(Facebook). that particular big size image. My code is given below:
<script type="text/javascript"> var CurrentPage = 1; function GetImageIndex(obj) { while (obj.parentNode.tagName != "TD") obj = obj.parentNode; var td = obj.parentNode;
I have seen your codes to integrate facebook in our application but in none of the code you have written how to logout once authenticated in facebook. I am asking this bcoz facebook session has been started so need to provide user with logout button.
I have tested the solution in the tutorial for getting users information from Login with Facebook (AspSnippet dll). My answer: is it possible to get also First name, Last Name?
I have listview which has bind with database, i need facebook share button with each record in list view and when user click the post share on the facebook wall.
i want to show the post which user has click on to share on facebook not whole page e.g
listview is bind with sql and fetching following record
1. record one <facebook share button> when user click on this button so record one should be share on facebook wall.