State Management :: Sharing Cookie Between Two Webapps On Localhost?

May 17, 2010

If I want to share cookies among applications, applications need to be in the same domain. In production it is no problem. But I have problem with development. If I run those applications in Visual Studio, it runs application in "localhost" and it is not same domain. I don`t see cookies among applications.

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State Management :: Remove Item (Cookie) From Basket (Cookie Collection)?

Sep 8, 2010

I am busy building a shopping cart with cookies. I have datalist which I populate from the cookies with a delete button next to each cookie


Now the problem is that when I hit the delete / remove button to expire the cookie, what happens when repopulating the datalist is that it shows the original cookie with all it's values as well as a new entry where all the values are blank.

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State Management :: Updating Cookie / Change The Value In A Cookie?

May 10, 2010

I want to change the value in a cookie:
HttpCookie hc = new HttpCookie("HiddenColumns");
hc.Value = customView.HiddenFields;
hc.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365);

Or this way:

Response.Cookies["HiddenColumns"].Value = customView.HiddenFields;;
Response.Cookies["HiddenColumns"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365);

But when I retrieve the cookie value, it is still old, unless I do postback. I don't want to use Redirect.

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State Management :: Sharing State In Multi Core?

May 20, 2010

If affinity is set to use multi core, aspnet_wp would be run individually on all cores.

So sessionstate, application and cache objects would be core specific. Is this understanding correct ?

Is there a way to share state - session, cache objects?

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State Management :: Asp Create New Session State Cookie Each Time On Debugging?

Jan 21, 2011

I'm using the following line of code to display the number of users currently logged on:

lblNoOfUsers.Text = Membership.GetNumberOfUsersOnline().ToString()

I'm still debugging my application so it's on the local server. As I debug and stop then debug again, eventually lblNoOfUsers.text turns to "0" instead of "1", even as I'm navigating my application. It only turns to "1" again if I log out and sign back in. It's almost as though Membership.GetNumberOfUsersOnline my login are referencing two different session states. How is this possible? Does create a new session state cookie each time I start debugging?

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State Management :: Sharing Cookies Between IE7 And FF3.6.6?

Jul 12, 2010

In my website I am maintaining cookies for the login so that if I open the browser again then no need to login again.

But when I am switching browser(from ie to ff or viceversa) then the cookies are lost and the user is not identified, I want to maintain them in this scenario also.

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State Management :: Cache Sharing Between Applications

Jul 30, 2010

Is it possible to share a cache between multiple ASP.NET applications? The apps may reside on different servers. How can one achieve this requirement?

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State Management :: Session Sharing Between Two Websites?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a website A which has a link to website B which is currently opening in a different window. When clicked on a link to, the login for B is automatically taken care of as both the websites have same user login credentials.

Now a change in the system has made me embed website B into website A. ie., B will open in the same window of A.. I could achieve this using an IFrame. Now, the session from site A needs to be carried out to site B. Presently, when navigated from A to B, all the sessions on A expire. Once navigated to B the session time out of B from the webconfig is taken. I have used "InProc" as my state management option in web config. Is it possible to maintain single session for both the webistes? If not how to continue same session times for both webistes? I do not want to use "SQL server" state mode.

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State Management :: Sharing Session Between Applications?

Oct 18, 2010

I would like to share the session variables between 2 applications. basically I have a website and in there I have 2 applications and want to share the session object betwen the two. Is there a way to set something in web.config to enable this?

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State Management :: Sharing Data Between Sessions?

Nov 5, 2010

how do i pass data between two webservice sessions ?

this is the scenario, we've windows application and web service. our windows app calls a third party web site which requires data from our applciation. this 3rd party suggested that we create a web service that they can call from the web site.

after some reading it looks like i can use "application" object to store the data so that we store data in session with a specific session key and give it to web site and web site passes this session key in all methods it uses in webservice. is this best approach to take ?

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State Management :: Sharing Cache Between Two Web Applications In The Same Solution

Jul 7, 2010

I have an solution in which there are two web application projects (client website and admin website) and also a class liabrary project in the same solution . In the live production server, the admin web app is within the client app (eg: client site= [URL] and admin site=[URL]). A class (with static variables) in class liabrary is userd to cache data. My problem is that i cannot get the changes to the static cache by one web project reflected to the other (becoz, i think, they seem to load in seperate appdomains).

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State Management :: Sharing Session Information Across Sites?

Feb 3, 2011

After doing some research, I found that <sessionState> can be hosted in SQL Server allowing applications to read from the same source. Essentially my app has two sides: a WCF library and an ASP.NET MVC 3 web site, the WCF has authentication and other DB IO methods and the MVC does the display. Now, the MVC stores a value in the session and then the WCF reads it and creates another for the MVC to read later. Problem is, neither can read each others session data, they can write to the same repository but can't share.

How do I go about them sharing the same information? How can I tell <sessionState> that the session started on the MVC side is the same as the WCF side and viceversa? I've tried

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State Management :: Session Sharing With Virtual Folders

Jul 14, 2010

i have two solutions, 1. user management and 2. travel management. i publish the user management solution to [URL] and i publish the travel management to [URL] here i face the problem. the default home page would be [URL], its a windows authentication in page load, i capture the username, pass it to procedure which will fetch me his credentials on access. i store these in a session.

in the home page i have link to navigate to travel page, when i try to access the sessions in travel page, its empty. i tried printing the session id in both user management and travel, both are same but the sessions created in user management are empty in travel. what would be problem here and how can i resolve this.

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State Management :: How To Disable Session Sharing Among Different Applications With Same Domain

Jul 14, 2010

I have 2 applications App1 and App2 on same domain, both with Forms authentication, each using a different database instance for authentication.

First, I open a browser with application and log on.

After that, when I open another instance of the same browser with application and log on, first browser loses session and goes back to login page.

I need each application on same domain to have its own session so that both can stay logged on.

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State Management :: Can't Get Value Cookie

Jul 6, 2010

i have trouble about cookie path: I use VS 2005, code as:

HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("lastVisit");
aCookie.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();
aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30);
aCookie.Path = "/TestCookie";

Seem that , i can't get value cookie,although my variable on page which inside TestCookie folder I try get cookie other pages which outside TestCookie folder ! Result is like before attempts.

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State Management :: Sharing The Session Variables Between Two .net Applications Using SQL Server Mode?

Sep 18, 2010

I have two different IIS applications within the same domain(let us say , both of these applications use the same database instance(same connectionstring), now what I want is that both of applications can see each sessions variables , can SQL Server session state mode helps in this case? Did someone try that before? Is there any other way to share the session variables?

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State Management :: Cookie Value Disappeared?

Feb 13, 2011

We are using and 3.5 framework. I have a process that sets the value of a cookie named "mystaffid" in the Default.aspx code behind page. This holds the unique ID of the internal user (intranet). Now when I leave one of the web pages to go to another page in the same website I am getting the error "Input string was not in a correct format. " on the 3rd line below. how the cookie disappears? Also, this is happening in the Page_Load of the master page and I am doing the exact same thing in other pages with the same master page and not getting the error. The cookie is set to expire in 1 day when it is set in Default.aspx.

Dim intStaffID As Int32 = 0

If Not Request.Cookies("mystaffid") Is Nothing Then
intStaffID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies("mystaffid").Value)
End If

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State Management :: Get New Session Cookie In IE7?

Oct 22, 2010

We have a local homepage, which connect to our production security environment. When I need to test my site in test environment, I need to get fresh cookie (not the one that was sent to me via production security service, when I opened IE with local homepage).

I am getting fresh cookie fine in Mozilla; but in IE I always have production cookie, and this disables my testing. What I should fix here?

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State Management :: How To Store Object In Cookie With C#

Apr 10, 2010

I'm using session to store C# object but my session is expiring regularly.

I've given 540 minutes for session timeout. ( <sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="540"/>)

Now I want to use cookie instead of session to remove this timeout problem.

code below:


View 17 Replies

State Management :: Way To Make Cookie That Contains A List

Jun 3, 2010

I want to make a cookie that contains a list and then i want to be able to get the information from the list by entering the list items specific key value. I quickly made a test application to see if it works or not and the code that im posting below is Not working


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State Management :: Cannot Create A Simple Cookie

Feb 28, 2011

Very new to ASP.NET and C# (somewhat knowledgable in PHP) I have an ASP.NET web application and need to manage access to pages based on a 'status' stored in a cookie. I would like to use the following code to create the cookie in a login method.

HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("UserCookie");
cookie.Value = "status"; <-- this will be replaced with a variable once its working
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);

My problem is that the only place I can put this code where it works is in the global.asax Session_Start method. It simply doesn't work anywhere else. I am checking the cookie creation in firefox options and see the ASP.NET_SessionId created but nothing else (This is all running on localhost).

Is the session status somehow interfering with the cookie creation? Do I need to configure something in Web.config? It would appear that the only time I can create a cookie is on Session_Start. Does anyone have any tips, perhaps I am missing something simple?

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State Management :: Cookie Does Not Work On Server?

May 4, 2010

I am developing a 3.5 web site. Cookie is used to store username when site user logins in the site.This works well on my local computer when I'm debugging it with Visual Studio.But when I publish the site and upload it to the server, cookie could not store username.

My code is as below:


HttpCookie loginState = new HttpCookie("loginState",email);


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State Management :: Cookie / It's Cause The Sql Server Update Twice :|

Dec 22, 2010

I have a website of online games and I try to count and show the number of the uniqe visitor per game page, by using Cookies only. (if someone visit after 24hr it will be uniqe visitor too)

the problems is:sometimes (I don't know why), not always, it's update the counter colomn of the game, +2 instead +1, and I don't know why, there isn't any "for loop" etc.. maybe is't because the url rewrite? but it work fine if people enter again the colomn will not update again, the problem is that is update +2 instead +1 (see the code at the bottom)this is my algorithm (something is wrong in this algorithm so don't use it):

1. put the query string in variable (the name of the game) - i'm using url rewite.

2. use this variable for select the game Name (and another information) from the database (and for the cookie I will use the game name from the database and not from the query string to avoid from capital letter problems, because cappital letter for the first word isn't good because words like of, to etc..).

3. for each pageload (there isn't postback in the game page) check if the cookie of the uniqe game exists

4. if not exists, create a cookie for the unique game (the name of the cookie and the his value will be same, because I don't care about it, it's only for check if the cookie exist, and I can't use one cookie for all the games because each time visitor enter the cookie will create for 1 day).

4. after this creation of the cookie try to find if the cookie exist (for cheaking if the user didn't disable the option for cookies)

5. if yes update the database column of the spesific game

the code:

In the end of the page_load - (the GameName is the virable of the name of the game from the database and not from the qury string).


and the update function


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State Management :: How To See The Sessionid Cookie On IE Browser

Apr 8, 2010

I want to see the asp.net_sessionid cookie on my IE browser. Where can I find it ?

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State Management :: How To Look At The Actual Cookie That Is Passed To .net

Nov 9, 2010

Our app uses session to keep track of users. We stuff their user id into session on logon. If the browser cache is cleared any refresh to the page is done then the user will see the log out sign - as the app cant get theuser id from session as the aspnet_session cookie wont be present in the request.Firefox works correctly but when I clear the cache on i.e. the session is maintained. The session ID's are the same for multiple I can debug the app to see what cookies its getting. How do I look at the actual cookie that is passed to .net?

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