State Management :: Expire The Session After Certain Period Of Time Which Has Been Created Once The Customer Logged In To The Page?

Feb 2, 2011

i want to know how expire the session after certain period of time which has been created once the customer logged in to the page

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Similar Messages:

State Management :: Session Time - Page Should Be Logged Out For 60 Minutes

Aug 22, 2010

My page is logging out in 20 minutes. I want my page should not be logged out for 60 mins.

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State Management :: Session Time Out Exception Logged ?

May 10, 2010

I am working on a 3.5 app. In the Global.asax in the Application_Error method, I am logging everthing to ddatabase (log4Net).

I have a session limit of 20 minutes. What happens when the user hits that limit and then clicks on the Submit Button of the app. ?Will that generate any exception? and will that exception be logged into my database as I am logging all exceptions in my Application_Error method.

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State Management :: How To Expire The Session Means No Used After Logout Form A Page Without Login

Jun 2, 2010

If at any time i m login in that time if i want to logout from this page then i'll used response.redirect() but that time how i'll expire the session means no used after logout form a page without login...

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State Management :: Session Does Not Expire?

May 5, 2010

I am using session variables for login and logout user . When user Signed In then i am create a seesion ["Log"] = 1 . And when user click on logout button i am use the session.RemoveAll() method .

But it does not working properly .After logout button when i click on the back button on browser then user automatically logged in and redirect to previous page .

here is my code on logout button


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State Management :: Session Expire Before Timeout In 2.0?

Nov 11, 2010

I set session timeout="200" but session expire within 5-6 minute .

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State Management :: How To Set Session.Timeout That Never Expire?

Jun 5, 2010

i use from a session for holding user's authority in web application.

how to i set Session.Timeout that never expire or can i use other way to holding user authority

in web application.

i need access to this authority in all page of web application

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State Management :: Why Automatically Session Expire At Runtime

Mar 16, 2010

I am using session on my online application if im wrong let me know when i wana remove session i will put this code


and also im using session for user login when user login on that time i have create one session("user_rights")

if session("user_rights") is nothing then
end if

but some time on working time session automatically or i dont know exactly session expire and on running time it go out i mean logout...and at that time if im doing something on my application all will be lose how can i make strong my session ... here is web.config code


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State Management :: Session Expire On Window Close?

Oct 26, 2010

I want to expire session when wndow is directly closed. I have master page.

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State Management :: How To Set Session Timeout Period For A Particular Control

Feb 17, 2011

in my application the default time out period for a session is 20 minutes. but i want to increase the sessiion time out period for a textbox.

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State Management :: Session Is Expire Error Processing Request / Config File Is Attache

Sep 5, 2010

i make a web site using frame but session is expire message is

Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Description: HTTP 500. Error processing request.

Stack Trace:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad (System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessLoad () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessPostData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Web.UI.Page.InternalProcessRequest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpContext context) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 My Web Config file is<configuration> <!-- store the database connection info here --> <appSettings> <add key="sBook_StoreDBConnectionString" value="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID=Admin;Data Source=C:Program FilesCodeChargeExamplesBookStoreBookStore_MSAccess.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" /> </appSettings> <system.web> <httpRuntime executionTimeout="1000" maxRequestLength="2000000" /> <!-- DYNAMIC DEBUG COMPILATION Set compilation debug="true" to enable ASPX debugging. Otherwise, setting this value to false will improve runtime performance of this application. Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging symbols (.pdb information) into the compiled page. Because this creates a larger file that executes more slowly, you should set this value to true only when debugging and to false at all other times. For more information, refer to the documentation about debugging ASP.NET files. --> <compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" /> <!-- CUSTOM ERROR MESSAGES Set mode="on" or "remoteonly" to enable custom error messages, "off" to disable. Add <error> tags for each of the errors you want to handle. --> <customErrors mode="Off"/> <!--<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="Login.aspx"> <error statusCode="500" redirect="Login.aspx"/> <error statusCode="404" redirect="Login.aspx"/> <error statusCode="403" redirect="Login.aspx"/></customErrors> --> <!-- AUTHENTICATION This section sets the authentication policies of the application. Possible modes are "Windows", "Forms", "Passport" and "None" --> <authentication mode="None" /> <!-- APPLICATION-LEVEL TRACE LOGGING Application-level tracing enables trace log output for every page within an application. Set trace enabled="true" to enable application trace logging. If pageOutput="true", the trace information will be displayed at the bottom of each page. Otherwise, you can view the application trace log by browsing the "trace.axd" page from your web application root. --> <trace enabled="false" requestLimit="10" pageOutput="false" traceMode="SortByTime" localOnly="true" /> <!-- SESSION STATE SETTINGS By default ASP .NET uses cookies to identify which requests belong to a particular session. If cookies are not available, a session can be tracked by adding a session identifier to the URL. To disable cookies, set sessionState cookieless="true". --> <sessionState mode="InProc" stateConnectionString="tcpip=localhost:42424" cookieless="false" timeout="60" /> <!-- GLOBALIZATION This section sets the globalization settings of the application. --> <globalization requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" /> </system.web> <connectionStrings> <add name="mydb" connectionString="Server=localhost;User=SYSDBA;Password=datacenter;Database=/opt/db/erp2.fdb;Min Pool Size=5;Max Pool Size=60;Connect Timeout=30" providerName="FirebirdSql.Web.Providers" /> <add name="mydb2" connectionString="Server=localhost;User=blackberry;Password=acgmkRMS;Database=/opt/db/pwd.fdb;Min Pool Size=5;Max Pool Size=60;Connect Timeout=30" providerName="FirebirdSql.Web.Providers" /> </connectionStrings></configuration>

View 2 Replies

Is It Safe Saving Credential Data In Session State For Short Period Of Time

Jan 1, 2011

Because of some situation , I had to save users password in session state for short period of time .it unsafe holding some important data in session state?

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Disable (Expire) Link After Some Period Of Time

Nov 8, 2012

In my project I have the requirement as follows.sending a mail to registered users with sign in link details.After a certain period of time elapses, the signin link should not work when user clicks on it. 

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State Management :: Check The Logged In Status Instead Of Using Session State?

Mar 16, 2011

Many web applications use sessions to check the logged in status of the users. Is there a better approach to check the logged in status instead of using session state?

I'm looking at a pure ReSTful approach where is no session state at all. This may make more sense in an mvc application rather than an application.

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State Management :: Error :Session State Has Created A Session Id, But Cannot Save It?

Nov 18, 2010

I read the solutioin for this error, at the following link : I am still not clear what exactly causes the error. I have two doubts :1. Can anyone please elaborate a bit on this issue, with any example ????2. Is there any drawback of this approach ?

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State Management :: Session Time Out - Open Login In New Page Rather In Same

Jul 28, 2010

By default when the Session ends then the End-User should be directs to the login page and logs in again. Is there any way to open the login page in a new page rather than opening it in the same page(upon Session time out)?

View 8 Replies

State Management :: Session Time Out - Redirect Page To Default

Feb 21, 2011

I'm using sessions to track user name. I assign Session["userName"] in my login procedure. The sessionn gets timeout in about 15 minutes. What I need to do is, if the session timeouts I need to redirect the page to the Default.aspx page.

How can I do this? Any code example would be great.

View 7 Replies

State Management :: How To Detect Session Time Out And Redirect To Login Page In .net Website

Jan 8, 2010

I have one website in which there is one page along with one ascx as registered into it. In the ascx where user can add some order details and click on "Make Payment" button, then there are following 2 cases...Case I: If user was not logged in, then a modal popup will open which has login ascx with 2 buttons Register & Login. In this case user either Login or Register and continue with "Make Payment".

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State Management :: ReNew Life Time Of The Session Of Page.User.Identity.UserId?

Feb 23, 2011

i have Using aspnetmembership

i want to know how i can ReNew The Life Time Of Page.User.Identity.UserId Session, , how i can increase the Time Of this session ??

i want this scenario in case when the user LogOn for 15 minutes , then the page refreshed ,then renew the TimeOut Of Session by adding addtional 15 minutes and so on

note that im using Page.User.Identity.UserId Session

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State Management :: Asp Create New Session State Cookie Each Time On Debugging?

Jan 21, 2011

I'm using the following line of code to display the number of users currently logged on:

lblNoOfUsers.Text = Membership.GetNumberOfUsersOnline().ToString()

I'm still debugging my application so it's on the local server. As I debug and stop then debug again, eventually lblNoOfUsers.text turns to "0" instead of "1", even as I'm navigating my application. It only turns to "1" again if I log out and sign back in. It's almost as though Membership.GetNumberOfUsersOnline my login are referencing two different session states. How is this possible? Does create a new session state cookie each time I start debugging?

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State Management :: New Session Is Being Created On Each Postback On Live Server?

Nov 17, 2010

This is the strangest problem im facing(may be i missed something). The application works fine locally, but when uploaded on the live server. the session values are not retrieved properly.

i have stored a value in a session in master page's code behind. and afte the page is redirected is to another page, there im not able to retrieve the session value.

why this is hapening.. i remind you this is working perfectly on local server. problem is only when published on live server.

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State Management :: Session Time Out Before Time Reach

Jan 10, 2011

<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="300"></sessionState>

is my session related tag in web.config file but most of the time if i idle 20 minutes then its automatically timedout and went to my login page, is there any solution ?

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Tacking Number Of Users Logged In Over A Time Period - Database Design?

Nov 12, 2010

In our application, we store the most number of users online. We do this by tracking what page each user is on currently and upon login, delete users who have been inactive for X minutes and then take a count of the users online, overwriting the most number online if this is higher.

How can we change this to track the number of users online over a time period, so we can look at a line graph of the number of users online. I guess we'll need a cron to run every 1/2/5/10/20/30/60 minutes to track the number online? Then how would be store this data, the table would get very large. I would think the likes of Statcounter/Analytics would have a better way of storing this data.

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State Management :: Session Time Out On IIS?

Jan 11, 2011

I have developed application in ASP.NET and placed on UAT server (windows XP IIS) where it worked fine but since I moved on production server (windows 2003 + IIS) after sometime its keep on expiring the session.

Please suggest urgently if possible how i can make it not to expire session at all.

below is my web.config


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State Management :: Get Session Age/start Time?

Apr 15, 2010

I want to be able to detect from C# code how long ago a user logged into the site. I need to take a particular action if it is their first time logging in. IsNewSession does not work, unfortunately.

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