State Management :: Retrieve Multiple Values From Session?

Nov 18, 2010

I want to pass multiple values to another page from my gridview. For sending i got this codes : (writing same page selected values)


Here is my question How can i catch from another page this values?

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Similar Messages:

State Management :: Store And Retrieve Multiple Values In A Single Session Variable?

Aug 24, 2010

I want to store employee name,designation and department in session variable and retrieve in another page how to do this.

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State Management :: Pass Multiple Selected Checkbox Values To Another Page With Session?

Nov 23, 2010

i want to pass multiple selected checkbox values to another page with session.


Second Page...

View 10 Replies

State Management :: Can't Retrieve Session Variable From Another Page

Sep 27, 2010

i'm a c# beginner, i set a session variable in a.aspx but it's null when i try to retrieve it in b.aspx

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State Management :: Can't Retrieve Session Object From Class

Jun 30, 2010

my solution currently has a website project and a class library project. I am attempting to access a session object from my class library but it is always returning null. In a settings class in my class library I store these values like so:

private static SessionProperty<WebUser> _currentUser = new SessionProperty<WebUser>("CurrentUser", delegate { return new WebUser(); });
public static WebUser CurrentUser
get { return _currentUser.Value; }
set { _currentUser.Value = value; }

I can access this just fine from any aspx page codebehind like so:


However, if I attempt to do the same thing from a class in my classlibrary project it always returns null.

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State Management :: Session State Returning Null Values?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a clear button and a textbox in an aspx page. I set the session variable in this page as

String str = Textbox1.Text;

Session["TypeIds"] = str;

and I clear the sessions in a clear button event as


Then when the user types some value in the textbox ,on Response.Redirect on another aspx page, the session variable returns null values.It does not retain its session state. The session state has to be maintained in the next page. Is it because this clear button event and setting explicitly to null creates this problem?

View 7 Replies

State Management :: Set Session Variables In One Page And Retrieve Them In Code File?

May 12, 2010

I'm trying to set session variables in one page, and retrieve them in my code file in the page that it posts to.

I keep getting this error. I put the correct namespaces in, and enabledSessionState = true to my application files, but no luck.

Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the <configuration><system.web><httpModules> section in the application configuration.

I'm just calling a session variable, and I get that error


Public AUID As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(Session("AUID"))

View 9 Replies

Session State Sql Server Mode - Retrieve Store Values From Database

Mar 23, 2011

My problem is regarding title written above. Currently I have some functions that rely on Sessions to do the job. Everything works smoothly when it is left to default. However, I do not like the idea of losing sessions in case of crash and I have modified my web.config to use Sql Server mode instead.

I have run the necessary commands to create tables and stored procedures in my database using aspnet_sql.exe. I am able to store values into the database but have not been successful retrieving them. Since it has been working fine with InProc mode, I think I can safely assume that there's nothing wrong with my codes. Here's my web.config setting:

<sessionState mode="SQLServer" allowCustomSqlDatabase="true" cookieless="false" timeout="120" sqlCommandTimeout="30" compressionEnabled="true"
sqlConnectionString="Data Source=.SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=mytest;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=mytest;Password=mytest;"/>

View 1 Replies

State Management :: Session Values Are Disappearing?

Apr 1, 2010

I have developed an project with and SQL Server 2008.

I have used session variable to store the user id while user login to the system.

The declaration is as follows:

Session("user_id") =txt_user.text

On the first page after login I have displaying the name using this Session value. And the menu also displaying according to the session value.

The code I am retreiving the value is,

dim user_name as string

On my development system everything working fine.

But when I implement the system to live server, the session value is not getting even for the first time.

I don't think this is problem with the code. This is some thing esle..

The implemented computer have Windows XP professional operating system and SQL Server 2008 Express edition datbase.

I have installed framework v2.0 and theIIS version is 5.1

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State Management :: Is There Other Than Session To Store Global Values

May 21, 2010

I want to use something better thatn using the session to store global values, because it has somw problems

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State Management :: How Session Values Are Remembered And Retrieved

Apr 22, 2010

when designing E-commerce website or shopping cart we call session value from login and we use it anywhere we need,but i want to know how session values are remembered and retrieved??i mean where they are stored and how it will be accessed

View 4 Replies

State Management :: Crossing Values Of Session Variables

Oct 18, 2010

We are working in a web application using Session variables to store the clients ID to operate with them in all app (making orders, reports, etc....) but randomly users get the client ID of another user in any moment using the application.

I have tried to solve it in a first step adding to system.web section in the web.config file this:


ASP.NET State Service is running in server normally, It began run just before this last change, but we have not solved the problem either with this solution.

The server is Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2 32bits running IIS 6.0, and the application is made with Framework 2.0

View 12 Replies

State Management :: Assign All Values In Session To Variable?

Dec 1, 2010

Is it possible to assign all values in session to variable.

retrieving some values from first page with this code

Dim retProductIDs As List(Of Integer) = CType(Session("ProductIDs"), List(Of Integer))

View 2 Replies

State Management :: Pull Values From Session TList?

Sep 6, 2010

I have populated a gridview with the following code

string WhereClause = query;
string OrderBY = "PostedOn desc";
int PageIndex = gvJobPosting.PageIndex;
int PageSize = gvJobPosting.PageSize;


But on int PostID = JobID[0].JobPostingID; i'm getting the error NullReferenceException Object reference not set to an instance of an object how do I set this so it takes the jobpostingID out of the session and loads it into the variable so i can use it as the parameter to call teh stored procedure

View 1 Replies

State Management :: Session Id Itself Travelling In The Cookie Values?

Feb 21, 2011

If I have two "webroles" (azure), that are NOT using a shared custom state provider, is the "Session.SessionID" be the same in both?It would make sense ,considering that both get the same cookie (because are in the same domain) and have the same machineKey, but I'm not sure

View 3 Replies

State Management :: Store Session Values In Page_load

Dec 3, 2010

I have two pages

First one is registration page.second one is Gridview page.

When i click on submitt button,the data will store in gridview.

If i want to update the data,click edit will navigate to registration page with concer data.

I wrote code in first page as


In second page gridview as


Now the problem isWhen click on edit,data is stored in concern textboxes.but i open first page it diplays session did not show empty textboxes.I want empty form wen i request first page and wen i click on edit it will store entire data in textboxes with update buttonand client id and client code readonly property to do it?

View 4 Replies

State Management :: Managing Session In Multiple Tab In The Same Browser?

May 26, 2010

I am sorry if this is been discussed earlier. I am having a problem maintaining the session when someone uses the same browser with multiple tab, the results gets messed up. A perfect example would be, [URL] if you open IE (or any other browser) and open two tabs and search for two different air travel itinerary and the results will completely overlapped (real mess). I know the cause for this problem (both tabs uses the same session). I would appreciate if somebody have any solution for this. I am using ASP.NET 3.5/VS 2008/VB.NETI will not be able to use Viewstate since I use a master page and pre-init event where view state is not available.

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State Management :: Session Variables And Multiple Sites?

Apr 20, 2010

i have 2 different sites under different subdomains.


i want to have SSO so i have tried to make a global cookie.

my question is :does the global cookie keeps the session variables when i am going from one site to another?

if not how can i pass a session variable for ex. session("userName") from one site to the other on redirect?

View 4 Replies

State Management :: Session Values Automatically Set Into Null In Masterpage

Dec 16, 2010

In my application, session value automatically set into null.In certain workflow only it will set as null (Normally It's able to access value). Example, at the time of login, I will set session values. While, user deleting some entries from drop down list of specifc page,client script will show message like selected entry deleted. After that, flow point will move to master page. There I have to access session variables. It's getting null value. I tried to debug with Quick watch, at the pageload of master page only value set into null (automatically).

View 6 Replies

State Management :: How To Read Textbox Values In Another Page Without Using Session

Nov 30, 2010

I have two aspx pages.In first page i have two textboxes . i need to use textbox values in second page. with out using session

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State Management :: Adding Values To Session In InLine WEBMETHOD?

Jan 29, 2011

By using AJAX am trying to call a webmethod in Code behind. In that webmethod I want to put some dynamic grid data and text box data to session. But WEBMETHOD is static, so we wont get access to Session and web controls. Is there any other method to achieve that window.onbeforeunload calling a script, that script calls a webmethod. This is the procedure i am following.

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State Management :: Session Variable And Multiple Web Application Instance

Oct 13, 2010

I have a web application using window authentication. There are a search page and a edit page in the application. In search page, user can enter some search criterias in the textboxes and the search result will be displayed in the gridview by clicking the "Search" button. User can select any row from the gridview and it will take him to the edit page. In the edit page, there is a "Back" button to take the user back to the search page. I use session variables to remember what the search criterias the user entered in the textboxes and what page number the user was in the gridview. So when the user goes back to the search page, the textboxes are pre-populated with the search criterias and the gridview is displayed in the correct page number.

The problem is: If user1 opened one browser window and did a search using search criterias1, then user1 opened a 2nd browser window and did a search using search criterias2. When the user1 went back to the search page from the edit page using the first browser window, all the textboxes and page numbers are from the 2nd browser window, instead of the 1st one. Can anyone explain this problem to me and how to prevent it? It will be helpful too if you can give me some links about the similar problem. I am thinking if the same user logged on two different machines and did the search on each machine, what is the result?

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State Management :: Browser Multiple Tab Over Written Session Object

May 3, 2010

While working with mutliple tabs of same browser, session varibles/object gets over written with latest one.

Scenario in my application:

I have to create new employee on first tab(tab #1), and updating existing employee details on second tab(tab #2).I stored employee other details in Session["dtInfo"], use it on saving the record.Now Session["dtInfo"] having details of latest tab created, i.e. tab #2. I tried to save record on tab #1, facing the problem of session gets over written.I had to check some vaules on OnInit and OnInitComplete event. But I get here wrong values in session.

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State Management :: How To Reuse Session Code In Multiple Classes

Jul 10, 2010

I would like to reuse in different classes the following code :


However i cannot add this code in App_Code because Session is not recognized in .cs classes.

Therefore i need to create resusable classes which will contain the previous code.

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State Management :: Session Values Are Not Getting Stored If More Users Access The Site

Apr 2, 2010

l am facing a problem with session.

If many users access the site, the session gets crashed and data which i store to access across pages is getting lost.

a best way to store data (as session does) so that i can use the data across my web application.

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