Synchronizing And Coordinating Processes On A Web Farm?

Oct 15, 2010

in my ASP.NET app happen asynchronously (i.e in background threads without any access to HttpContext). Let me take an example of one such action. The app would be deployed to a web farm soon.

The background threads would be processing files deposited to a network share location. So, when the app starts, I create a FilesystemWatcher to monitor activities on the desired network share folder.

As soon as a new file arrives, the code processes it and marks it as completed processing.

The problem is with multiple servers watching the same network share, the same file might get processed on different machines, meaning redundant results. On a single server, I use locking mechanisms to prevent race conditions.

Now how to prevent the same on a web farm?

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Apr 26, 2010

I'm building a Javascript application and eash user has an individual UserSession. The application makes a bunch of Ajax calls. Each Ajax call needs access to a single UserSession object for the user.

Each Ajax call needs a UserSession object.

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I believe that the synchronization is happening application wide, however I only need it to happen per user. I saw a post here that says the ASP.NET cache is synchronized, however the time between creating the object and inserting it into the cache another Thread could start construction it's another object and insert it into the cache.

Here is the way I'm currently synchronizing access to the object. Is there a better way than using "lock"... should be be locking on the HttpContext.Session object?


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User1: Process342
User1: Process151
User2: Process452
User2: Process674
User2: Process111

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What I'm finding is that if I externally change the date in the text box that the CalendarExtender is attached to (I'm also using an image button with a calendar image to invoke the calendar - like the last example on the

samples page), the date on the calendar does not stay in sync.


page loads. text and calendar are set to 1/14/2010. cool. on the click event of a button elsewhere on the page I set the date in the text box to 12/15/2009.

I would expect that clicking on the calendar button to display the calendar would show December 15, 2009 in the calendar, but instead it's still stuck on January 14, 2010.

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in javascript?

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I'd like to display an animated gif after user presses a submit button which causes postback. I'm following Joe Stagner's tutorial

here. The page worked fine. But now that I've added the update panel around the button and then an update progress with a gif in it, the app doesn't run.

Now, when the button is pressed, the animated gif appears and runs for about three seconds or so (due to the artificial latency added as per the tutorial - System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000) ) and then it stops, nothing returns from the server.

What am I doing wrong and what am I not understanding with this Ajax process and the server?

(by the way I'm using the toolscript manager that came with the Ajax control toolkit, don't know if that matters)


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Jan 15, 2010

I'm firing the my ModalPopupExtender from a server side button click (bthAuth) and then need to hide that button after my processing is complete. When btnAuth.Visible = False is called it displays the ModalPopupExtender. If I remove this piece of code the window goes away like it should.

<cc1:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="btnAuth" BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground" PopupControlID="ModalPanel"> </cc1:ModalPopupExtender>


bunch of stuff here()

btnAuth.Visible = False -- This is what is causing the ModalPopupExtender to stay displayed.

On Page Load:

btnAuth.OnClientClick = String.Format("fnClickUpdate('{0}','{1}')", btnAuth.UniqueID, "")


<script type="text/javascript">
function fnClickUpdate(sender, e)

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Feb 4, 2010

I'm currently experiencing and issue on whether to say a connection has been left open due to my code or if it's left open due to ADO.NET pooling. Here's a sample of my code:

Public Function ExecuteDataTable(ByVal strStoredProc As String, Optional ByVal objParams As SqlParameter() = Nothing, Optional ByVal cmdType As CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure) As DataTable
Dim objDt As New DataTable
Dim objAdapt As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim objParam As SqlParameter
If Not IsNothing(objParams) Then
End If
objAdapt.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand
With objAdapt.SelectCommand


Then when I go to open up the SQL Mgmt Studio, I look into the processes and the particular connection that has ran with the SQL that my function runs appears to remain open. So to me, it looks like ADO.NET is performing some kind of pooling. Is it safe to make that conclusion? How would I be able to tell if the connection is available to be used again by the ADO.NET pool?

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Prevent IIS From Reusing Worker Processes For Separate AppDomains

Sep 21, 2010

When IIS restarts an ASP.Net (2.0) web application, it can either:

Recycle the AppDomain: Unload the AppDomain and load a new AppDomain on the same process (e.g. when HttpRuntime.UnloadAppDomain() is called, when web.config is changed).
Recycle the process: unload the AppDomain and load a new one on a new process (e.g. when invoking Recycle command on an AppPool via inetmgr, or when memory limit is reached).

Due to some internal reasons (trouble with legacy native code we depend upon), we cannot allow the first option. We just can't load the application twice on the same process.

Can IIS be somehow told to never allow worker process reuse?

I've tried preventing it myself by tracking whether an application has already started on a process once using a Mutex, and if so - throwing an exception during Application_Start()); I've also tried terminating the process by calling Environment.Exit() during Application_End(). The problem with both methods is that it causes any requests that arrive during Application_End or Application_Start to fail (unlike a manual process recycle, which fails absolutely no requests because they are redirected to the new process right away).

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Can Use Web Farm And Web Garden Together

Jul 6, 2010

Web farm is used for multiple request and multiple user using switching among them.

Web Garden creates worker processes for every processor individually for one user.

Is it possible to use worker process as a switch and convert it into Web Farm that can allocate multiple processor on bases of algorithm?

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C# - How To Call Particular Web Farm

Sep 29, 2010

Currently have an web site which is contained on 2 web servers which are load balanced i.e. web farm.

I would like to have some code which would allow me to call a particular server and execute a method on it. I WANT TO do this so that i can force all web servers to refresh their cache via a web page on the site.

Use Case is: Admin user logs into site and makes a change to a setting which is cached and then clicks "Refresh web server cache" button which then calls the update cache method on each of the servers. this is to prevent me from having to restart the app pool every time a cached setting is changed.

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.net - Authentication With A Web Farm?

Feb 24, 2011

Given the idea of a web application (.NET 3.5+)

web app

the authentication using forms will result in a similar line of code

FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(strUsrNm, True)

this is fine in a non load balanced server instance. how does authentication work in a load balanced stuation (no sticky session/infinity), and you cannot store the client IP, users password or login in the browser.

Load balancer
Web app (on server 1) || Web app (on server 2)

limitations: no database sessions, no AD server (for example: cater for external users)in short - in a load balanced situation how does the appliation know who the user is if they authenticated against the other server without re-authenticating.

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Synchronizing Local SQL Server Database To Remote Database?

Sep 1, 2010

I have production server on our intranet and we have website on remote server with its own database. Now we want to sync some tables from our local database to remote database at some interval of time. I have own idea that if data sync is fail than we should get email about that from remote database.

For above scenario I was looking some ideas from you guys and different method to do it. I know about replication of database how to do that. Can we do it by, SSIS package which will be easy.

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Difference Between The Web Farm And Web Garden?

Mar 23, 2011

difference between the Web Farm and Web Garden with some real time scenario?

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Architecture :: Using Profile In Web Farm

May 6, 2010

My web app must access database via web service, and can not access databse directly.

In case my web app is deployed into a web farm, to remember the user's preference, I think I can't use ASP.NET Profile directly.

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.NET Page Caching In A Web Farm

Mar 11, 2010

We have a small web farm(2 servers) balanced by the built in network load balancer in Windows 2003. We have a few pages that use page caching. My question is: Is it possible that that a given user could cause a page to be cached and another user see that content? Here is the page directive for the page in question:

<%@ OutputCache Duration="1" NoStore="true" VaryByParam="none" %>

The reason the duration is set to "1" is to ensure that the page isn't cached any longer than 1 second because of transactions that actions on the page can trigger.

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To Get The Postback To Execute On This Web Farm?

Apr 6, 2010

So I have an ASP.Net web forms application that is using URL Routing. It works great on the old single server shared web hosting account. It has been moved over to a new platform that appears to be a web farm. When a postback happens it now just refreshes the page and the event handler is not envoked. Another thing I've noticed is they put the application into a sub-folder on the account and are using ISAPI Rewrite to point the domain to the sub to get the postback to execute on this web farm?

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File Download From Web Farm?

Mar 28, 2011

I am working on a project where we want to provide link to download excel file.We are using NLB for load balancing,NLB cluster contains 3 machines.constraint is that excel file to be downloaded is available on a single machine.How to ensure that HTTP request underneath will served from the same mahine?

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State Management :: How To Use HttpContext On A Web Farm

Aug 16, 2010

I'm considering using the HttpContext.Items HashTable to store reuseable user data (per user) instead of in the Session,

I'm hoping that this data is stored on the client and not on the server, but I did not see anywhere that this is the case...

Also, is there any drawback or loss of data that can happen when using web farm or clustered web servers ?

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C# - WebResource.axd Throwing Exceptions In Web Farm?

Jan 17, 2011

We have an array of about 12 servers serving a website. Over the past few hours, one single server has started throwing exceptions for WebResource.axd and ScriptResource.axd requests.


System.Web.HttpException - This is an invalid script resource request.

Stack Trace

at System.Web.Handlers.ScriptResourceHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)

Broken server URL


All other servers URL


I have checked the web.config, machine.config for every server and they're all identical. The only difference been able to find so far is that prior to the problem commencing, the servers were patched, after which, the problematic server looks to be using different version of the System.Web.dll to the others?

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