Textbox Line Endings On The Web?

Jan 20, 2010

I have an ASP.Net page with a multi-line textbox on it. Will the line endings on this textbox be according to the server or the client? What I'm asking is if ASP.Net is running in Linux on Mono will the line endings always be or will it depend on if the client computer is running Linux? Are line endings in a textbox determined by the server or client?

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C# - Export To Excel Leaves [?] On Line Endings Before Carriage Returns

Dec 14, 2010

I have an some code to export data form an SQL database to an Excel spread sheet. the data is entered via a web site and some of it contains multiple lines of information. I need to preserve the multiple lines but excel 2007 continues to put an [?] at the end of each line.Here's what I got so far

CellValue.ToString() // this returns [?][?] at the end of each line for excel 2007
// and a single [?] in excel 2010
CellValue.Replace("[//r]","") // this works correctly for 2010 but still leaves a [?] for 2007
Cellvalue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "") // this removes all the line breaks.

what can I replace the Environment.NewLine with in order to still have line breaks in both excel 2007 and 2010 (with no [?]) ?

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Web Forms :: Read A Multilined TextBox Line By Line?

Sep 11, 2010

I am trying to read a multilined textBox line by line into a List<String> but with the code below the compiler says that "'System.Environment' does not contain a definition for 'Newline'


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Asp:textbox - How Does User 'enter' To Next Line

Feb 12, 2010

I have a asp:textbox control followed by a button.The textbox is multiple lines, but when users hit 'enter' to go to the next line (trying to do a carriage return), the button 'onclick' event is executed. how do I change that?

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How To Add Line Break In Multiline Textbox

Jan 12, 2010

I am trying to add line Break in Multiline textbox when i am displaying data.

This is how i m doing but its not showing line break. I have tried using "/r/n" as well.

txtlog.Text = txtlog.Text & " Creating Objects...<br/>"
txtlog.Text = txtlog.Text & " Objects Created Successfully...<br/>"

I want the output should be like below :

Creating Objects...

Objects Created Successfully...

But it showing like without line break.

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C# - Preserve Line Breaks In Textbox?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a multiline textbox whose .Text property get saved in an SQL 2008 DB. When I submit the textbox, I loose the returns. How do I handle this?

I've used Enviroment.Newline() to do some html conversion stuff, but I've never ran into this specific problem.

Edit: Nevermind, it was working just fine, but I was replacing " " incorrectly. Stupid mistake. I have to convert the " " to <p> tags. I've done this before, but if anybody wants to answer, I'll mark their answer as correct.

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Web Forms :: Display Only The Last Line Of A Multiline TextBox?

Sep 24, 2010

On my Asp.Net GridView I am binding a textbox to a field in SQL. Sometimes the content of the textbox is more than 1 line and I

need to show only the LAST line. How can I do that? Here is part of my code...notice that I use Rows=1 on purpose so that I am able to show only 1 line but I need it to scroll all the way down and have it show only the last line of the whole content:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtBoxComments" runat="server" MaxLength="5000" ReadOnly="true" Rows="1" Text='<%# Eval("Comments") %>'
TextMode="MultiLine" Width="100%" Wrap="true" />

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Automatic Line Break In Textbox Control?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a scenario in my application, by saving a text of length 20000 chars without line break in between.When i retrieve the same to an asp.net textbox control my UI is stretching to the length of these 2000 chars in a single line . I have to wrap the text automatically inside text box.

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Aligning Label And Textbox On Same Line (left And Right)?

May 18, 2010

I have an ASP.NET control. I want to align the textbox to the right and the label to the left.

I have this code so far:

<td colspan="2">
<asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<div style="text-align: right">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

The textbox aligns to the right, but the label aligns to the left and on the line above. How can I fix this so that the label is on the left, the textbox on the right, and both on the same line?

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Allow Page Breaks To Be Used In Multi - Line Textbox Control

Dec 22, 2010

Is there any way to allow page breaks to be used in a multi-line textbox control. I would like the text below to be inserted into my database, so when displayed in a label its not all in one paragraph. Ex:

some text to be inserted in <br/>
some more text to be inserted in <br/>

View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: Read Specific Line Of Multiline Textbox?

Dec 12, 2010

How do I just get the first line of a multiline textbox? Either that or delete everything after "<br/>"? I tried something like this but it doesn't work:

MyTextBox.Text.Replace("<br/> + '%'", "")

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C# - Preserve New Line Characters Of Data From Textbox To Sql Server

Mar 1, 2011

I am using Multi-line Textbox through which users will be able to enter data which will be saved on to the SQL Server 2008 database. There is an other process, which reads this data from the table and writes to a text file.


If the data entered by users in text box contains <Enter> from keyboard, it is saving to the database with some spaces replacing the <Enter>.

Some how if I read the same data to a text box on webpage, it is being displayed properly.

But, if my second process that reads the data from database and prints to a text file, it is not keeping the text format properly. It is not retaining the <Enter> in the data being printed to text file.

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Multiline Textbox - Automatically Break To Next Line After 100 Characters

May 2, 2012

I've had an "interesting" request .

1) Is it possible, in a multiline textbox, to automatically break to the next line after 100 characters?
2) If not, is it possible to parse the enter key as entered by the user to break the line in the code behind?

Some additional info:

The person requesting this does not think that the user should use a single line textbox limited to 100 characters and click an "Add Line" button to store that field in a table.

The person requesting this is of the belief that a DEC Alpha-based system that currently does this can be replicated on the web.

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How To Maintain Tabs / Spacing In Multi-line Textbox

Oct 20, 2011

I have text I drop in:

This is My Text
This is Line 2
This is Line 3

I save this into SQL Server, but when I reload it the data comes out as

This is My Text This is Line 2 This is Line 3

How I save it, how I load it, or both?

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VS 2008 / How To Limit Characters Per Line In Multiline Textbox

Dec 5, 2011

how to limit the number of characters per line in a multiline textbox? Any posibility to do this with javascript? I have the users enter a list of names and need to limit each. I hate to use another textbox to add each name. If so, I would then add them to a listbox instead so they could select and remove a name.

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Web Forms :: Remove Last Line Of Multiline TextBox If Blank

Oct 18, 2013

In my asp web page, there is a multiline textbox. And upon a button click from the same page I need to delete the last row or line from the multiline textbox. How is that possible.

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Web Forms :: Converting Line Breaks From A Multiline Textbox To Html

Apr 6, 2010

Here's some pseudo-code as to how I'm converting line breaks in a multi-line textbox into the html equivalent for storage into a DB.

Server.HtmlEncode(Trim(TextBox.Text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")))

When I trace the variable while debugging I notice that when using Internet Explorer 7, the text is parsed correctly from the text box and <br /> tags are inserted appropriately.

However when the page is ran in Firefox or Chrome, the line breaks are not converted.

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Web Forms :: How To Input Line Breaks And Formatting In Textbox With Multilines

Sep 28, 2010

I have a web form in which anyone can fill out the information and i recieve the information.

<asp:TextBox ID="Body" runat="server" Columns="55" Height="101px" Rows="30" TextMode="MultiLine"

The problem is while entering the information in this text box, if anyone used enter line or different line or any kind of formatting, as a result i don't get the formatted page or with lines. I see only a paragraph which is very difficult to read and understand.

How to make my textbox compatible with all kind of formatting options so that even if someone paste information from word etc in the text box , i should get the formatter information just like the user pasted the information in the text box...

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Making Use Of Multi Line Textbox To Display Multiple Table Of 2?

Jun 6, 2010

I am making use of multi line textbox to display multiple table of 2 , but it is only showing the last value i.e 20. I made the following code:

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page

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Web Forms :: Start Text In New Line In Textbox Watermark Extender

Jun 7, 2012

I used to show the text using TextBoxWatermarkExtender.

The text is so big.

How to break the string in the text in the text box that is shown using TextBoxWatermarkExtender

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Web Forms :: Preserve Line Break Of TextArea (Multiline TextBox)

May 7, 2015

I have multiline textbox and my user type like

Monday 14 pm

Tuesday 15 pm

Wednesday 16 pm

I want on save button these will go into loop into database like it should not go into one row of sql server database instead it will into 3 rows.

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Web Forms :: Draw Horizontal And Vertical Line Pointing Textbox Across The Page

Jan 3, 2010

Textbox 3

I've one of webform (in design side) has so many textboxes incorborate from one another so , i want to draw line vertically and horizontally acoross the page to point the textboxes

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Web Forms :: Copy Textbox Text To A Label Including Line Breaks?

Jan 6, 2010

How can we copy the textbox text as it is to a label including carriage returns?

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Data Controls :: Save Text From MultiLine TextBox To Database With Line Breaks

May 7, 2015

I want to add below paragraph using TextBox multiline in one column without richtextbox or fckeditor.

No dent no scratch.. single hand driven only 11000 km running till now original condition no part break till now ...

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview - Textbox Not Wrapped And Doesn't Go Onto New Line - Reaches The Edge Of The Screen

Oct 23, 2010

This is probably something very simple that I've over looked, but I have a template field in a details view. In the field there is a html <p> tag that is bound to a database field. The database field is set to nvarchar(max) and will usually be very long. When the text is loaded into the <p> tag, it is not wrapped and does not go onto a new line when it reaches the edge of the screen.

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