TinyMCE .NET Dll Could Not Be Found?

Nov 17, 2010

I am trying to include the .Net TinyMCE dll in my project. The code I am using is:

<%@ Register Assembly="Moxiecode.TinyMCE" Namespace="Moxiecode.TinyMCE.Web" tagprefix="tinymce" %>

I have already added the dll to the references in the project and I checked the code in my csproj to make sure it is correct. I modified it to make sure it had a path hint.

<Reference Include="Moxiecode.TinyMCE, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">


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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: AutoCompleteExtender - Display No Records Found Message When No Matches Found

Jul 18, 2013

I found this very useful [URL]....

How to display No Match Found when there is no data with the entered initials.

Ex: zz

Output No Match Found

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C# - How To Keep TinyMCE After Postback In An UpdatePanel

Aug 17, 2010

When I click a button that causes a postback on the UpdatePanel it calls the tinyMCE.triggerSave().

It reloads the panel and the editor show up again, but when I try to call tinyMCE.triggerSave() the second time I get the following error:

g.win.document is null

I though it was getting the old instance, but I'm also removing the control (tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl',false,'Editor');) after I call the save. Even so it still crashes the second time.

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C# - Get TinyMCE Instance By Class?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a form with multiple TinyMCE instance. I created the TextArea controls dynamically using a Repeater control - They all have the same ID,but I gave each one a different class. I assigned each of the TextArea controls a TinyMCE instance using the editor_selector : option in the TinyMCE Init function.

tinyMCE.init({ mode : 'textareas',theme : 'simple',editor_selector : 'upperBlock',directionality : 'rtl'}); tinyMCE.init({ mode : 'textareas',theme : 'simple',editor_selector : 'middleBlock',directionality : 'rtl'});

I want to refer to a specific TinyMCE instance in a JS function and get its content. In the case when each TextArea control has a different id that could by done by using :


Is there a way to get ref to a specific TinyMCE instance content by the class assigned to it in the editor_selector option of the TinyMCE Init function ?

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Javascript - Allow A Self Closing Tag In TinyMCE?

Nov 2, 2010

The source tags inside my video element need to be self closing so the iPad doesn't start whinging.

I type in <source src="myVideo.m4v" />

TinyMCE keeps changing it to <source src="myVideo.m4v" ></source> though.

How can I tell it to stop?

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C# - Can't Delete Image File While Using TinyMCE

Feb 7, 2010

i am using TinyMCE AND AsyncFileUpload AND an Update Panel After Uploading , i cannot delete the Images while Adding them to tinymce content because it is being used by another process.

lock (this)
if (File.Exists(_FILE_HANDLER_))

Do i have to Dispose TinyMce :: Like This :

tinyMCE.execCommand('mceFocus', false, '<%= TextBox1.ClientID %>');
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, '<%= TextBox1.ClientID %>');

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Javascript - TinyMCE Losing Frame In IE8?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a web-site. We are using TinyMCE as our text editor. I just upgraded to the newest version and added the media plugin so our users can add videos to their enteries.The upgrade works great on Chrome, FireFox, IE7. However, it does not work with IE8. The frame around the editor disappears along with the toolbar.

Here is the init code I'm using:

// General options[code].....

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Web Forms :: TinyMCE Editor Is Empty?

Jun 22, 2010

I have tinymce .net control on my .net webform and the basic setup works a treat. My code behind can see the html generated my tinymce via the TextArea1.Value property. However as soon as I set the mode to textareas the value is suddenly always empty! The problem is that if the mode is not set to textareas the tinymce editor is only in simple mode and does not offer all the features.

How do I get this to work?

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Web Forms :: How To Disable Resize In TinyMCE

May 7, 2015

I used tinymce in my page...

I want users don't allow to resize it so I used below css:

{ direction:rtl;
font:bold 18px tahoma;

but it doesn't work..

is there other code for this?

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Web Forms :: Using TinyMCE Html Editor In Web Application With .net 3.5 And C#?

Aug 30, 2010

I am using TinyMCE html editor in my web application with Asp.net 3.5 and C#. If I enter a path like http://video.test.com/test.flv in url attribute to add video in my page content, the leading slash gets stripped, and becomes "http:/video.test.com/test.flv".So that the move could not get loaded. On button click event the slash gets removed. Button click is necessary for me to save the page content into the database.

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Web Forms :: Adding Templates To TinyMCE Editor

Mar 28, 2012

i have integrated the template into the tiny using the following code

template_templates: [               
{  title: "red", src: "Template/redyellow/Website/about.html"  },
{  title: "Law", src: "Template/Law/index.html" }, 
{  title: "Business", src: "Template/Blue_Business/index.html"   }, 
{  title: "asubtleorange", src: "Template/asubtleorange/index.html" }, 
{  title:" 110100013",  src: "Template/110100013/index.html"  } ]

But I need it with file upload control...  like the image is added with tiny editor using the following code

 if (FileUpload1.HasFile)  {  
string FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); 
FilePath = "editor_image/" + FileName;   
editor.Text += string.Format("<img src = '{0}' alt = '{1}'/>", FilePath, FileName); 

like the above code i need to add the html/style sheet template.

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Finding Conflict Between Microsoft Ajax And TinyMCE JavaScript

Jan 8, 2010

I have written an asp.net usercontrol with TinyMCE as a text editor for my web application.

This control is being used on webforms. When other control(s) perform a partial page refresh, the control no more remains a texteditor, is converted back to the same old textarea control. When updatepanel is not used, there is no problem.

Is this some kind of conflict between Microsoft Ajax and TinyMCE JavaScript or am I missing something ?




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Web Forms :: Can't Save Text From TinyMCE TextBox To .txt File

Jul 2, 2010

I have set up a tinyMCE textBox on an emtpy form. I will now save some written text to a .txt file. When I press the button, I receive an error page and the .txt file is not created. However if I dont write anything in the textBox and press the button, then the .txt file is created and the messageBox is shown.


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Jquery - 4.0 With TinyMCE And XML Encoding Re-encodes Content On Postback?

Jan 20, 2011

i have a ASP.NET 4.0 based CMS, where i use the TinyMCE (3.4) via jQuery to edit one Textbox.In addition to this i have several other textboxes. There is also another DropDown List on the Page, which controls the Contenttype.This Control has AutoPostback enabled and sets the visibility on the textboxes regarding the selectes item.As i want to keep the Postback Validation on i have configured the TinyXML to use xml for the content serialisation (encoding: "xml").Now i have the problem, when a postback from e.g. the DropDown List occures, the re-encodes the content.

Init: "Hallo"
1st Postback: "<p>Hallo</p>"
2nd Postback: "<p><p>Hallo</p></p>"

i have enabled the original textarea via css and this seems to be a problem of the TinyMCS's Save method.
Does anybody have a solution, how to fix this issue maybe with a custom save_callback on the TinyMCE?

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Forms Data Controls :: TinyMCE Richtext Editor?

Jun 25, 2010

if i can get the script of color picker as like shown in this link?ttp://tinymce.moxiecode.com/examples/example_25.php

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Controls :: How To Change Font Size Of H1 H2 Tags In TinyMCE

Apr 10, 2014

I use tinyMce in my page ,below is apart of code that define format of text

style_formats: [

{ title: 'bolder', format: 'h1' },
{ title: bold', format: 'h2' },
{ title: 'small', format: 'h3' },

I want here instead of H1,H2,H3 I put font size for it I mean like :12px,14px 16px...

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Controls :: TinyMCE Code Syntax Highlighting Plugin

Jul 14, 2013

which are the existing plugins for add code blocks in TinyMCE?

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Data Controls :: How To Validate TinyMCE Rich TextBox

May 7, 2015

I used below code instead of ckeditor

<script src="../tinymce/tinymce.min.js" type = "text/javascript"></script>
<script type = "text/javascript">
language : 'fa',
directionality : 'rtl',
selector: "textarea#elm1",


here I used validation for textbox that if users don't enter text it show error..now here problem is that when I enter text for firsttime it show validation error  I should enter text again that it doesn't show error and insert data into database.what should I do that it doesn't show validation error when I enter text for first time it doesn't show error?

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Controls :: Remove Image From TinyMCE And Delete It From Folder

Mar 5, 2013

just like the upload method with TinyMCE editor is there is any image remove method so that i can remove image through image button

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Controls :: Required Field Validator For TinyMCE RichTextBox

Dec 18, 2012

I am using TinyMCE Editor for textarea in my webpage.

I also use RequiredFieldValidator for the same textarea, and when I click submit button the RequiredFieldValidator fires even the textarea has some text entered in it.

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Can Add Html Page/template Into Tinymce Or Fckeditor Or WYSIWYG Editor

Mar 23, 2011

can i add html page/template into tinymce or fckeditor or WYSIWYG editor

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Web Forms :: Remove All Buttons Except Spell Checker In TinyMCE Editor?

Dec 3, 2012

I've used TinyMCE Editor for textareas in my webpage, it works fine but the problem is, I want the show only the Toggle Spell Checker button to user. I don't want to show any other buttons like bold, underline, etc.

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Controls :: Set Height And Width Of TinyMCE Rich Text Box (Editor)

Sep 20, 2015

i have add the Tiny MCE Rich TextBox on my webpage using article 


but i am unable to set height and width. 

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Web Forms :: How To Embed Flash In TinyMCE Rich Text Editor

Jan 4, 2013

How can I embed flash in tinymce by entering url

for example [URL].....

in a textbox and pressing a button?

I found embed.js (jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/media/js/embed.js) and this code is there (last version of tinymce (3.5.8))

function writeEmbed(cls, cb, mt, p) {
var h = '', n;
h += '
'; for (n in p) h += ''; h += '' ;

what must I write inestead of those Question marks to embed flash?

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string url = TextBox1.Text;
string[] Arry = url.Split('/');
string filename = Arry[Arry.Length - 1];
txttiny.Text += ?????????????????????????????????
Label1.Text = txttiny.Text;

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Web Forms :: Use Multiple TinyMCE Editor Instances On A Single Webpage

Oct 12, 2013

How we can use multiple tiny mce on a single webpage i.e..aspx page?

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