Two Applications To Use The Same Membership Tables - Specifically User Login Data

Mar 16, 2010

I have created a solution with two applications. They bothe use the same database which is setup with .net membership and roles.

Application 1 uses the membership for sauthentication to an administration area - this works fine.

Application 2 - has a different applicationID to App1. I want to be able to use the existing user account to manage App2's authentication needs.

How is this best achieved? Do I just match App2 appliactionID to App1's or is there another way?

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Creating A Website With Membership And User Login?

Mar 2, 2010

Environment: W2K8R2 x64 +SPn..., Office 2007 +SPn..., Visual Studio 2008 + SP1+ SPn..., SqlExpress2005 +SPn..., SQL Std 2008 +SPn...

2 Problems...

1) No matter how I try Default.aspx never shows up as the StartPage even though I've told it to, the Login.aspx Page shows up first, so the rest of the walkthrough seems strange....

2) I'm a dummy when it comes to SMTP so I can not seem to get the SMTP to send a message to the User supplied e-mail address....

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VS 2005 - Creating Website With Membership And User Login

Oct 13, 2015

I am taking MSDN's walkthrough on Creating a Web Site with Membership and User Login. I have some free time and am taking a look at some topics I'm not 100% clear on. So this isn't for a live site; just for my own edification. I set up a user in the web site administration tool then another one in the CreateUserWizard control. I was surprised that in the control it let me create the 2nd user with the same email id as the 1st so I was looking around at how to prevent this. I found requiresUniqueEmail="true" that goes in web.config, in this block:

<membership defaultProvider="SqlProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="20">
<add name="SqlProvider"
applicationName="MyApplication" />

Which I believe would be the solution. Is that right? My problem is what do I set all those other attributes to in the block? All I really want is requiresUniqueEmail but it seems I have to specify a connectionstring also but I don't know what this would be. The website is using ASPNETDB.MDF which got created in App_Data after I ran the administration tool for the first time (I believe). So I need to explicitly define a connectionstring to that DB now that I want to require a unique email?

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Avoid Concurrent Login (logout Former Login Session) In Membership

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I am wondering how I can implement so that later login session logout former login session to avoid concurrent login. I know how to check whether the user is online (by Membership.IsOnline()) and logout the current user (by FormsAuthentication.SignOut()). But I don't know how to logout the previous login session.

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I have more of the same applications.All tables are identical.Each application has a new user.These different applications are located in different domains such as.:,, domain has different users.

For each domain in the web.config change the "ApplicationName", eg.:
ApplicationName = domain1, ApplicationName = DOMAIN2, ApplicationName = domain3 ...

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whether the username exist or not

if its exist it should match with the right password and right username

Language-ASP.NET C@


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How To Add Membership Tables To Existing Database

Oct 5, 2010

I was reading through this post here and thought to my self what the common practice is. What do developers using ASP.NET membership and authorization in their applications recommend as a best practice? creating the membership tables in the same database that stores their applications data or configuring a second database to store ONLY the membership information?.

My current setup is a different database for membership information ONLY but am thinking that increases the number of databases i have to maintain. If I have 5 applications using membership, then that means 5 more membership databases. So do you normally create the membership tables in your main database or you configure a separate membership table? what do you recommend.

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C# - 4 Custom Membership Provider Tables

Apr 3, 2011

Now this might just be straightforward, but I can't seem to figure it out..

I have set up the Custom Membership provider, and gave it the proper connection stuff.
What I know is that it connects to the correct database, but I know for sure that it doesn't look at the correct table.

How would I set it up to use a specific table? As the table already has users in them.

The table name is: members_info.

the column names are: member___id(key), member_name, member__pwd, member_perm

member___id => Being the Key and the account name to login with
member_name => Being the users Name or Nickname
member__pwd => 10 chars long (for now)
member_perm => holds 1 of the following values: 0) User 1)Admin 2)Banned

now I know that the later one is to be setup by the Role Provider, and I'm sure once I know how to do the membership one that one is similar in some way.

So my question is, how do I point the Custom Membership Provider to the table: members_info and to use member___id for username, members__pwd for password (and possibly get member_name out to say: Welcome {member_name}! when they login).


Added info.
Members__uid is the key value as it increases on each new entry.


Since you can't tell it to use a specific table

How can I set it up so, that it works with the tool provided in visual studio? (Website > Configuration).

As it now says 0 users, on the security tab. I want to be able to manage the users through here too.

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Oct 22, 2010

How can I sync up the aspnet membership tables among 2 different databases?

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Apr 10, 2010

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Forms Authentication, 2 Applications Sharing 1 Login ?

May 11, 2010

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They use forms authentication that is configured to run in SQL server. Both apps use the same aspnetdb database but have different application names.

The problem I have is:I have an Identical login for each app (same username, same password), but If I change profile information for that user in the development app, the changes are reflected in production app. This isn't what I want.

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Multiple Applications Using Same Login Database Logging Each Other Out?

Mar 16, 2010

I've set up two ASP.NET applications on a machine, their web.config files contain the same applicationName value in AspNetSqlMembershipProvider item so they share users and roles.

The problem sequence is:

user logs into application A,opens new tab in a browser logs into application B, his login in application A is signed out and vice versa.

Should I use a different approach to sharing login information between two applications?

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Aug 2, 2010

I had three web applications and each one has its own login page , now i want to build web portal which allow members to login and choose one of these applications to redirect to it .

Is there any way to passing user information across secure connection??

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Security :: Token Login Don't Keep Session With Two Applications?

Jun 15, 2010

I've two application ASP.NET (once is Mojo Portal). I can navigate from one to other using an URL token id.

To this way, by token, I create a new session and save the relative auth cookie.

But, sometimes, the asp web application don't keep the session and put me down. When this happen I can't login until the session cookies is not deleted.

Both the two application are behind an reverse proxy.

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Jan 21, 2010

I've set up a system with forms based authentication and using the asp:Login control. When I put in an invalid password I get the approriate invalid password message. However when I put in a valid password, it does nothing...just returns to the login page again. I'm triple checked the login info. There is no error message, and the invalid attempts counter doesn't increment. When I put a break point in the Login_LoggedIn event of the Login form, it hits it, but User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is false. I'm not 100% sure it should be true at this point, as I'm pretty new to .NET but it seems kind of odd.

My user database is stored in a sqlserver 2005 db that already existed. I've added a new connection for it.In the authorization I have


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