Update Delete Insert In Grid View?

Dec 28, 2010

how to update delete and insert records in Grid view

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string str = @"data source=MATRIX-0B9AC76C; initial catalog=sam; integrated security=SSPI; ";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(str );
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from customer",con );
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
da.Fill(ds, "customer");
GridView1.DataSource = ds;

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1. Where is the firing event comes from?

2. Do I need to add a button or link each row (another column)?

3. How does the following code works?


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1) I show all my articles on lines
2) Each article has an EDIT BUTTON and INSERT NEW button
3) When I click on the EDIT BUTTON, it opens a CUSTOM page where i can Edit my article.
4) When i click on the INSERT NEW BUTTON it opens the same CUSTOM page where i can Insert my article.

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means if i add Insert buuton at every row of grid view.

& when i click on insert button of an perticular row a new row is created just next to this row on which i click.

But it does not made any effect on its id.

i make my id auto incremented so i just want to insert record at any position but id remain as its in a usual manner

supoose i add 7 record i have 7 record id is 7 & i click on a insert button of id 7 record then now row is display to insert the reord just next to record 3 & the inserted record id should show 8 id

like this



3---------> click on that row

8------>new inserted record





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VS 2010 LinqDataSource Insert / Update / Delete

Dec 14, 2010

I am using a LinqDataSource fed by a stored procedure in my data context for the data source of my grid view in an update panel. The issue I have is that after I get the grid row into edit mode, I can't get it to commit an update. I figure my issue here stems from TableName and EntityTypeName, but am unsure what to do with them. This MSDN page has the following line in the 'Working with Stored Procedures' section: 'If you want to enable automatic update, insert, and delete operations for the data, the type that is returned from the method must match the type that is specified in the TableName property.'

The return type of my stored procedure is 'loadHaveToOfferByUserIDResult' but when I use that for the TableName, I get the following error: Could not find a property or field called 'loadHaveToOfferByUserIDResult' on the data context type 'LINQClassDataContext' of LinqDataSource 'haveToOfferLinqDataSource'.

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Mar 18, 2010

I have googled this a little and didn't really find the answer I needed. I am working on a webpage in C# with SQL Server and LINQ for a customer.I want the users to be able to send messages to each other. So what I do is that I unit test this with data that actually goes into the database.The problem is that I now depend on having at least 2 users who I know the ID of. Furthermore I have to clean up after my self. This leads to rather large unit tests that test alot in one test. Lets say I would like to update a user. That would mean that I would have to ceate the user, update it, and then delete it. This a lot of assertions in one unit test and if it fails with updating i have to manually delete it. If I would do it any other way, without saving the data to DB, I would not for sure be able to know that the data was present in the database after updating etc.What is the proper way to do this without having a test that tests a lot of functionality in one test?

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Jun 19, 2010

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Here is the code I have that displays data but without the input option I would like.

What is the way this is done in ASP.NET (3.5)? Are there more options in the control or do I need to manually bring in text input controls and give each one manual code to update the database?

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I am building a web site, it's used to manage the data in SQL server so the another web site(connect to the same SQL database) can receive the new infoSo far I've build 2 parts, one manages the news system, the another manages the album system, news manage system work perfect, when I update, add or delete news form the web site (using sqldatasource, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE command), the data inside SQL changes as well.

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My goal is that to make "Admin" role has the highest privilege to deal with records such as "insert", "update" and "delete".

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Sep 1, 2010

I just drag a listview to my web page. When I config the data source, click the advanced button.I found that the item "Generate INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements blah blah" is grayed out. Therefore I can'tmodify the records at runtime.I am using VWD 2008 Express,

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