VS 2008 - Failure Sending Email With Attached PDF File

Aug 31, 2011

I have code that attaches a pdf file and sends out emails to people. It worked fine on my machine. Then deployed it to a client's system and exchange is on another machine. I get the following error message:

Failure sending mail.

System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond xx.xx.xx.xx:25 at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress) at

[Code] ....

Is the user for the nextwork credentials not getting access to the server? Or what could this be normally with the given error message?

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Web Forms :: Failure Sending Email Error - SMTP Exception

Jun 13, 2012

I have used this code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Net.Mail;

[Code] ...

Failure sending mail.
SMTP Exception

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AJAX :: Attach A File Using File Upload Control And Send It In Email Along With Already Attached File

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I have an asp.net panel having various controls including gridview. I have converted this panel into pdf and attached it as an email attachment using memory stream. Everything is working fine. Now I have an File upload control outside panel through which I have to attach a file and send it in mail along with the already attached panel. But I am unable to figure out how to do it.

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Send Email With Attached Order PDF File From File Server

May 21, 2014

There are many customer' order as pdf file stored in one file server.my app just open url (file path) to display pdf file on the screen.Now, boss want me to create a asp.net app to send an email with attached order pdf file which is the same url as intranet. How to complete it?

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VS 2008 Sending And Email From A Form?

Oct 8, 2010

I have created a customer website which has a contact us form on which on submit populates a database. I would also like to send to myself the contents of the form in an email when the form is submit.All the examples I have seen seem to require the customer to have an email client and know their email settings to send from, since this can not be known how do I send an email. The website is hosted externally.

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VS 2008 Sending Email On LAN Server

Jun 27, 2011

i have an application i deployed to an hosting provider service. my mailing scripts sends out emails successfully using the smtp server address they gave me. but i recently move the application back to a server on our school LAN, using the same hosting service stmp address, i cant get any mail delivered to the intended reciepents. is it that i need to configure the smtp server on that machine (mayb IIS) & discard the host smtp server address, or i need to install some more mailing programs.

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VS 2008 - Sending Email Reading All ID From Excel Files

Oct 5, 2012

I want to send the email through asp.net where "To " email address list store in excel file. Send email to all email Id store in excel file. How to send the email reading all email id from excel files.

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Does Attached Files Move With Email Or Its Link Is Sent In Email

Mar 3, 2011

I want to do file attachment funtionality with an email page. Please guide me on one thing, does attached file is send to recipient email server or it stayed on sender's mail server and its link is send ? For email if I send email from my hotmail address to gmail address will attached file be physically copied to gmail mail server or just its link (on hotmail ) will be sent and file will remain on hotmail mail server ?

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Configuration :: Web Confg File And File In Project For Sending Error Message Email

Jan 17, 2011

I am trying to configure my web application to send emails to my email address in case of any error . Below is my coding in the web config file, I am following example from a book cuase I AMM A nOVICE TO VISUAL STUDIO AND .NET AND C#. THE NAME OF THE BOOK IS ASP.Net E-Commerce in C#. I am not sure what to put in for the MailForm value since the book did not say could someone tell me .


In my other configuration file under the App_Code folder I have this coding Below:


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MVC - Sending An Email Attachment Which Is A Password Encrypted PDF File?

May 20, 2010

I am working on document storage and retrieval application. In which i display the pdf document as an png image , but i have a email button on the top. On clicking that the user would be able to provide an email address to which the document needs to be sent, and I need to send this pdf as an attachment. I need to password protect the file for security reasons. I have no clue on how i can do this in asp.net mvc.

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Web Forms :: Failure Sending Mail - Error

Aug 31, 2010

I have used gmail for sending mail localy which worked fine but when i uploaded the same file on server the "Failure sending mail." error occured. here is the code i have written:

Dim message As New MailMessage
message.From = New MailAddress("[URL]
message.To.Add(New MailAddress("[URL]))
message.Subject = test mail""
message.Body = "Hi you have got a test mail from me!
Dim client As New SmtpClient
client.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("[URL]"xxxxxxx")
client.Port = 587
client.Host = "[URL]
client.EnableSsl = True

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Configuration :: Failure Sending Mail Error

May 8, 2010

I have implemented a send mail functionality. For that i installed the SMTP Service on my local machine by going to 'add remove programs' -> windows components -> iis (properties) -> checked the smtp service option and installed. Below is my code that i am using in my application to setup the smtpclient object and sendmail()


Now i don't know why i am getting 'Failure sending mail' error. Definitely i am missing something. what i am missing and how can this be fixed. This is frustrating me now as i dont know much in this area.

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Save Pdf File In Client's Computer For Sending Email Attachment

Sep 22, 2010

The subject of this thread is my question and I am really very sorry, I cannot brief it. I have generated the pdf file which contains text taken as input by various web-form and have saved it in my local drive then sended it to some email addresses. Now I want to know that how can I save it in client computer and send it to some email addresses provided by Client on demand? I am failed to solve this problem as I don't know how to get INFORMATION OF CLIENT'S LOCAL DRIVE AS CLIENT MAY USES DIFFERENT OPERATING SYSTEM.

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WebMatrix :: Sending A File Using Email Helper In Webpages / Razor?

Aug 13, 2010

Following this tutorial: [URL]

Under "Sending a File Using Email" section what exactly is the code trying to do.

1: The SendFile.cshtml does not have any option to select file.

2: ProcessFile.cshtml is running fine. I am getting the email but no attachement.

I tried changing fileAttachment input to type="file" but not file is being sent to my email. I just get the message send in body.

Question: How exactly this file attachment works using Email Helper in WebPages.

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Web Forms :: Error Occurred - Failure Sending Mail

Jan 14, 2010

I am trying to implement the asychronous email code demonstrated at - [URL] I have copied and pasted the code to my own site so there should be no syntax errors and have spoken to my web provider about SMTP email access which they say is allowed and they advised me to use the following:

Host = localhost
Port = 25

and that SSL should not be checked - I do not have SSL set up yet anyway. When I try to send an email I get the following message - Error occured, info=Failure sending mail. Has anyone ever encountered this before and know how to solve it?

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Configuration :: Failure Sending Mail After Uploading Website Online

Feb 18, 2011

I got error 'Failure sending mail' after uploading my website online, but i m able to send mail when website is on local host:



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VS 2008 C# - Attached Image

Jul 23, 2010

i described my problem in attached image

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SQL Server :: Getting A Email Deliver Status When Sending Email Using Msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail?

Aug 24, 2010

I have set a job in sql server 2008 to send reminder emails for product expiration. Now I want a report which will specify the list of the emails sent with the email status details like queued ,sent,delivered, failed.

I can fetch the emails that are sent by querying the like following

select * from sysmail_mailitems SM inner join sysmail_profile SP on SM.Profile_Id = SP.Profile_Id
and SP.Name ='ReminderProfile'

The problem is only getting a perfect status of email whether it is delived or failed. How I can get those status ?

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Visual Studio 2005 - Sending An Email To User Input Email?

Feb 23, 2011

i have an aspx page, that takes in user data (name, number & email) after that information gets submitted to me, I need to send an email to their input email, with a message of confirmation.

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Web Forms :: Email Text Formatting Not Changing When Sending An Email

Jul 18, 2010

I am sending an email for forgot password to the user. i have formatted the body text of Email but when i have checked that email, it is coming without any formatting.

here is the formatting code which i am sending as a string.....

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Web Forms :: Sending An Email Causes Error - Specified String Not In Email Format

Feb 12, 2010

have code on a web form -- when you hit the button "send emails", it executes this sub which reads an SQL database table and sends emails one by one -- however I get this error above -- anyway to check it and skip to the next email? Some emails in my table have name@test.co.il for example, so it seems this causes this error.


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VS 2008 Textbox That Is Attached To Extender Text Is Changing To Type Name Here?

Jan 16, 2010

I am using the VS 2008. I m using the TextboxwaterMarkExtender,Its working,Suppose watermark text is Type Name Here,Suppose i type sonia in textbox,When i refresh the page,then in textbox that is attached to Extender text is changing to Type Name Here,I want that if I type in textbox sonia,when the page is refreshed & page comes back,sonia is still there in textbox.



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C# - Getting "process Cannot Access File" Error When Deleting Files After Sending Email?

Feb 7, 2011

I am getting error as mentioned below:

The process cannot access file "E:TempPDFsSample.pdf" because it is being used by another process

I happen to send the pdf from email and after email is sent i need to delete the Sample.pdf file. The code that i have written doesn't work

FileInfo DeleteFileInfo = new FileInfo(directoryPath + "\" + filename + ".pdf");
if (DeleteFileInfo.Exists)
File.Delete(directoryPath + "\" + filename + ".pdf");

here directorypath is E:TempPDFs, filename is Sample


public static void SendMail(string fromAddress, string[] toAddress, string[] ccAddress, string[] bccAddress, string subject, string messageBody, bool isBodyHtml, ArrayList attachments, string host, string username, string pwd, string port)


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Web Forms :: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure Sending Mail

Sep 17, 2010

'System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed. at System.Net.Mail.SmtpReplyReaderFactory.ProcessRead(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 read, Boolean readLine) at............................

getting the above error when sending mail from asp.net 2.0

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Error Message Get Is "Failure Sending Mail"?

Sep 12, 2010

I'm trying to send an email through a form and for some reason it errors when it sends. The only error message I get is "Failure sending mail". I've followed a number of tutorials and I'm guessing I'm missing some sort of configuration. Here is the codewhich attempts to send mail:


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