VS 2008 - How To Set Up Project Folder

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to set up a new project (Web Application, not Web Site) in such a way as the web root is in a different location to the "supporting files" (ie. .sln, .vbproj and My Project folder). I'd like to keep the web site root clear of these files.

It seems to be possible when creating a new "Web Site", as the project files are put in VS's "projects" folder, and only web.config and default.aspx end up in the web root, which is good.

For a Web Application, however, I'm having trouble. It seems to require web.config in the same location as the project file. I've tried this sort of arrangement:

As you can see, when I run it with F5, VS complains and creates a new web.config in the same folder as the .vbproj file. However I can run it in IIS without a problem (the IIS app path is configured for the wwwroot folder). But VS doesn't like it.

Is there an established, proper way of separating project files from the web site content with a Web Application?

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Configuration :: Web Deployment Project 2008: Exclude Large Folder From Being Copied?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a large folder (1.5 GB) in my ASP.NET Web Site, called Downloads, which contains media files, graphics, etc. No code that needs to be compiled or even deployed on every build.

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I've tried modifying the wdproj file like this:


I've also tried not adding the * after the folder, but then I get a message that says the directory is not empty during the build process.

I've also tried this approach:


<RemoveBeforeMerge Include="$(OutputPath)Downloads*" />


And that still did not help. (also says: The directory is not empty.)What is the proper way to tell WDP not to consider a folder at all?

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[URL] ....

In above link you clearly describe (How to display directory folder structure).  

The path only works when the folder insight the project.

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Error converting project file. MSB0001: Internal MSBuild Error: Missing resource 'MissingAttribute'

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StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("C:\Test.txt");

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But it just isn't working out for me.


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Why does my project have a '/www' folder? Did I set things up wrong?

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Apr 12, 2010

I am trying to deploy my C# based ASP.Net 3.5 webapp

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OleDbConnection myConn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" + Server.MapPath("~/access_db/filename.mdb"));

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2) How do I modify the programmatic connection string ( shown above) ?

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Aug 22, 2010

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May 7, 2015

I am first working on this module. Target is to show all the pictures from images folder to datalist. I myself got the code from other sources and not getting the logic that's why I am continuously receiving error..

<asp:DataList ID="dlpic" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" RepeatColumns = "4">
<img src='<%# Bind("Name","~/images/Gallery/{0}") %>' class="scale-with-grid" />


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