VS 2010 Popup With Image - Sourced From SQL Server

Dec 21, 2011

I've got a list box that populates a list of documents - from which after selection user clicks button and a popup window shows documents - well thats the end result.

my code for selection is as follows

Dim PictureTable As New DataTable
Dim Query As New SqlCommand("Select DocumentType, Document from ClientDocuments where id = @id")
Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", DocumentList.SelectedValue.ToString)
Sleepy.GetSQL(Query, PictureTable)

Dim Row As DataRow
Row = PictureTable.Rows(0)(1)
Dim Picture() As Byte = Row("Document")
Dim stream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(Picture)

From here to what kind of popup or method to do I have been unable to figure out..

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VS 2010 Drag An Image Over Another Image?

Mar 21, 2011

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So I want to enable my friend to choose the location of the watermark (possibly even the size, but that's not really important at the moment) for each picture individually.

At the moment I just have a page with a FileUpload control that allows my friend to pick the image. It is uploaded when the OK button is pressed and the URL to the image is stored in a database. That's basically it.

Now I was thinking to make another page after the upload page where you can see the image you just uploaded and can drag a picture of the watermark (which will be a transparent PNG image, possibly GIF if PNG is not possible) around to place it. Once placed, the user could click an OK button and the watermark is copied onto the image.

So what I need is a way to drag an image (the watermark) over another image (the picture), as well as the possibility to retrieve the location of the watermark image (relative to the picture image) afterwards (so I can draw it onto the picture using GDI+).

Is there anything that allows me to do this? When I search for stuff related to dragging images all I find is drag and drop samples, where you take an arbitrary image file and drag it into the browser. That's not what I want; the watermark is always going to be the same image, and it will be on the image by default (in the center or something). The user should be able to move it (possibly outside the boundary of the image to completely hide it) but never completely remove it from the image and drag it somewhere else (no drag drop).

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Feb 2, 2010

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AJAX :: Image Popup Using Popupcontrolextender?

Oct 19, 2010

I am displaying links in gridview. When user clicks on link....big image is displayed. Everything is working fine.

As of now i am redirecting user to LargeImage.aspx..where i am able to display the largeimage.

But I need to display the large image within a popup in the same page where gridview is present.

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I would like to do it with a popupcontrolextender.

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When I click on Sort, it crashes here

If (mydata.Rows.Count <> 0) Then

(its complaining about it being "null")


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I have a program that gets data from an SQL database via some comboboxes. When the user has selected what they are looking for, I want to have a "preview" button which will generate the image (I've written this code already) and display it in a small, resized popup window.

A) I'm pretty new to this ASP, but know VB pretty well.

B) I have no idea how to make a new popup come up

C) How can I have the code written for the image generation point to that popup window? Also, I'm storing the image in memory. As this will have serveral users at once, it probably isn't a good idea to be saving this down. Here is the code for the file generation.


(There is no code in the aspx file, this is all in the codebehind file. Most of this isn't useful except for the end when I save the image as a stream - I'm trying to figure out how to link this stream to a new resized popup window.)


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AJAX :: Image Behind Modal Popup Is Accessible?

Feb 25, 2010

I am using master page, and there is an image on top

="border :0px; height :80px;"

There is content page where I have grid, when I click on it, I am displaying modal popup. Everything works fine. The only problem is: I have close button on top of the modal popup window. If modal displays on top of the image, and if I click on close button, then close button event will not fire, insted it redirect to google.com. All other controls besides image are not accessible. If image is not behind of modal (if I scroll down the page), then close button event works fine.

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AJAX :: To Add Calendar Extender With Image Should Popup Below Or Above Text

Aug 18, 2012

I have done like below code, but problem is, it is pop up somewhere in the page., not right below the textbox.(in Google crome only ) my code is:

<asp:TextBox ID="txt_apptdate" runat="server" CssClass="lefttd" Width="180px" Height="24px"></asp:TextBox>   <cc1:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender3" runat="server" Format="dd/MM/yyyy" TargetControlID="txt_apptdate" OnClientDateSelectionChanged="checkDate" PopupButtonID="imgCal"/><asp:ImageButton ID="imgCal" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/calendar.jpg"CausesValidation="false" />  

Pop up is not getting below the textbox in Google chrome only ...

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Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Image Popup With Jquery?

May 26, 2010

I have a datalist with a image control, which loads the thumbnail URL from DB. I can see the thumbnail images without any problem.

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Web Forms :: Open Another Page In A Popup Window When Click On Image?

May 2, 2010

How to open a page in popup window of Calendar size. The page contains a default asp.net calendar. In first page there is a formview and inside a formview there is an image. I want that when user click that image a popup will appear having calendar on that page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Open Image In A Popup Window?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a repeater which lists (names of images) , i want when i click on an image it opens in a pop-up window.

how can i do that ?

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AJAX :: Show Datalist Image Details Using PopUp Control?

Nov 7, 2010

I have done it using GridView. But facing problem using Datalist.

I follow the url to do it using GridView.


GridView Code:


what will be the alternative code for DataList?

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Javascript - Show Hyperlink And Popup Window When Mouseover On Image?

Sep 16, 2010

I am developing a web application using asp.net, telerik RadAjax control. I have to need to develop when mouseover the image then show a hyperlink and when click the clink then open a new window(like facebook profile picture change).

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Web Forms :: Upload Image File Using AJAX Modal Popup Extender?

Jun 27, 2012

I have some thing like below in my page

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VS 2010 - Displaying Image When Uploaded

Apr 24, 2013

I have the following code that is allowing me to save an image uploaded from a user into a root folder

HTML Code:
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim fileName As String = Path.GetFileName(FileUploadUserProfile.PostedFile.FileName)
FileUploadUserProfile.PostedFile.SaveAs((Server.MapPath("~/ImageStorage/") + fileName))
End Sub

Question one: Once i upload the file and i click on the ImageStorage folder, i don't see an image, but if i exit the entire applicxation and then i go back in i am able to see the image. How can i refresh the folder wothout having to exit the application?

I am trying to display the image once is uploaded. i have the following to display the image:

HTML Code:
<img src="string url = ResolveUrl("~/ImageStorage/" + filename)" />

Occe the page is uploaded i don't see an image, instead i see a little square with a red X

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