VS 2010 - Textbox With Calendar Control / Change Event When New Date Selected
May 17, 2012I have a textbox with a calendar control. When a new date is selected I need for the txt change event to fire.
View 3 RepliesI have a textbox with a calendar control. When a new date is selected I need for the txt change event to fire.
View 3 RepliesI have a calendar control with two textboxes. One textbox is for fromdate and other is for todate. I need to select two dates. How can I get the dates selected from the calender control into my textboxes?
View 2 RepliesI have two calendar controls on my page for a user to specify a start and end date. The earliest record was created on 05/27/2011 and the latest was created on 06/22/2011 so I wanted to initialize each calendar to those dates respectively (I will get these dates when I run a database query). It is working in that the calendar properties are set correctly but I want the page to display the calendar of those months instead of defaulting to August. How do I get the calendar page to flip back three months and display May?
View 8 RepliesI am creating a DatetimePicker User control. I just want to know how to get the selected date of the calendar (asp.net control) control using jQuery. I used this code, but it's wrong.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".UserCalender").click(function () {
var a = $('.CalenderDiv:selected').text(); [code]....
What's wrong with this?
I have a calendar control on a asp .net webform. In the Pag_Load event I have
this.CalendarReportDay.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now;
Which sets the Calendar's Selected Date but todays date is not highlighted on the calendar.
Does anyone know how to get todays date to be selected?
How can i check that a perticular date selected from calendar control is already past....
suppose i select 2/2/2010 then a message will be shown that oops! date u selected, already past.....
I have a calendar control in which i am loading data from db using the below method.
What i want to achieve is in the selection changed event of the calendar.I would like to access the calendar selected cell value.I tried to look for a event in the selection changed method but unable to come up with any.Let me know if anyone came across this and able to access the value in the selected cell control value.
how i persist the selected date of calendar control on Postback iam displaying Dates from database in to Calendar control and when page postback then nothing is heppening . How i persist the selected dates on Postback may i have to use Session or some thing like that?
View 5 RepliesI have use date time picker in form how current date highlighted automatically date time control asp.net on page load...
View 1 RepliesHow to clear the selected date of a Calendar control using JavaScript. Also, while doing this, how can I prevent page refreshing?
View 1 RepliesI have a Ajax Calendar Extender in my C# application. For some reason when the time zone is set to Pacific the calendar control display the incorrect selected date.
For example if user selects 02/02/10 when the page renders and finishes whatever is doing the calendar control display a date of 02/01/10. P.S I am NOT subtracting any days from the selected date.
I have a textbox to input DOB,i used ajax calendar to enter DOB,what validation expression should i use so that user below age 15 cannot get registered...
View 1 Repliesin javascript, is there a way to set the Date on the Calander control?
View 1 RepliesI want to desplay date like (21-Sep-2010)
View 3 RepliesNET. The calendar control is displayed in a popup window when pressing abutton and the selected date will be displayed inside a Textbox control.
View 1 RepliesWhen a user selects an item from dropdownlist ,, certain dates (from DB) gets selected on Calendar automatically with the color pink >> This is working FINE The problem happens after that, when i want to select any other date >> the dates which were selected automatically before (that came from DB) get deselected !! I want them to stay selected, so i know which are the dates that already saved in DB ! So, the calendar is removing the programmed selected dates upon selecting a new date on the calendar object.
View 4 Repliesi have a two textboxes with calendar controls. now i want rasieonkeyup event for textboxes to check whether two textboxes having text or not . if i enter data into textboxes withkeyboard onkeyup event working very well.if i enter data from calendar controlonkeyup event for textboxes not raising here is my code please help me to raiseonkeyup event even if i select date from calendar control aslo
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
I'd like to use the jquery calendar control to populate a date into an asp.net textbox.
When the user selects a date I want the date populated in the textbox to be only Saturday dates. So if the day they select is not a Saturday I want the date of the next Saturday after the date the selected.
I am having a DOB text box. This text box also allows to enter the date and also to pick the date using ajax CalendarExtender.
I used to set the dirty message when we edit some thing in the page.
When I enter some thing on the text box and click on the cancel button, dirty message will occur.
The problem i am facing is that, in Edit mode, I used to get all the records and assign to the text box. In that scenerio, the dirty message si automatically set since the DOB gets changes.
Please find the below code.
<asp:TextBox onkeyup="SetIsDirty();" TabIndex="4" onclick="ClearErrorMessage();"
ID="txtEndDate" runat="server" CssClass="input-value"></asp:TextBox>
<ajax:MaskedEditExtender ID="MaskedEditExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtEndDate" Mask="99/99/9999" MaskType="Date">
[Code] ....
I have three standard ASP.NET calendars on a web page, giving a three month view. When a date is selected in one of the calendars, I want to remove the highlighted/selected date from the other calendars. It seems I can only set these properties to a valid datetime and not null or anything.
View 2 RepliesI have an asp:Calendar (not ajax). When I set the selectedDate from codebehind to a date in another month, I'd want the new selected date to show (that is, show the calendar "page" with the new month. How do I do this?
calFromDate.SelectedDate = myDate 'works fine
calFromDate.ShowSelectedDate's Month 'pseudocode
The calendar resides in an updatepanel for speed purposes, but I don't think that has anything to do with anything...
I have a Calendar. I need to select a date usually future date on a calendar. The date is provided from a gridview. The calendar is placed on an item template inside the gridview. So the calendar on each row should point different dates.
here is my code.
What i am getting now is, the new date is getting selected, but its showing current Month. For example, the date is 31/07/2011, then Month i want it to be shown is "July 2011" but its still showing "July 2010". though the date is getting selected.
I have a calendar control . I want the selectionchanged event to be fired even same date is selected. But now when same date is selected again,it will not fire the selectionchanged.
View 2 RepliesI'm trying to make sure a user selects a date in the calendar by checking for it with OnItemInserting command...since I can't just use a validation control. what I need to adjust in this code behind to cancel the request and activate the label when no date is selected? Apparently looking for an empty or null value won't work...
How can i make selected date in a Calendar control by default is Today's Date?
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