VS 2013 / PDF Protecting / Stamping And Locking?

Jun 9, 2015

I have an ASPNET Application (C#) that runs on my company intranet. This application allows the users to attach PDF files against records.

I am trying to get that PDF uploaded in such a way that whenever the user initially uploads (the uploaded PDF will always be unlocked PDF), the user name would be stamped on the PDF file and the files is locked by my application so that the user cannot change the PDF again, even when having a PDF Writer. Whenever required the application should allow the user to unlock the PDF and then allow the user to edit the PDF.

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There is an ASP.NET application www.example.com/APP. From within the application several documents - for example office documents DOCX, PDF, etc. - can be opend. They are accessed via some virtual directory as in

Of course, the documents may only be accessed from within the application, after the user has been identified succssfully. Some documents may only be opened by some privileged users. It should be impossible to open letter.pdf by simply entering the above url into a browser

I am thinking about the following...

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Oct 26, 2011

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Jun 23, 2010

I have a business site that I want to use to show clients their projects I am working on. I don't want these projects to be visible to anyone but the clients, so I give them a user ID and password. I want to use asp.net membership to manage the login IDs and passwords, but I want to use jquery to submit the login form (it's lighter and leaner than the login control). Here is what I have: Page with an html form for login .js file with the jquery calls & code in it httpHandler to process the information from the formI have the user to entering their ID and password, I am using jquery.forms.js to process the form, which calls the httpHandler and passes the form values to the handler. I have the handler check to see if the user ID and password are correct, if not, it passes back a message to be displayed to the user. If the user is valid, then I have it passing back the role of the user, which also happens to be the name of the folder the client needs to view. I have the page redirecting via javascript to the client's folder once they are authenticated. I have the location of the client folder setup in my web.config.

The problem I'm having is the page just redirects back to the login page, with the return url included (?ReturnUrl=%2fCTS%2f2010+Design%2fLasmer%2findex.aspx). I want it to go to the client folder (Lasmer in this case) once the user has been authenticated. Shouldn't it send me to the folder's default page once it knows the user is authenticated? Do I have a problem in the way my web.config is wired up, and do I need anything in the client folder's web.config?Here is the code for the web.config:


Here is the code for the handler:


Here is the code for the .js file:


Here is the code for the page:


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C# - Protecting Variable Inside Of Markup : Hyperlink Navigation Property

Mar 2, 2011

I have an asp.net repeater control with a series of asp:hyperlink's

<asp:HyperLink runat="server" ID="name" NavigationUrl="~/Pages/display.aspx?fileid={0}&user={1}" />

and then on the OnItemDataBound method:

fullname.NavigationUrl=string.Format(name.NavigationUrl, user.fileid, user.userid);

So that gives me a series of URLs in the repeater:


OK, so with a simple proxy tool someone can replace either of the parameters with some OTHER number to get access to what they shouldn't see.

server-side validation and authentication aside, is there a better method other than passing parameters when trying to create a dynamic URL within a repeater?

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Feb 24, 2010

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Sep 14, 2010

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Locking Down Application To Everyone?

Nov 5, 2010

I use the app_offline.htm file to bring my site down when I have to roll a new revision. However, even after I launch I'd like to be able to play around and test my site before anyone else has access. Since almost all of my pages are available without logging in, I need to way to lock down my application to everyone but myself and obviously the app_offline.htm file won't for for this.

I have a BasePage class and I'm thinking the only way to do this would be to put code in that class's Page_Init method and I could check for my specific IP address and kick everyone whose IP doesn't match to the app_offline.htm file. However, I'm wondering if this would be the best method since my IP will change.

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ADO.NET :: EF - Record Locking?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm about to begin a new web project using asp.net 4.0 (EF 2.0). I have a question on row locking...customer is concerned that if employee 1 has a record in edit mode, they want to lock the row and make it uneditable for other users, until employee 1 has saved their changes. A step further is, if employee #2 attempts to edit the locked record, a notification would appear, notifying employee #2 that "Employee #1 John Doe" has the record locked and to contact them.

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C# - Locking An Application Variable?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm using a 3rd party web service in my ASP.NET application. Calls to the 3rd party web service have to be synchronized, but ASP.NET is obviously multi-threaded and multiple page requests could be made that result in simultaneous calls to the 3rd party web service. Calls to the web service are encapsulated in a custom object. My thought is to store the object in an application variable and use the C# lock keyword to force synchronized use of it.

I'm nervous, because I'm new to multi threaded concepts and I've read that you shouldn't lock a public object (which my application variable effectively is). I've also read that if the locked block of code fails (which it could if the web service fails), then it could destabilize the app domain and bring down the application.I should mention that the 3rd party web service is rarely used in my website and it's going to be rare that 2 requests to it are made at the same time.Here's a rough code sample of how I'd make calls to the web service:

ThirdPartWebService objWebService = Application["ThirdPartWebService"] As ThirdPartWebService;
lock (objWebService)

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Web Forms :: Locking Id Into Databse?

Sep 14, 2010

i have create a form..and i generate ID using dropdown list for user for registration before they save the page..the ID will appear when click "signUp" button.("ID" not saved yet into database)

i want the "ID" lock into databse when click "signUp" button..

View 3 Replies

Iis7 - IIS Is Locking PInvoke Dll?

Nov 11, 2010

I have an ASP.NET MVC website that uses an internal dll for some PInvoke stuff. The dll is located in the /bin folder next to the other assemblies. This works well, but if I want to replace the content of the /bin folder with the newest set of files by copying onto the existing files (this is on a test server) the PInvoke dll is locked/used by the w3wp.exe worker process and cannot be replaced except after you recycle the apppool or restart IIS.

Is this standard behavior or can I somehow instruct the ASP.NET runtime to take a shadow copy of the PInvoke dll similar to the regular assemblies?

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DataSource Controls :: Locking The Database?

Jan 12, 2010

I have multiple database running in my SQL Sever , in that I need to lock only one database is there is any inbuilt method in SQL Server 2008

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Databases :: Locking Down The Proc Table?

Feb 27, 2010

I'm working on locking down some MySQL user accounts. At the moment I typically grant my user accounts execute privileges over the required stored procedures within a schema.Now I'm looking at the proc table in the mysql schema. The common wisdom that's quoted many times on various websites says "Stored procedures require the presence of the proc table in the mysql schema".By granting select access over the proc table stored procedures will work. But if I removed the above select privilege and grant the user execute privilege over the entire mysql schema the procedure will also work.

Does anyone have any ideas about the security issues by choosing one of the above over another?I would prefer to lock the proc table down all together so the user cannot see it cannot select from it.

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.NET Web App Deadlocking - It's Caused By SQL Server Locking

Mar 6, 2010

Our client's web app restarts suddenly at random intervals. For each restart, we've found an entry like this in the Windows Event Log:

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: W3SVC-WP
Event Category: None
Event ID: 2262
Date: 2/21/2010
Time: 1:33:52 PM

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Active Directory Account Locking Out On First Try?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a website which requires users to enter their corporate network username and password. It then looks for that account in Active Directory and gets a list of any email addresses associated with that account.

The problem I am having is that ONE incorrect password is locking out an account. Our domain policy is that an account will lock out after three incorrect entries, so I am assuming that I am doing something wrong in my code. I am not very knowledgeable about Active Directory or .NET DirectoryServices in general, which may be apparent from my code. Here it is:

public ArrayList AuthenticateActiveDirectory(string Domain, string UserName, string Password)
// An error occurs if the username/password combo does not exist.
// That is how we know it is not a valid entry.


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VS 2013 - Referring To A Website

Jan 23, 2015


Protected Sub Menu1_MenuItemClick(sender As Object, e As MenuEventArgs) Handles Menu1.MenuItemClick
If e.Item.Text = "TheItem" Then
<here the http://www link >
End If
End Sub

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VS 2013 / How To Make PDF In A Web Method

Jun 12, 2015

How would I go about creating a simple PDF in a backend ASP.Net web method?

Doing this without a PDF printer on the server.

Is that even remotely possible?

How about if I know I want to print a HOUSING CERTIFICATE. Can I make one and then use that FILE as a template to creating new PDF's?

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