VWD 2012 (Show Table Data) Missing

Aug 16, 2012

When i right click on a table in database explorer i do not get the option to "show table data" the way i have in every other previous version.

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Similar Messages:

VS 2012 - How To Format Table Rows / Cells To Have Same Width As Gridview Cells

Jul 17, 2013

I have a form that contains a asp:Table and it contains 2 rows with 6 columns.

Also on my form is a gridview. It contains one row with 6 columns. (see pic)

I'd like to see if I can format both so that they appear to have the same over-all width and cell width too.

I'd like to know if it's possible to do this in the source view - rather than programmatically.

In the pic, the top is the grid view and underneath is the table.

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Validate HTML Missing Div,table Tags ?

Oct 22, 2010

Is there a way to validate my ASPX page code? I have plenty of missing div tags, missing td tags etc on my page. How can I catch all my html errors ? The Visual Studio aspx editor won't help that much. Is there any tool to facilitate this ?

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ADO.NET :: Table Collection Missing In LINQ Query / DataContext?

Aug 13, 2010

I'm new to LINQ and have a problem with my query not showing me the Table Collection. I manually created my Cart class and specified the table attributes on each property (works fine for inserting records via LINQ see below). DataContext dc = new DataContext(Conn);

var q = (from c in dc.NOTABLES?? where ((c.UserID == userID)) orderby c.CreateDateTime Based on examples I would expect to see dc.Cart But I don't, so I tried to access it via dc.GetTable<Cart>() which at least gets me data but doesn't seem to convert the rows to my Cart object since this:
foreach (var cart in q) Log.Info("UserID: " + cart.UserID + " CartID: " + cart.ID.ToString());
blows up with a "Specified Cast is Not Valid" exception.

No Problem Inserting Also, I had no problem inserting data into the database:

DataContext dc = new DataContext(Conn);
Table<Cart> Carts = dc.GetTable<Cart>();
Cart aCart = new Cart();
aCart.UserID = userId;
aCart.Description = description;
aCart.CreateDateTime = System.DateTime.Now;
aCart.UpdateDateTime = System.DateTime.Now;

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Crystal Reports :: Missing Some Table Fields In Field Explorer?

Oct 7, 2010

I have selected the tables using the wizard, but for some reason CR doesn't display all the fields in the tables, so there are some tables in Field Explorer that lack some fields. The fields that aren't shown are both int, and varchar, some of them allow nulls and some of them don't, I can't seem to find a pattern as why some fields aren't loaded into Field Explorer.

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How To Show Data From Table Using Gridview

Nov 3, 2010

using gridview to show data from table. on the aspx page i want to hide/show image depending on the value of one of the fields of a table. for e.g. say is_new=1 then show else hide where is_new is table field.

for this on aspx page i have one img element whose initial visible property is set to false. Now at runtime i want to show/hide image depending on value in each record. So what coding needs to be done and where?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show Data From A Related Table In A Gridview / Entitydatasource

Feb 23, 2011

I am using an ADO Entity Model for my ms-sql database.

My database has a Resellers table which has ResellerID (primary key, int) and Name columns along with other data.

I also have an Orders table which contains OrderID (primary key, int), OrderDate, ResellerID (foreign key to Resellers.ReselerID).

If I just do a query like:


I am able to reference order.Reseller.Name just fine with no problems.

However I have an EntityDataSource on my page as follows:


Notice the Include="Reseller" attribute in the datasource... I also have a GridView tied to that datasource as follows: I cut some of it off for breavity:


Now what I have listed above will run with no errors, but what I want to do is replace the column that displays "ResellerID" with the equivilant to order.Reseller.Name. In other words I want my grid to display the reseller's name rather than the numeric ID.

I have tried to change the DataField to "Reseller.Name" but that will generate the following error:

A field or property with the name 'Reseller.Name' was not found on the selected data source.

Is there anyway to do this without me writing a custom select statement in my code behind?

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Show The Textbox In The Gridview, When The Table Is Not Having Any Data?

Dec 2, 2010

I want to show the textbox which is in Gridview, eventhough the Datasource[Table] of the Gridview is empty.The user has to enter some value and save it in the table. My problem, when there is no value in the table, textbox is not shown. I am using Linq, So the Gridview has to bind using Linq list or table The objective of the task:

1. Show the blank textbox when there is no data in the table.

2.A Addnew Buton has to show, If the user clicks the Addnew button, One more textbox has to shown and user can enter the second input.

View 1 Replies

Insert Record Into MSAccess Table - Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Mar 19, 2016

As I am learning asp.net . when i try to insert record into msaccess table why it says -

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'user1','cx0437@gmail.com' ,'12312456')'.

As i found the same code at the following link [URL] ....

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
OleDbConnection con;
using (con = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + @"DATA SOURCE=C:Database iershop.mdb")) {

[Code] ....

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Databases :: Get A List Of Categories From One Table To Show In Another Table?

Jan 21, 2010

I am building a little app to upload a picture and various downloads for different file types for the photos, but I also need be able to select the catergory they will go into. So I have two tables one that stores the catergory names and one that holds the paths to the photos and downloads the tables are related through the catergoryID.

What I need is those catergories to show up in the photo's and downloads table so that when I go to upload the photos I will be able to select the categories.

I have also built the DataSet and the Business Logic.

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Show Ten Record From Table In The Gridview At 2 Column In Five Row?

Aug 30, 2010

i want show ten record from table in the gridview at 2 column in five row.

like this:


record1 | record2

record3 | record4

record5 | record6

record7 | record8

record9 | record10

1 2 3 ...


View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Session Lost After Using Show Table Data Query In VWD 2008 Express?

Apr 28, 2010

First, I'm running my application on my local Win 7 box, and viewing the site on the same box.

I have several session variables set while interacting with my application. When I go to check the data in the database through the Database Explorer (Show Table Data), my session is lost. This is instant.

Why does this happen? Is there a way to prevent it?

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VS 2012 - Get Data In Code-behind From ListView

Jul 16, 2015

how I can get item values in a ListView in code-behind? I’ve searched high and low during the past 2 days and tried various possibilities to no avail. Data binding is being done in code-behind:

SQLString = "SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM Table1"
DataTable1 = LoadDataTable(Connection1, "SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM Table1")
ListView1.DataSource = DataTable1


The aim is that once a user clicks on a particular row in the ListView a pop-up is displayed which in turn reflects all data related to the record. For the purpose of preparing the data for the pop-up I need to determine the unique record identifier.

I have the same code working perfectly in another app, which has to effect that once a user clicks on a particular row in the ListView a new tab is opened which in turn reflects all data related to the record.

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Web Forms :: Show Directory List - Url Path is Missing The Directory Name?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a page that shows a list of the files in an upload directory. ie: My customer uploads a file through my web page and the file ends up in the proper directory. When I click on a file name, the url path is missing the directory name. It's as if my customer uploaded directly to my root. Interestingly, when I upload a file through the same web page, the path remains intact and I am able to click on the link and download the file. How can I get the proper path in my url name. Here is my code .


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Data Controls :: Bind Cascading Dropdownlist To Show State And City Which Is Stored In Table

Apr 27, 2016

Into my application there is EditAds.aspx page where the user get a link on his email after he add an Ad into my application. My inquiry is can i bind the cascading ddl to show the value of State column into Ad/product row as well if the user want to update the rest of state will be also reachable. It maybe hard to get what i am looking for exactly so i make a short screen record ...

Rebinding values of Ad/product depending on AdsID which is  a query string in the page called: QADNUM

[URL] ....

if (!IsPostBack)
if (cookie["Location"] == null)
DataTable rEfilterstathpBizDT = new DataTable();
using (SqlConnection REGGfilterstathpBizCon = new SqlConnection(sc))

[Code] ......

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Forms Data Controls :: Show FormView In Edit Mode With Specific Table Columns Depending On Their Genre?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a table in my database called "Profiles". This holds data on Female and Male personal characteristics.On my aspx, I have a formview in edit mode which is binded to an object data source with a GetDataByUserId Select methodwhich retrieves data from the "Profiles" Table via a DAL.The "Profiles" table has some columns which relates to females only and some just males and some are generic to both.See example below

UserId - / of Type GUID
GenreId / of Type BOOL.
Hip Size (For females)
Dress Size ( For Females)
ChestSize (For Men )
TrouserSize (For Men)
Weight ( For both )

When the User logs in , they go to an update Page which has the Formview in Edit Item Mode and contains drop down Lists whichare binded to the Users Selected Value. The DDL are in turn bound to their related table such as HIP, Dress, Chest, Trouser etc.bjectiveIf a female user logs in I just want to show them the (Hip Size) DDL and DressSizeDDL in the Edit item template of the formview and not the ChestSize DDL or TrouserSize DDL.At present the GetProfileByUserId returns all colums from the tableMy question is how do I do this and just show DDL which are relevant to the Female or Male Only. In some cases the usermay not have selected an item in the previous form so they could also be NULL.Am i on the right path by writing a Select Query that checks to see if the User is Male or Female by checking the Genre column in Profiles first.Do I also need 2 panels, 1 to hide Female DDLS and the other to Hide MaleDDLs subject to logged in user genre.

View 8 Replies

VS 2012 Google Places API - Premium Data Zagat Ratings

Jun 9, 2014

I have to work with the Google Places API, specifically Zagat Ratings. It is "premium data" meaning I can't just be a billing user (which is what I am now), I have to be an enterprise user (which it looks like you have to buy a license or otherwise pay to become). How exactly how one becomes an enterprise user? If you happen to have used Zagat ratings, any example of data that comes back from a query so I can take a look and be sure it suits our needs?

If you want the details, this is what I've done (since beginning research on this on Friday).

1. I obtained an API key and in order to do so I created a project (by logging into my google account). My project name is the default "My Project". Then I created a new browser key. With this key, I was able to post requests as below:

[URL] ....

The reply has no Zagat ratings, though. I determined this is because I'm not an Enterprise user: To obtain Zagat data you have to become an enterprise user; just being a "billing user" is not enough.

2. So I wanted to see definitively what kind of a user am I. One hit I got said "Visit the APIs Console and log in with your Google Account", then "Select the project that was created for you when you signed up. The project name will start with Google Maps APIs for Business". I didn't quite understand this second part, and how it presumes to know what my project name is, especially since mine is just the simple default "My Project". Finally it says: "The Places API - Zagat Content service should be enabled (mine is not. Actually, I have no such thing). The Places API service should be disabled (mine is enabled).

View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Show Database From A Sql Database Not In A Table?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a database and i what to pull different columns from a row without having to but it in a datagrid. I know this is 1st grade stuff. :)

View 5 Replies

C# - Exception (missing Primary Key) In The Line Of Using Find() Method "Table Doesn't Have A Primary Key"

Aug 25, 2010

i get the following exception (missing primary key) in the line of using Find() method "Table doesn't have a primary key." I've rechecked the Database and all Primary Key columns are set correctly.

DataTable dt = p.GetAllPhotos(int.Parse(Id));
DataTable temp = new DataTable();
temp = dt.Clone();
temp = (DataTable)(Session["currentImage"]);
DataTable dtvalid = new DataTable();
dtvalid = dt.Clone();
DataRow[] drr = new DataRow[1];
drr[0] = dt.Rows.Find((int.Parse(temp.Rows[0]["photoId"].ToString()))+1);
foreach (DataRow dr in drr)

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AJAX :: Scenario: OpenModalDialog -> LoadData -> Show Data / Show The Data When They Are Ready And Interrupt The Loading Message?

Dec 19, 2010

I have to implement this common scenario but I'm getting in trouble (I'm new in asp)

I have to open a modalDialog, then I want an animation to indicate a "loading message" and when the data are ready

I want show them ina grid view. How can show the data when they are ready and interrupt the loading message?

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.NET :: Table Doesn't Show Up In Intellisense?

Feb 18, 2011

In my DBML, I added three tables with relationshiped established. However, when I do "myDataContext.", I do not see the fields of my other table showing up as being available in the intellisense. Any suggestion? Did I do it wrong? I want to update multiple table at the same time.

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MVC :: Show Same Table In Multiple Controller?

Jan 23, 2011

I have like 5-6 controllers that I need to show the same table ( got the datas from DB ).

So I got 2 questions:

- How can I use WebGrid and MVC to show 2 tables with different datas in the same view.

Because now, I use a ViewModel and then the WebGrid takes Model has his data-source.

- Is there a way to include that table in 5-6 pages. I know with PHP, i can do a Include() and the trick is done...

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C# - Get Schema For Table And Show In The Gridview?

Jan 19, 2011

look at this code :


There is no rows in the schema data table how I can solve this ?I want to get schema for my table and show in the gridview.

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SQL Server :: Show 5 Random Record From Table?

Jul 17, 2010

i need to show for every refresh of page five categories, every time different how can i do? in SQL do not exist select RND(field)...

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MVC :: How To Get The Values From Table To The Indexpage To Show In Gridview

Jan 27, 2010

I have a page in index.aspx..page.. and in that page I have dropdown list..that contains four slection


if I select A I need to get values fromd sqldatabase from the table.

In sqlserver I have database name calles names.. in that names database I have a table called friends..

I need to load the values in the gird according to the dropdown selection expalin me step by stemp..

how to do it this one.

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