Visual Studio :: Designer.aspx.vb Not Updating With Controls?

Jan 20, 2011

I have created one new project in vb. When i create the control in aspx page , the designer .aspx.vb not updating properly? I should write the corresponding control in .aspx.vb file.

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How To Force Visual Studio 2008 To Generate Designer.cs E.g. Whatever.aspx.designer.cs

Mar 20, 2010

I have some webforms in an Asp.Net V2.0 generated using Visual Studio 2005 using Web site technology

Want to import them in to Visual Studio 2008 set to v3.5 (Asp.Net MVC) - where I use Project technology

I'm using Add > Existing Item - Which brings in Whatever.aspx & Whatever.aspx.cs There is no Whatever.aspx.designer.cs to import

How do you force it to be generated ?

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Visual Studio :: Designer Files Not Updating ?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a problem in which some nested controls on a page are not updated in the designer file. I have deleted the designer file, selected Convert to Web Application, but still the controls are missing.

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Visual Studio :: Adding A Server Control On Aspx Page Does Not Add Events In Aspx.designer.vb File?

Oct 5, 2010

I work in VS 2008. Whenver I add a server control(Label) and set it properties in aspx.vb and build the solution, I get the error "Label1 not declared". While analyzing this issue I noticed that the event handler statements for the Label1 where not added in the designer.asp.vb file. These statement would actually be added automatically when I drag and drop a control to my webpage.

I would also like to inform the scenario after which this problem came to me. I was working in VS 2008 , VS 2005 and VS 2003 in the same machine.Could this have caused the issue ?

Now each and everytime when I add a control, I am adding the "With Events" code in the designer page to make my build succesfull which makes me to spend more efforts.

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Visual Studio :: Why Changes Made To A .aspx Page In The Designer Are Not Saved By 2008

Aug 18, 2010

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Why Changes Made To A .aspx Page In The Designer Are Not Saved By Visual Studio 2008

Aug 18, 2010

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It works well when i run it. Is there something i did wrong or is this a known bug?Oh and here is a sample code from one of the usre controls:


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CSS Only Working In Visual Studio Designer?

Mar 7, 2010

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Here is the master page.

<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="head" runat="server">


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Feb 10, 2010

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How btnSave is being recognized by .cs file without defining it anywhere as an object of System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button?

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Visual Studio :: Generating Resource Designer.vb?

Mar 11, 2010

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Oct 5, 2010

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Feb 12, 2010

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Jan 19, 2010

In a custom component, there is a popup window that should appear to me so that I can manipulate one of the lists (an in-built editor). The component is Telerik, but I don't think that has anything to do with it (maybe).

The popup window is no longer popping up to me. I wonder if it got minimized or it's a z-index thing, where the window is behind VS? But this locks up VS, and I can't do anything within it until I cancel the window. But I can't cancel the window because I can't see it... and so that is really slowing me down and is really frustrating.

Is there a way to get around this? A key press to bring this to the front or give it the focus?

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Visual Studio :: UpdatePanel Reference In Control.ascx.designer.cs Keeps Changing

Oct 12, 2010

I have an annoying problem when I'm developing in Visual Studio 2010. I am using an UpdatePanel in my .ascx file like this:

<asp:updatepanel id="upStuff" runat="server">....</asp:updatepanel>

in my control.ascx.designer.cs, the update panel is being defined like this:

protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.updatepanel upSettings;

this produces the error:

"The type or namespace name 'updatepanel' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts' (are you missing an assembly reference?)"

The actual namespace should be System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel. When I go directly into the designer.cs file and change it, it works. However, every time I go back into editing control.ascx and save, Visual Studio always changes it back to system.Web.UI.WebControls.Webparts.updatepanel. I'm not sure what is causing this. Is it how I should be referencing namespaces and classes in my project? I'm using .NET 3.5.

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Jan 26, 2010

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C# - Visual Studio 2005 Vs. 2008 - Code The Designer Automatically Generates In 08 Like In 05?

Nov 1, 2010

So I am a beginner with .NET, Visual Studio, C#, etc. But I am wondering something about the code behind a form and a difference I am seeing in 2008 versus 2005. So lets say I have a simple Windows Form app, C#, and I throw a couple controls on it. Then I add some MessageBox.Show event handlers for the default 2005 there is that little section within the code that is hidden that basically contains the code that 'registers' the controls with the system....I think. That may be a bad definition?? Basically I think that automatic code generated here just basically associates the event to the event handling code....anyway.

I can see this is 2005 (once I click the like gray box), but it does not appear anywhere in 2008. So this has to exist somewhere, and I just wanted to ask to be familiar with what is going on since I am new to this. I still have to figure out how to turn on the code line numbering in 2008, but I can google it.

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Visual Studio :: In Visual Studio 2010 Not Finding Default.aspx Error?

Apr 29, 2010

I am having an issue in VS 2010 trying to get even the default ASP.NET Web Application to run in Debug mode. I get the error:

"Unable to start program 'http://localhost:1443/Default.aspx'.

The system cannot find the file specified."

I am stumped here and cannot find anything out there with this error.

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