Visual Studio :: How To Sort Templates Alphabetically

Feb 8, 2010

I'm wondering if Visual Studio is ever going to allow users to sort the available templates alphabetically.

When clicking on File | New File, I'm greeting with the New File dialog window, which has a seemingly arbitrarily ordered list of items to choose from. This isn't so bad, because there aren't that many, but it would still be nice to order them.

When right-clicking a project, and choosing Add | New Item, I get a Add New Item dialog box that has the same dementedly senseless order, and there are many more of them. Fifty-three on my system, in fact. Having no easy way to order these alphabetically is a serious pain, and I've seen complaints about it all over the Internet. Does anyone know of a way to get Visual Studio 2008 to order these templates alphabetically, and does anyone know if Visual Studio 2010 will finally include this feature?

I found a PowerShell script online that was supposed to accomplish this, but it appears to have been written for .NET 2.0, and I'm using .NET 3.5. I don't have the time to pick apart the PowerShell script and hope I get the modifications right.

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