Web Development Designing Method?

Apr 4, 2010

which web development method is currently use. and can anyone also tell me related article or any other guide for it, am working on web development project in asp.net and Sql server (Clothing Website)

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banner.Src = "mybanner.png";
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<script language='javascript'>
fullUrl = '" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["fullUrl"].ToString() + @"';.............

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Designing IPhone Applications That Use Web Methods?

Aug 30, 2010

After getting pretty far along with a jQTouch web application for our website, my boss and I decided we may as well just make a true iPhone app instead of struggling with sloppy flickering animations and login authentication issues. We currently have a fully functional web site with some SOAP web services, but we are looking at rewriting these in order to make it easier for the iPhone to call the web methods (for displaying search results, categories, and article) for our app. I have not started anything on the iPhone yet as I am not sure which direction I should be taking.

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Designing An Asynchronous Task Library For .NET?

Oct 6, 2010

The ASP.NET runtime is meant for short work loads that can be run in parallel. I need to be able to schedule periodic events and background tasks that may or may not run for much longer periods.Given the above I have the following problems to deal with:

The AppDomain can shutdown due to changes (Web.config, bin, App_Code, etc.)

IIS recycles the AppPool on a regular basis (daily)

IIS itself might restart, or for that matter the server might crash

I'm not convinced that running this code inside ASP.NET is not the right thing to do, becuase it would allow for a simpler programming model. But doing so would require that an external service periodically makes requests to the app so that the application is keept running and that all background tasks are programmed with utter most care. They will have to be able to pause and resume thier work, in the event of an unexpected error.My current line of thinking goes something like this:

If all jobs are registered in the database, it should be possible to use the database as a bookkeeping mechanism. In the case of an error, the database would contain all state necessary to resume the operation at the next opportunity given.I'd really appriecate some feedback/advice, on this matter. I've been considering running a windows service and using some RPC solution as well, but it doesn't have the same appeal to me. And I'd instead have a lot of deployment issues and sycnhronizing tasks and code cross several applications. Due to my business needs this is less than optimial.

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Web Forms :: Designing Professional Websites - Particular Tips?

Feb 16, 2010

Web Page Design is a very important stage while developing an asp.net project as it will create the look and feel of the site. So I want to be careful in this stage. Could you give me some practical tips for designing professional looking website? Or Is there any website that offers free Master Page design templates? I am going to develop a new web application for my company. So I want to provide a good looking, easy to navigate and consistent web application to them. Thanks in advance to all who reply.

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Web Forms :: Designing Controls As Public Members

Mar 12, 2010

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I were wondering if there is a way to make the controls public member so that new calss can access them. Plus, is there any security concern related to this approach?

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Architecture :: Finding Best Practice For Designing Classes - OOP

Aug 10, 2010

I am searching for what are the standard best practice (for OOP) used to design classes for develop asp.net application? I am aware of most of the OOP concepts but confused with how to map object/classes.

Let's take example of Adventure works - 2005 database provided by Microsoft; it has five schemas Sales, Purchase, Person, Production, HR and DBO.

Should we consider Schemas as Namespace in Classes?

Now, Person schema has 5 tables, should we design classes based on tables?

i.e. Person schema has Address, AddressType, Contact, ContactType, CountryRegion & StateProvince tables. What are the classes we can consider?

What are the basic criteria to decide objects? What to do and how to design classes for tables like Purchase order detail, Product cost history, Product inventory, Product Category etc.

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Designing Interfaces - Useful Resources About HTML, CSS And Javascript

Sep 6, 2010

I am new to ASP.NET development. I noted that the design interface provided with visual studio 2010 is not very help ful in designing eye catching website. May be I am missing some pice of inforanmtion. To improve my understanding, specially with reference to Visual studo 2010/ASP.NET, I wanted to know useful resources about HTML, CSS and javascript

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Web Forms :: How To Write C# Code In Designing Page

Oct 19, 2013

How to use C# code in .aspx page?

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Web Forms :: Designing Home Page With Good Format?

Sep 24, 2010

I am having a website with header only as a masterpage. I need to design a Home page which contains again header and below to this I need to display the content about the website. Please provide me any good looking home page.

I need to display only text in home page but that should be in a good looking format.

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C# - Finding Tutorials For Designing Webpages For Mobile Browser

Jul 5, 2010

I'm making my debut in designing a web app specifically targeted at mobile browsers. While I've written web pages before in C#/ASP.NET, I've never done anything specifically for the limited screen real estate and other idiosyncrasies of mobile browsers. So I'm looking for some pointers here:

What design considerations should I be taking account of (aside from the obviously smaller screen)?

What useful features are there in C# that can be put to good effect for the mobile client?

How do you make sure to give a relatively uniform user experience for all different mobile browsers?

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Designing Meeting Request Form To Exchange Videos?

Mar 11, 2011

I have a few friends that I swap videos with and I am to design a meeting request form. The form should allow me to enter the contact details, the details of these friends I am swapping with and a suggested date and time to meet for the exchange. How do I go about this code.

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Designing System With Presentation Layer And Web Service Based API

Oct 19, 2010

We are designing a system that has functionality that is essentially the same at the presentation layer and the exposed API layer. My question is what technique / strategy to use so we can get the most reuse out of our code with performance in mind? Here's a simplified example: A user can add a Customer via a web form. This will fire the Customer.Create() method. An API consumer / user can add a Customer via a SOAP / HTTP-POST to a web service which will call the Customer.Create() method.

Imagine these layers:
WEB SERVICE API (Customer.Create() is available here
FACADE Business Object Interface - Customer.Create() signature is here
BUSINESS Business object - Customer.Create method() is fleshed out here
DATA ACCESS - Writes data

The presentation layer SOAP calls the Create() web method, which calls the facade's Create() method which calls the business object's Create() method which wires via the data access layer.


Is there a concern about performance in using the API's web services in our presentation layer, or are there alternatives to connect the presentation layer directly to the facade? If so, what technology to use (WCF, Remoting, Web Services, etc)?

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