Web Forms :: ASP.NET Validation Controls Are Removing Client Event Handlers.
Nov 24, 2010
The textbox has an onblur event (the workings of the onblur event are irrelevant), and an associated RequiredFieldValidator. This code functions exactly as it should. However,if in the body onload event I simply raise an alert of the innerHTML of tr1 or td1, the onblur event does not appear (but it does work, and can be seen when I view source in IE7). If I remove the RequiredFieldValidator, the onblur event handler is shown in the alert, or if I retain the validator but change onblur to onfocus, then the event handler also appears in the alert. I need this to work as when the user increases the Quantity, duplicates of the table row are added (I have tried both cloneNode, and setting the innerHTML of each new table cell to that of the original, but as my alert proves, the onblur event handler is not included in what is copied). The same problem also occurs with onchange for select tags with validators. I am using Visual Studio 2008 (.Net
2), IE7 and IIS 7.
I have two list boxes and I am using javascript to interchange the items. My problem is, When I press submit button before any changes in the listboxes, it would fire the eventhandler. But when I made any change in these listboxes, a postback happened and the controls became invisible. (There is an html tag and an empty body tag in the source). I know listbox cannot preserve the client side changes to the server. But I could not identify the problem.
reading on the forums about assigning event handlers to controls that are dynamically created via code and am just not getting anywhere.In my particular case, I'm rolling through a directory of images and creating ImageButton controls on the fly and want to assign the OnCommand event to a single handler.Then, by using the CommandName (which is different for each control) I can figure out which ImageButton was clicked and act accordingly.
The snippet below (which can be found in many posts on this topic) is inside a foreach which loops through the directory and gets each FileInfo (fi).Each is then added to a PlaceHolder (phImages).
This code compiles and runs but the event handler is never invoked when an ImageButton is clicked. I believe this is because you cannot, without some coding I'm not familiar enough to do yet, assign a handler to multiple controls.I say this because I ran into a similar problem in a Silverlight app I wrote and had to use a lambda (=>) operator to do something similar (although I admit to not knowing enough about this to know if this situation is the same).
I have a situation where I dynamically load one of twenty user controls at a time in an ASP.net web page. Based on much reading I've done, I understand that I am to reload the user control upon postback via the Page_Init event handler. This I've done and it seems to work fine.
But now I would like to wire up assorted controls in the user controls such that when the value of each is changed, an event is fired and the web page is notified. Here's an example of how I'm doing that:
userControl.NewData_Handler += new EventHandler(UserControl_NewData_Handler);
There's a problem though. Because the user control is being done in Page_Init (ie. before Page_Load) I don't believe that a line of code such as the one above can function yet.
So I'm wondering what the best practice to do this is. It occurred to me that perhaps I could execute the line in the Page_Load event handler but I'm not sure if that's correct or not.
I've always understood that it was best practice to add event handlers in code in the page load event thus:
Button1.Attributes.Add("onclick", "alert('Hello');"); rather than "onclientclick=somefunction()"
My question is, how do you add event handlers to formview controls where the control(s) may only be on the edit template and not on the insert and read only templates.
Simply putting the code in the page load would produce an error.
Where should the statement be placed in such scenarios?
Is it possible to do client side validation on a detailsview (insert or edit) without using validation controls? I.E. somehow capture the onClientClick event of the autogenerated Insert/Update link buttons to call my javascript function?
Is there a way that I can execute a javascript function after the client side validation occurs in asp.net?I have a couple validation controls on a page and an input button with CausesValidation=true. The OnClientClick handler executes javascript before the validation runs, but i want to run some functions afterwards.
In a multigrid i have validating two controls like date and amount.it is validating correctly when i press the tabevent.when i press the save button it is not validating.iam using two validations gruops and two validation summary.Then in save button i have also tried onclientclick() function with javascript it s working fine but if i give the correct value in date and amount records not saving how to over come this.
I've been working on a web form that has lost it's ability to respond to most event handlers, though code that I write in Page_Load still fires. No button click or text changed events will fire. This has been working for months, and suddenly stopped. I did a windiff comparison to an older version of the webform, and don't see anything suspicious.
I am creating a hierarchial grid dynamically. I was able to add a gridview within a gridview. Now how can I create the gridview's rowcreated event handler programatically? I need it to be dynamic, depending on the number of levels of hierarchy I will add gridviews and their events. How can I do it?
the event names will be dynamic like GridView*_RowCreated.. where * will replace by a number of gridviews.
I am using ASP.NET's server-side validation. In the page_load event I'm calling Page.Validate(), and if Page.IsValid is not true I'm then polling the controls to figure out which ones are not valid, and then determining what actions to take.It would be much easier if each control would raise an event as validation fails, allowing me to take action for that particular control. I'm very much a naive programmer when it comes to validation, but is there a way to extend these controls so that a validation error raises an event?
I've been programming ASP.NET for a number of years and have got into the habit of using the public access modifier when writing event handlers for nested controls. e.g.
LinkButton ln = new LinkButton(); ln.Click += new EventHandler(LinkClick); .... public void LinkClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
I think I started using public because I ran into errors when using other modifiers. Is this the correct one to use here? Does it depend whether you're writing a Page / UserControl / other?
I want to add event handlers programmatically to the server controls rather than using their predefined OnClick properties, etc. But which would be considered a better practice for defining handlers:
I have a custom control which I need to be able to operate with the validation controls available within asp.net. I would like the message to be shown to the user client-side so as not having to wait for a postback each time.I have the ValidationPropertyAttribute("value") set at the top of the control. However it is still being completely ignored by the validation controls. I have found the following from microsoft, but I'm not sure I'm interpreting it correctly, could someoneIn order to be referenced by a validation control, a control must have a validation property. All controls that can be validated have a ValidationPropertyAttribute, which indicates which property should be read for the purposes of validation. If you write your own control, you can make it take part in validation by providing one of these attributes to specify which property to use.
I want to be able to do something like display an image for required fields. If the field is filled in and passes validation, the image is replaced with another image. If the field is not filled in or is filled in incorrectly, I want the initial image to replaced by still another. For example, the initial image can be a red star. A green check mark can be the image for a valid field, and a red "X" can be the image for a missed or invalid field.
Another post pointed me to [URL] which seemed to contain my anwer in the Bypassing Client Validation / Special effects section, but it only works in IE!
Doing all my own client side validation is not a good alternative. Does anyone know how I can style anything other then the input control (or the validation controls) when the input control fails to validate and before the postback?
i have a panel which iam showing as pop up with few textbox controls with several validation controls and button on clicking which i am checking for validation now i want to add a checkbox on checking it it should disable some of the controls and remove the validation properties from them and on unchecking it apply the same i am able to make those controls disabled but still on clicking that button it is asking for validating those controls
on the click event of checkbox i am calling one javascript function and applying the disabled attribute to some of the controls
function disableOtherElements(e) { var id = e.checked; if (id) { $('.dd').attr('disabled', true); } else { $('.dd').removeAttr('disabled'); } }
dd is the class assigned to all the controls that i want to be disabled. what i have to do to remove the validation properties
I come from the Windows forms side and started using ASP.NET. I have not found how to use event handlers properly.Basically I want to create a shopping cart web control. When a purchase has been made I want to raise an event with products in the purchase. I would like to have the shared/static event and delegate on the web control and then, maybe in Global.asax (if not possible elsewhere) handle that event.
How can I do this? It seems I cannot access objects from other pages/controls.
I'm having a hard time understanding why the following code doesn't work. I'm sure it's something remedial that I'm missing or not understanding. I currently have a page that asks for user input. If, based on the input and logged in user, I find data from this page already in the database, I need to update the existing records rather than creating new ones, so I set a class-level bool to true. The problem is, when MyNextButton is clicked, PreviouslySubmitted is still false. So, I'm not sure how to make the value of this variable persist.
public partial class MyForm : System.Web.UI.Page { private bool PreviouslySubmitted; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyButton.Click += (o, i) => { q = from a in db.TableA where (a.SomeField == SomeValue) select a; if(q.Any()) { PreviouslySubmitted = true; //populate the form's fields with values from database for user to revise } } MyNextButton.Click += (o, i) => { //the value of PreviouslySubmitted is false at this point, //even if I made sure it was set to true the previous postback if(PreviouslySubmitted) { //update database } else { //insert into database } }