Web Forms :: Access Page Variable From User Control

Oct 29, 2010

I have a property on a page called

public string productName { get; set;}

I want to access this in my usercontrol code behind. What's the right way to do it? Currently I am doing


But the user control is not compiling. My pagename is MyPage.

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Access Page Variable From User Control?

Oct 29, 2010

I have a property on a page called

public string productName { get; set; }

I want to access this in my usercontrol code behind. What's the right way to do it?Currently I am doing


But the user control is not compiling. My pagename is MyPage and I have also added a Reference

<%@ Reference VirtualPath="~/MyPage.aspx" %>

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Visual Studio :: Access Master Page Variable From A User Control

Apr 10, 2010

I am using vb.net/asp.net 2005. I have a master page that displays a child content page. The child content page contains a user control that I created. In the user control I would like to access a variable that is set in the Master page.

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Web Forms :: Access Page Load Event From User Control

Mar 2, 2010

I have a page called "EDIT.ASPX" on that page it has come TextBoxes, Label and 3 User Controls. When the Edit.aspx page is loaded all the correction form Controls are loaded properly, even the User Controls loads with no problem. The problem that I am expericing is that on the User Control I have a CHECKBOX with AutoPostBack="true". Each time the user click the CheckBox the User Control disappear. NOTE: How do I fix this problem and eliminate my page control from vanshing. The user control needs to keep the same state as the Edit.aspx page when the checkbox is clicked. I need to be able to click the checkbox without loosing any data on the page rather it's the Edit Page or the User Control.

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Web Forms :: Access Public Property Of User Control In Master Page On Child Pages?

Nov 29, 2010

How can one access public property of User Control In Master Page on child Pages.

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C# - Access Master Page Public Method From User Control/class/page

Oct 25, 2010

I am to access a method on my master page. I have an error label which I want to update based on error messages I get from my site.

public string ErrorText
get { return this.infoLabel.Text; }
set { this.infoLabel.Text = value; }

How can I access this from my user control or classes that I set up?

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User Controls :: Find And Access Master Page Control From UserControl Inside Content Page

Jan 24, 2014

On masterPage i have button btnTest, how hide button from masterPage on userControl.ascx


   btnTest.visible = false;

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MVC :: Access A Page From User Control?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a form in a user control on an aspx page (in masterpage ofc) and when i post this form (using javascript) i want the page to refresh so that the new values posted in the uc will show.My friend said I could use <%=Model.Item.GetUrl() %> but it redirects me to only the user control and not the aspx page. How can I access the Model from the aspx page and not from the uc?

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Apr 2, 2010

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C# - Can't Access Master Page From User Control

Jul 17, 2010

My master page code looks something like this:

namespace Recipes
public partial class MasterPage : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
public void UpdateUserLogin()
NicknameLbl.Text = ((Recipes.BasePage)Page).CurrentUser.Nickname;

I want to call the UpdateUserLogin() method from a user control, something like this:


But for some reason the compiler doesn't know Recipes.MasterPage (are you missing an assembly blablabla).

Maybe the problem is that I added the Recipes namespace around MasterPage manually, it wasn't added by VS. By the way I'm using VS Web Developer Express 2008.

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Access Button In User Control In Another Aspx Page

Feb 7, 2011

I have a button control called "btnAdd" located at a cuser control. I am using the usercontrol in an aspx page. I need to create a new button control in the aspx page that reference to the button control (btnAdd) located in the user control , so I can use its code in the aspx page.

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Getting Access To A Custom Master Page From A User Control

May 24, 2010

We have created a Master page that inherits off the asp.net Master class.We have also got ui controls that inherit off the standard asp.net ui control class.Our Master page has a public member variable. We need to be able to access that member variable from the ui controls that we use.However we can't seem to get at it? Is it our architecture that is wrong? Or the idea itself - user control getting acces to Master page variables?

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Web Forms :: Access Variable From File That Uses Master Page?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a master page (Defstrm.Master) with the following asp.net tag:

<Cloister:Footer id="footerPage" runat="server" addstatistics="true" />

I also have an Asp.net web form "displays.aspx" that uses the master page Def.Master. In the C# code behind file for displays.aspx how can I access the property value "addstatistics" that is defined in the master page?

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C# - How To Access A Deeply Nested User Control On The Parent Page

Sep 15, 2010

I have a login control and at is nested 2 deep in a header control i.e Page --> Header Control --> Login Control. I cannot get a reference to the control on the page using FindControl. I want to be able to set the visible property of the control like


I ended up using a recursive FindControl method to find the nested control.


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Access User Control DataGrid Controls From Parent Page?

Feb 18, 2011

here my code-

GridView gvCondition = (GridView)this.FindControl("ucCondition").FindControl("gvCondition");
gvCondition.DataSource = objConditionFieldCollection;

but it is throwing as exception Object reference not set to an instance of an object.How can I access user control's gridview control from parent page?

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Mar 30, 2010

I have lot of methids in my mastre page how do i use them in my User control? I dont want to copy paste the code

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Web Forms :: Can't Assign Values To Variable In User Control

Jun 17, 2010

I have a simple user control which toggles between the visibility of a few images depending on the UserId. When the page is loaded for the first time, the userID is being assigned correctly (I'm debugging). However, there are two other buttons on the page for filtering the type of users, they are perform their functionality via Ajax (not the toolkit, but the normal javascript ajax) When one of these buttons are clicked, the user control cant get the userid, it always comes up as Zero. Oh, btw, the usercontrol is in a DataRepeater, so it occurs for each of the user.. all the time.. or thats the Idea. I have several other pages like this, (none of them have ajax) and the user control has no problems whatsoever.

My User control code:


And the Data Repeater is something like this:


Here, Immediately after the userControl <ucAB:....> line, I am printing the userid just to see if its valid (by <%# Eval("UserId") %> and the user id's are valid too. I dont understand why the User Control cant pick it up on ajax postback?

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Web Forms :: Variable Width Image In User Control?

May 17, 2010

I am new to web design so bear with me. I have an .aspx page with a user control at the top that is basically a container for an image. It serves as a banner spanning the entire page. The lower part of the page is a left and right sidebar with a main middle section.

The image is simply some text at the left layered over a background that fades from blue to white, top to bottom. Image size is 90 p. high by 1000 p. wide. How can I get this image to vary width withing the control along with the rest of the page when rendered under different screen resolutions?

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Web Forms :: User Control C# - Open User Control Page When Click A Button On Parent Page

Mar 22, 2011

i would like to ask about how can i open user control page when i click a button on parent page, also, can i call parent's method from user control page and then refresh parent page?

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Web Forms :: Access User Control Properties In Another User Control

Nov 9, 2010

I want to use a couple of instances of the same control on a page. The user control is intended to display a list of records in a repeater. The aim is that the second control will show a list excluding the IDs in the first control The control has a number of public properties, including IDsInThisList, and IDstoExclude. The query will exclude the IDs in the second property.

What I would like to do is get the record IDs from the first instance of the control (IDsInThisList), and pass them to the second contro as the IDsToExclude.

I have a test page where I am setting the properties of the controls in code. As you might guess, it's not working! The first control displays the top 3 items, as desired, but the second display the records 1-7, rather than records 4-10 because it is not receiving the IDstoExclude from the first control When I response write the IDstoExclude from the first control in my testpage, the string is empty. (if I do it from within the control, it shows the IDs)

How can I get the controls to fire in order and pass values to each other?

Screen grab of test page + uc and test page code attached


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Web Forms :: Access One User Control Methods In Another User Control?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a requirement where i need to access the methods of one user control in another user control.

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How To Access A User Control's Parent Form's Controls Inside The User Control's Code Behind

Jun 11, 2010

I have to access the parent form's controls inside an event handler method on my user control's code behind.

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