Web Forms :: After Login Get The Application Role In A Session?

May 11, 2010

In my application. I have a master page where i have a menu control. After login i get the application role in a session. Now based on the application role I need to remove some of the items which are not required for general users.How can we check the menu and remove in master page. I tried below code but its not working.


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Security :: Why A Forms-authenticated User Needs To Login Again To Role Subfolders In An IIS Server Environment

May 7, 2010

Followed the code sample of Chapter 10 (Logging in) of the Book, Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0, I created an ASP.NET 3.5 website with Forms Authentication. The sample code used Website Administration Tool (WAT) to manage the users, roles, and authorization.When running in the ASP.NET Development server environment, I can first login, then click to open the links for each for the 3 roles.

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a. I want to have User A as a common user for both application X and Y.
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Can Login With Forms Authentication And Then Transfer That 'login' To A PHP Application

Mar 7, 2011

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Security :: Add Role In Create Login Wizard?

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Security :: Login Control And .Net Membership & Role?

Oct 28, 2010

I am currently working in an ASP.Net application where i need to implement ASP.Net Membership and Roles. I have used Login controls in my pages. Also I am using a menu in the master page, which is getting data bindings from database. For data bindings I am using XMLDatasource and a transform file (.xslt file). I need to bind the data to the Menu based on the user roles.

My issue is that the generated Menu is not behaving consistently. Sometimes it will show the correct menu for a particular role and some times it will show previously loaded data.Providing my code here:

private void LoadMenuItems() {
System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal User;
User = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User;[code]....

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Avoid Concurrent Login (logout Former Login Session) In Membership

Jan 8, 2010

I am wondering how I can implement so that later login session logout former login session to avoid concurrent login. I know how to check whether the user is online (by Membership.IsOnline()) and logout the current user (by FormsAuthentication.SignOut()). But I don't know how to logout the previous login session.

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Feb 22, 2010

Let's say I have 2 computers and has internet connections. let's say in computer 1 I visit the my page and i log-in as User1 and I go now to computer 2 and i do the same thing in computer 1. All i want to do is to kill the session in computer 1 because i log-in in computer 2.

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Security :: Single Login Control With Different Destination Pages By Role

Feb 16, 2011

I am using visual stuido 2010 and vb. I am trying to direct users to one of three different pages upon sign in, depending on their role. Basically I have three roles: administrators, dealers, and customers And three respective destination page urls: admin/default.aspx, dealer/default.aspx, and customers/default.aspx. Everything I can find in the forums is in C. So far I have nothing, so I guess I'm asking someone to write the whole sub for me. I wish I was more proficient, but I'm working on it.

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Security :: Membership User Has To Logout - Login Again In Order To View New Role Assigned Functionality

Jul 15, 2010

i currently develop an asp.net mvc 2 web app using asp.net membership and role management for authenticating and authorizing my users. I get complaints though that when adding a role to some user, he is not able to see new role assigned functionality, unless he re-enters (logout and login again) the application.

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How To Manage Role And Its Permission In Application

Apr 29, 2010

i like to design a asp.net application(app1) where we can create role and actions. here action is such as create student details and delete student details... this both actions comes underneath to a role1.. so, the application will have some roles with set of actions. This roles and action will be used later in another applications(app2 and app3).

i have designed app1 with single sign on for all the application(app2,app3). when a user enter into app2, he/she will be redirected login page which resides in app1. There user validation will take place. once validated, authentication ticket will be send back to requested application(app2).

Once app2 receive the ticket, it will make another request app1 to get the roles and action belongs to singed user. the app2 should behave based the actions belongs to role.

*A user can have more roles.

how to control the user activities based on the actions?

Is there any framework to achieve this model?

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User Controls :: Validate Session Set After Login And Redirect User Back To Login Page If It Is NULL

Apr 26, 2013

I have made a web page in which there is login screen when user login it goes next page but my problem is if i directly enter the url of that page it open. I want it should not open unless the user log in... 

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Web Application Role Management / Implementing Without Memberships?

Jan 16, 2011

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What is the best way of implementing it without memberships in asp.net ..

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Web Forms :: How To Login And Redirect To Same Page And Use The Session

Jun 18, 2010

I have 1 master page and Home.aspx page. Home.aspx page is using the master page.. In master page i have two textbox and and menu control and button. Textbox are used for login and password. by default Home.aspx opens.....Now when user login then i check the user exist of not in my master page codebehind and then redirect to Home.aspx but this time i want the textbox and button not to be visible. In master page i used session to store the login is true or not and the usertype and then redirect to Home.aspx. but i am not able to use the session.

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Security :: Custom Role Provider In WinForms And Web Application?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a custom role provider class that is currently being used by a web application. We are now in the process of migrating several windows applications from VB6 to VB.Net. From preliminary research, I understand that I can use the custom role provider in win forms as well and came across Client Application Services. I understand how the Client Application Services is setup, but can't seem to find how the custom role provider code will be shared between the web apps and the windows apps.

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VS 2008 - Role Based Security Not Working In Application

Jul 12, 2011

I have an asp.net application. This is a role based authorization. Basically, if the user's are in a specific AD group, it should allow them to look at the webpage. Otherwise it should error out saying "not authorized".

In the web.config file, I have the following lines of code. I made sure I am in the Apr-Sales-Writers AD group.

<allow roles="Apr-Sales-Writers"/>
<deny users="*"/>

Issue: when I go to default.aspx page, it prompts for a userid and password and even though I put correct password and userid, it says "not authorized error".

Access is denied.
Description: An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve this request. The server may not be configured for access to the requested URL.

Error message 401.2.: Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration. Verify that you have permission to view this directory or page based on the credentials you supplied and the authentication methods enabled on the Web server. Contact the Web server's administrator for additional assistance.

In the IIS project (on IIS server), I configured it to be a "Integrated windows authentication".

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Forms Data Controls :: Login Session Details - Get A B C In Asp?

Dec 22, 2010

I have UserID and password stored in my login table.

I want to store some more fileds in table like
a. User Login Time
b. User I.P. address
c. Logout time

How to get a,b,c in asp.net.

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Web Forms :: Display Username After Login Using Session Variable

May 7, 2015

I have created a web application with 5 forms using asp.net & vb.net.

The system got more than 250 web clients. 

My problem is when second user logs in to the web system, the second user overrides first user's details. 

I want to keep user details and display login information on each 5 forms.

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MVC :: Strongly Typed User Control On All Pages Based On Login Status And User Role

May 9, 2010

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Security :: Open Source User Profile And Role Management Application?

Dec 23, 2010

I am looking for an opensource .Net 4.0 user profile and role management module. I need to manage basic user profile updates and management. Does any body know if such a thing exist?

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Session / Renew An Application Session By Just shaking The Mouse?

Apr 9, 2010

Is it possible to renew an application session by just shaking the mouse?

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How To Redirect User From Login Page To Next Page Base On Their Role In C#

Jul 26, 2010

I am using built-in asp.net Role and membership provider in my website. when user login to my system they are redirected to hompage. how should i code it. that when he click on login button page check its role and then decide where to redirect. Suppose user login with name John and "john" is "Admin" then application Redirect him to AdminPanel.aspx and if User john is normal "RegUser" Role then redirect him into Home.aspx.

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