Web Forms :: Button Control Not Firing In First Click?

Feb 7, 2011

I am using vs 2008 in my wepage i have one update button which is not fired in first click i deleted all coding and tried for this simple line coding for this also not firing in first click

protected void btn_update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label_error.Text = "Updated";

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Web Forms :: User Control Link Button Click Event Not Firing On First Try?

Jun 9, 2010

Here is what i am trying to do I have a multiview and two views in it so based on click event the link the views change


apparently they are not firing on first try. The reason i am doing this is the two views have tables with different images to be used in building my menu.

What am i doing wrong? or why is the click event firing on second try?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Button Control Click Event Not Firing First Time?

Sep 16, 2010

im creating a button control in page int and im assing a click event for the button control. here the click event is not firing for the first time. here is my code.


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Web Forms :: Button Click Is Not Firing?

Apr 19, 2010

Button click is not firing for some reason. This button is in a content page.(Master page)
I am not sure what is happening.

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Web Forms :: Button Click Event Is Not Firing?

Jun 5, 2010

I have a webfrom on which I have some textbox controls, validation controls and button controls. When I click the button is validating the form but when I fill the text boxes with valid data and click the button nothing is happening i.e. the page is not posting back and button_onclick event is not firing. Below is the markup.


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Web Forms :: SelectindexChanged Firing On Button Click?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm having the all fun issue of the SelectIndexChanged handler firing on the button click of the submit button on the page. I have up to 5 dropdownlists on the page and show them based on a procedure from the users type. I also turn the autopostback on and off depending on how many ddl's are on the page. I have tried adding the EnabledViewState on the updatepanel, ddl controls, etc to no evail. Is there a simple fix for this?

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Web Forms :: Firing A Button Click After Page_Load?

Mar 24, 2011

I am designing a page wherein I want to display just parts of a page on page_load (i.e. menu bar). Then a few seconds later, I would like to display the rest of the controls (i.e. charts). Is this possible? What I currently have is a page that displays the page skeleton and then on button_click(), the rest of the page is rendered. I want to fire a button_click() event on code-behind without actually requiring the user to click on the button but can't seem to find good tutorials/articles regarding this approach.

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Web Forms :: Button Click Event Not Firing?

Nov 22, 2012

i want to upload mp3 songs and also download it....

i got code from our partner site and it is useful but when i click on upload button then it doesnt go to that click event so that code is not working...

my code is:=

protected void mpsong_button_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream)) { byte[] bytes = br.ReadBytes((int)FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream.Length); { {


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Web Forms :: Button Not Firing On-click Event If CauseValidation = True?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a UserControl, which has few textboxes, RequiredFieldValidator and a submit button. Every thing was working fine and now suddenly the button click event stopped working.If i set the CauseValidation= false for button, then it s working fine, but i can not do that because i want user to enter some value in the textbox.I investigated that it might be RequiredFieldValidatoe which is stopping the button to postback, but why its doing like that if you have entered the values in textboxes.

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Web Forms :: How To Add Weparts Dynamically - Button Click Event Not Firing

Mar 28, 2011

Am adding a sample webpart dynamically in which i add a Button Control.the isssue is Event is getting fired when i Click on the scond time and the other issue is the web parts are getting duplicated for each postback.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Button Click Event Firing?

Mar 8, 2010

I am creating two buttons within the StoryGet() method, first when the page loads. When one of the buttons is pushed, lets say the left one - I want to call another method - "ButtonLeft_Click"

Ive used this same solution in other sites and it worked. With this solution, click event never fires.

If I move the StoryGet() call from Page_Load to PageInit() the button event fires, but because this event also calls StoryGet() the method runs twice, which I don't want.

I tried adding this to page_init so the original StoryGet() method only gets run the first time the page loads unless the method is called directly but then the page loads, but the button click event doesn't run again

if (!this.IsPostBack)
piccount = 0;


View 18 Replies

Web Forms :: OnClientClick And Click Event Together For A Button Is Not Firing - Issue In FireFox

Feb 21, 2011

I have Onclientclick event attached to the button in serverside code like below,


Also, the onClick event is attached for the same button in the aspx page,


The serverside click event should fire if the onclientclick javascript function return true. The "ValidateData()" function is called to validate the entries in the form. This code is working fine in IE. But in Firefox, both events are not firig. If I remove the line "TopPanelButton.OnClientClick =..." then onClick event is firing.

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Click Event Of Dynamically Created Link Button Is Not Firing

May 7, 2015

I have web page which inherit master page.

Their isĀ  placeholder inside update panel to which i add my dynamicaly created a div which contain a link button (dynamically created). When i click link button div get disappear and link click event is not fired

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolder1" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>

[Code] .....

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Jquery Button Click Not Firing Button?

Jun 1, 2010

I've got a .net button that has an href attribute value set to

javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$cp1$ucInvoiceSearch$btnSearch", "", true, "", "", false, true))

I've got a textbox that when I press enter I want it to fire this event. Doing the 'Enter' event isn't an issue but I can't get the event on the href to fire using .click(). Here's my function so far:

var $btn = $(".pnl-invoice-search");
if(event.keyCode == 13)

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C# - Button OnClick Not Firing On First Click

Feb 28, 2011

Possible Duplicate:

Button OnClick not firing on first click in ASP.NET?


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AJAX :: Button Click Not Firing In Modalpopup?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a submit button and when clicked it raises a modal popup code below: It never seems to fire the on click event though:


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C# - OnClientClick And Click Event Together For A Button Is Not Firing?

Feb 21, 2011

I have Onclientclick event attached to the button in serverside code like below,TopPanelButton.OnClientClick = string.Format("if(!ValidData({0},{1},{2},{3})) return false;", txtOD.ClientID, radCmbOD.ClientID, txtgetMe.ClientID, RadAjaxLoadingPanel1.ClientID);Also, the onClick event is attached for the same button in the aspx page,

<asp:Button ID="TopPanelButton" runat="server" Text="Go"
CssClass="CBtn1" Width="30px" Height="21px" OnClick="TopPanelButton_Click" />

The serverside click event should fire if the onclientclick return true. The "ValidateData()" function is called to validate the entries in the form.This code is working fine in IE. But in Firefox, both events are not firig. If I comment the "TopPanelButton.OnClientClick =..." code then onClick event is firing.

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Vb.net - .net Webpage DefaultDocument Button Click Not Firing?

Oct 20, 2010

I have developed an asp.net website in VS2010. The defaultDocument is set to default.aspx in the root directory, as I have dome many times before.For reasons unknown an asp:button in default.aspx is not firing correctly when the url is typed in without the file extension.

For example, if I type the url www.mywebsite.com the default.aspx page will load as expected, however, the button will not fire (it does postback but doesn't fire the server click event).If i type in the url www.mywebsite.com/default.aspx it works as expected.

The problem I'm having only occurs in a live environment (I cannot recreate the error on the localhost).

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VS 2010 Button On WebUserControl Click Events Not Firing?

Dec 24, 2010

I have a WebUserControl with a Button and some other controls (placeholder for images, labels). On a certain page, a number of these WebUserControls are created (using Me.LoadControl) and added to a PlaceHolder on the page.When the user clicks the button on either of these usercontrols, I want a method on the page to be called. I have been doing this by handling the Button Click event on the usercontrol, and then letting the usercontrol raise another event. I use AddHandler after creating the usercontrol to add an eventhandler method to this custom event. Sounds confusing? Here's a simple example.

The WebUserControl:
asp Code:
<%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="TestControl.ascx.vb" Inherits="CSLimitedEdition.Controls.TestControl" %><asp:Button runat="server" ID="btn" Text="Button" />
vb.net Code:
Namespace Controls Public Class TestControl Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl Public Event ButtonClicked As EventHandler ' Just some property to test with Public Property Number As Integer Protected Sub btn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btn.Click ' When the button is clicked, raise a ButtonClicked event to handle on the Page RaiseEvent ButtonClicked(Me, e) End Sub End ClassEnd Namespace
The Page to place a number of these controls on:
asp Code:
<%@ Page Title="" Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" CodeBehind="TestPage.aspx.vb" Inherits="CSLimitedEdition.Pages.TestPage" %><asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" runat="server"></asp:Content><asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <p> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lbl" /> </p> <p> <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="placeHolder" /> </p> </asp:Content>
vb.net Code:
Imports CSLimitedEdition.Controls Namespace Pages Public Class TestPage Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If Not Me.IsPostBack Then Me.AddControls() End If End Sub Private Sub AddControls() For i As Integer = 1 To 5 ' Create the control Dim c As TestControl = DirectCast(Me.LoadControl("~/Controls/TestControl.ascx"), TestControl) ' Set some property for testing and add event handler c.Number = i AddHandler c.ButtonClicked, AddressOf TestControl_ButtonClicked ' Add it to the place holder placeHolder.Controls.Add(c) Next End Sub Private Sub TestControl_ButtonClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' When a button on a usercontrol is clicked, set the label text to the 'Number' property of that control Dim c As TestControl = DirectCast(sender, TestControl) lbl.Text = c.Number.ToString() End Sub End ClassEnd Namespace

The idea is this:Button is clicked on the TestControl: TestControl.ButtonClicked event is raised. On the TestPage, the bestControl_ButtonClicked method is called The Number property of the calling TestControl is assigned to a label so I can see it. However, it seems that the TestControl_ButtonClicked method is never called. Via debugging I can confirm that the Button Click event, on the TestControl usercontrol, is fired, so that the TestControl.btn_Click method is called. The TestControl.ButtonClicked event is raised.After creating a TestControl, the AddHandler statement is executed. After clicking a button on the page however, nothing happens. The page just posts back, all the buttons are gone (ok, I'm not loading them again in case of a postback), but the label does not get the text.In fact, the ButtonClick handler method (TestPage.TestControl_ButtonClicked) method is never called! What could be causing this? I am sure that I have been using this method a few weeks ago, in this very project, yet suddenly it has stopped working. I thought it might be a one-time thing but with these new TestControl and TestPage the same thing happens. The same thing happens also in a completely new and separate project. I don't get it, this WAS working?

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Not Firing Button Click Event?

May 10, 2010

I have a master page containing a ScriptManager control, and a Content Page containing a ScriptManagerProxy Control. Further on the content page I have an UpdatePanel control containing a GridView control and a server side button control. I have registered the button control as a trigger with the UpdatePanel control asynchronously and have set the UpdateMode of the UpdatePanel to "Conditional". I also have a "JumpLoader" control which is outside the UpdatePanel control. I have the following event for Jumploader wired up through Javascript. I am pasting the relevant sections of the code below:


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Textbox OnTextChanged And Button Click Event Not Firing?

May 20, 2010

I have textboxes being generated by a repeater that use OnTextChanged with autopostback enabled so that I can know when when the values change. This all works perfect.The problem starts when I try to click on any buttons on the page. The loss of focus triggers the event for the OnTextChanged; however, the event for my buttons never get fired. I checked this in the debugger and while debugging if I put a break-point in the page_load it will call both; however, without the break-point it still only calls the OnTextChanged event.I found this post on JavaScript. If my problem is also JavaScript related, why does the clicking of the button fire in debug mode?

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AJAX :: Modal Pop Up Extender Button Click Is Not Firing?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a modal pop up extender that is working fine. Inside the modal pop up window I have 2 buttons yes No

If I click on yes I am redirecting it to a diff page. No is simply closing the pop up.

In my .cs file buttonclick I added the response.redirect();

But my OnClick="BtnYes_Click" is never getting fired although I click on the yes button. What is wrong?


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C# - Drop Down List , The Button Function Not Firing After The First Click

Mar 11, 2010

ASP.Net Dropdownlist , on changing the value of drop down list and clicking the button it is not sending an upadted value to the New.aspx


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AJAX :: Button Click Event Is Not Firing If Use Updatepanel?

Feb 16, 2011

I am opening a popup from aspx.cs page when a button ckicks, but at that time the source page is getting refresh.

To avoid that i want to use updatepanel, but if I use that button click event is not firing.

the code of .aspx page is

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="pnlButtons" runat="server">
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnPreview" />


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C# - Dynamic Buttons In GridView - Button.Click Event Not Firing?

Feb 28, 2010

I have a GridView control bound to an AccessDataSource. After selecting a row I'm creating a table inside the selected row. I'm adding Buttons to this table. Their Click event never gets fired. I read about recreating the buttons and stuff, but still no luck solving the issue.


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