Web Forms :: DataField Width - Displaying Large Data In GridView Cell
May 30, 2012
I have one gridview with two columns.. I am fetching data which is like invno, invno, invno, invno, invno, invno, invno, invno,.......... in one column.. but problem is when ifetch more data its Growing Across Gridview and Table.. i used following code
<td align="left" width="100%">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" Width="100%"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" BackColor="White" >
<asp:BoundField DataField="lblInvoice" HeaderText="Invoice(s)" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="lblTotal" HeaderText="Total" />
[Code] ...
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However the the column in the gridview is dynamic created which might more or less depend on system logic.
I have try to set the column width in row_created event, rowDataBound event, but it show me that no column is available by using gridview.columns.count.
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Is there a way around this?
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Such as in the where clause of an update statement in code behind?
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Mar 20, 2011
I am wondering if its possibl to change the DataField value of the asp:BoundField in the code behind.aspx page:
I would like to change DataField="From" to DataField="To" before I call the GridView.DataBind.Please let me know if this is possible and if so how can I do it.
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Oct 5, 2010
Is there any way to set the width of a GridView to a pre-determined width?
I have set the width of the gridview and all the columns to a % and then to a number of pixels but it does work. The gridview always sets itself to a width required to display all fields and it goes beyond the resolution of the screen. I would like to contain it to 1024 pixels.
Here's my .aspx
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Feb 4, 2010
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<asp:BoundField DataField="direction" HeaderText="direction" HtmlEncode="false" />
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.I am new to asp.net.Is there any way we can limi the width of the gridview in the design mode.
I have to put 15-20 columns on the gridview.When I add columns to gridview the width shoots out of the page and the page design is seems ruined.
i placed it inside the panel and added scrol bars to it. it looks ok when debuggin i.e looks ok in internet explorer but in design mode it ruins the page design.
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Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
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Nov 3, 2010
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Mar 18, 2010
To start with - I'm using VS 2008/.NET 3.5 and working in a company-provided template that leaves me restricted to some/many settings that go beyond the body of the page itself. That said, I need to create a page that will display data from individual cells in a database table that, when lined up would look like a normal sentence. Based on certain criteria I would have certain sections of the sentences hide (ex. if it contains a key phrase or if it's empty).
I've seen a method in which Labels could be used to achieve this effect, where I would assign it the grid coordinates of the cell in a table, but I could never get it to work. I've been successfully connected to the table (LINQDataSource) but still have a blank canvas without this fundamental display technique as that will be all that's in it.
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Aug 18, 2012
In my Web page,I have a Div section with height=302PX and width=302PX.
In another page,I had a File Upload control. When we will upload the image,then the image will be displayed in that Div section.
1.When the image is large,it should be re-size and display in that particular Div section completely.
For Eg:The image size like 350PX*350PX and 1024PX*1024PX, it should be re-size to Div Section size has 302PX*302PX.
2.When the image is Small,it shouldn't be re-size and display in that particular Div section completely.
For Eg:The image size like 50PX*50PX,100PX*100PX and 302PX*302PX ,it shouldn't be re-size and display in that Div section.
For Eg:The image size like 15PX*15PX these will appear very small.But When uploading the file these images also should displayed completely with as it is in that Div section.But the image will displayed neatly.
3.If there are any tools for these type of conditions using ASP.Net.
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Nov 16, 2010
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Nov 17, 2010
search for a item, display the results in a datagrid, have a LinkButton (per item in the datagrid) to show a popup modal and insert this data to a new table. I have the search, the datagrid, and popup modal all working. I need help with the add button in the popup modal (which insert into a new table in the db). In my datagrid im using DataFields - how would I get access to this in the codebehind so I dont have to re-query the db again for the ID that i'm trying to insert?
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Oct 4, 2010
I have a dropdown list in a gridview field. The DataValueField for the ddl is an 8 digit item code. The text to display through will be quite longer, 40-60 characters because it will combine the item code and item name into a single string. I don't want the dropdownlist field to be that wide though, only what is displayed when the ddl is selected.In Access you can set the width property of the list to display wider than the field itself. Is there that capability in ASP.NET and if so where do I find it?
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Jun 29, 2010
I have a bound field in a DetailsView that I want updated with the contents of TextBox2.Text when I update. I have TextBox2 set AutoPostBack True. Cannot remember how to move the contents on update. I tried converting the "Description_Update" to a template field without success.
I can copy and paste the contents of TextBox2 into the DetailsView and it does update as do the other DataFields.
TextMode="MultiLine" Width="360px"
Font-Names="Calibri" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:TextBox>
Do I need to use adn Eval or DataBind function or both. I have triued several combinations and do nothing but continue to butcher the database tables.
View 11 Replies
Jan 5, 2010
I have a gridview that is currently showing 20 lines per page. Each line has several fields in it, three of which are dropdownlists. These dropdownlists are populated with a SQLDataSource and then the selected value is bound to one of the gridview datalements.
The problem I'm running into is that the page is very slow to load. I believe this is because of the large dropdownlists (and possibly because there are roughly 60 of them, each of which is executing a SQL query to populate the list of available values). The file size that is being transmitted over the web is just over 1.25MB in size, again from the large amounts of data in the dropdownlists.
Is anyone aware of a technique by which I could only execute the query from the SQLDataSources that populate the dropdownlists' available values once and then reuse the results of that query to populate the relevant dropdowns? Ideally I would do this on the client side so it would also limit the amount of text being transmitted to the client browser.
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Jun 2, 2010
i Have a dynamic column gridview control in a page hosted in sharepoint. Grid is binded to an XMl and placed inside a Div control. I have set rowstyle-wrap=false and width=100% and overflow of parent Div to auto
There are only 2 columns in grid that can have long size text data (with and without spaces between words).
1. When grid has lot of columns (say 20), a scrollbar appears on the IE window(as page content is out of windows size); but the two columns that have long text values in them, gets wrapped.
2. when grid has less columns (say 5), no scrollbar appears in IE windows(as page content fits within window).but the same two long text columns, doesn't get wrapped and render in a single line.
Is there any max width of gridview? I want that grid should take all the space (as per content) and show scrollbar; the content should not get wrapped.
how to make grid content not to wrap and expand to any width.
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Mar 22, 2010
when i did not have too many controls on the gridview, it was displaying fine. but when i added more controls, it has become very slow and displays a large size for a second or so, and then comes to normal size.
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Feb 28, 2011
ASP.NET 3.5,I'm upgrading a page that currently uses classic asp and xslt to display about 2000 readonly tabular records. Please leave aside the issue of whether this is a good idea or not.My asp.net replacement page uses a gridview to do the same thing.The scrolling in IE8 using this old code is very smooth and even. The scrolling using the asp.net page is horribly jerky. I can't figure out why - there doesn't appear to be much client side code running.Any clues welcome as this is a high traffic page that I want to look as good as possible.The same page also can't handle a row highlighter - same reason slow and jerky.
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