Web Forms :: Error - Web.UI.WebControls.Button Does Not Contain A Definition For HasFile, FileName, SaveAs And PostedFile

Dec 23, 2010

In my file upload file I am getting Web.UI.WebControls.Button does not contain a definition for HasFile, FileName, SaveAs and PostedFile.

The code I am using is:[Code]....

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Fileupload Does Not Contain A Definition For Hasfile?

Sep 10, 2010

I have a fileupload control in the repeater control on my page. This page is almost six months old and the system was working fine. Suddenly, I started getting the error message : " 'FileUpload' does not contain a definition for 'HasFile' and no extension method 'HasFile' accepting a first argument of type 'FileUpload' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) " when i tried to access the page. While in debug mode, the page works fine but when I access directly , it throws the error above.

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Web Forms :: PostedFile.FileName Not Returning Full Path?

Jan 20, 2011

i have a file upload control as below:

<input id="txtLocalResource" style="width:100%" type="file" size="16" name="txtLocalResource" runat="server">

in my code when i look at txtLocalResource.PostedFile.FileName it returns only the filename, the rest of the path is missing? i am using ie8 and vs2010.

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: UpdateParameters / FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName?

Oct 27, 2010

I have the following code in my UpdateParameters in a ListView

<asp:Parameter Name="MenuThumbImage" Type="String" />

And I'd like to update it to the value of FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName I have this in a variable in the aspx.vb page as myFileName How would I use that value in the UpdateParameters section?

View 6 Replies

AJAX :: Getting .saveas Filename From Asyncfileupload?

Oct 25, 2010

I have my asyncfileupload set up to give the posted file a new guid as its filename, what i need is the NEW filename so i can insert it into a database. PostedFile just gives me the original name, as does args.get_fileName().

Here is my codebehind:


View 2 Replies

AJAX :: ASyncFileUpload UploadedComplete Event - Saving The PostedFile.filename Value?

Feb 14, 2011

I have the asyncFileUpload control inside a user control which is a wizard control step. The wizard control is inside a AJAX update panel.

I have a requirement to save the complete folder path along with the file name when user selects a file in the asyncFileUpload control. In order to achieve this on the server side UploadedComplete even I save the PostedFile.FileName to a session variable.

Then on the client side OnClientUploadComplete I force a postback for the UpdatePanel. In the postback I get session variable value and then do my processing.

server side upload completed event when I save the posted file name to a session variable. This is working in my local machine. I am able to retrieve the Session variable on the postback, but when I move the code to my test server the Session value is coming out as blank. I validated that the UploadedComplete event is triggered on the server, but for some reason the Session value is blank.way I can get the PostedFile name (complete path) on the Client side?

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C# - Use File.SAVEAS But Get 404 Error, Because The Size Is Big?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm using asp:fileupload control to upload my Picture files. So the user click on browse and select the file and click on upload and in event handler of upload button there is FileUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs () etc.

Everything works fine. Accept when for big file size. e.g. I've got a file (jpg) 5.5 MB. When I try to upload this file I get an the error below.

The strange thing is I the button upload file eventhandler I check the file size. If (intFileesize < intFileSizeLimit) etc.

But the strange thig is I remove all the code in Upload eventhandler for testing/debugging and I still get the error below. So the error occurs outside the Button handler. I mean the error cause is not by Fileupload.SAveAs etc.... So the question is how can I avoid this. I mean I have built restriction of 1 mb, but This code is not reached.

I don't have any problems with small sizes e.g. I could upload 400 kb w/o problem.

So the question is what is the cause for the big file size how can I solve this?

Other question is: Is there a tool or whatever to crop the filesize and upload? I mean even if they upload 6 mb picture, I should crop that to 50kb or whatever during upload. How to aproach this? maybe a 3rd party freeware?

ERROR I get after 2-3 seconds

Oops! This page appears broken. HTTP 404 - File not found.

View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: Error - The Type 'TestNewProduct' Already Contains A Definition

Aug 11, 2010

1.in my project was working previously as website now i have converted into webapplication, after that im getting so much errors like below

Error 1 The type 'TestNewProduct' already contains a definition for 'Head1' D:\Aug10TestNewProduct.aspx.designer.cs 22 59

but i have checkd in aspx page the control is there like

<head id="Head1" runat="server">

similar error has raised for all controls

2. In some codebehind file i have declared a global object as

BusinessLogics objBusy;
AlertMessage objAlert;

here also im getting The type 'TestNewProduct' already contains a definition for objBusy

i have checked this i have delcared objBusy only once in the page, how to solve this problem

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Error: Does Not Contain A Definition For DeleteMsg_click?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm getting this error: inboxcontrol_ascx does not contain a definition for DeleteMsg and no extension method DeleteMsg_click accepting a first argument of type asp.inboxcontrol could be found (are you missing a using directives or an assembly reference?)example:


How do I fix this error?

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Error - Type MasterPage2 Already Contains A Definition For Head

May 7, 2015

Each time I build my MasterPage.master.aspx, I get an error that reads: The type 'MasterPage2' already contains a definition for 'head'This error appears for all the protected values in my MasterPage.master.cs file. Below is my MasterPage.master.aspx codes:

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.cs" Inherits="MasterPage2" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>

[Code] ....

And here is my MasterPage.master.cs code:

using System;using System.Web;using System.Web.Profile;using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
public partial class MasterPage2 : System.Web.UI.MasterPage{
protected ContentPlaceHolder head; protected HtmlAnchor A1;

[Code] .....

View 1 Replies

Web Forms :: Creating A File Browse Button That Returns Path And Filename?

Jan 14, 2010

Like Windows' environment Openfiledialog control, is there any way that I can create a file browse button that will let me select a file and return the path and filename to a variable or a textbox or any other object?

The webform will contain two controls: a regular button that I will use to browse and select a file, and a gridview.that will display a list of the files that I've selected with the file browse button.

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Developed An Error In A Web Application That Uses The Progstudios.webcontrols.combobox?

Mar 23, 2010

I have developed an error in a web application that uses the progstudios.webcontrols.combobox (asp.net 1.1) The strange thin is that I have at least 20 back up copies of the same application taken over the years and they all now give the same error, so I can rule out an accidental code change.The error is -

Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'LoadListControl' can be called with these arguments:
'Public Shared Overloads Sub LoadListControl(ddl As ProgStudios.WebControls.ComboBox, ddlSource As Object)': Value of type 'ProgStudios.WebControls.ComboBox' cannot be converted to 'ProgStudios.WebControls.ComboBox'.
'Public Shared Overloads Sub LoadListControl(ddl As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl, ddlSource As Object)': Value of type 'ProgStudios.WebControls.ComboBox' cannot be converted to 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl'.


View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Insert TextBox And GridView Value Into DB - Error Occurred While Executing Command Definition

Sep 20, 2015

I have develop a function in which insert textbox value and grid view value into database.

Problem is that my web method call but it will add some time value into database and give me the following error. Its work once time other can’t work.

An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.

function addData() {
var Customers = new Array();
var desigantion = $("#TextBox4").val();
$('[id*=GridView1]').find('tr:has(td)').each(function () {
var Customer = {};

[Code] ....

My web method

public class Customerdata {
public string code { get; set; }
public string Product { get; set; }
public string Rate { get; set; }

[Code] ....

After once time run then it give me an error.

An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.

View 1 Replies

C# - Error Trying To Add Filename To End Of String?

Mar 25, 2011

Error trying to add filename to end of string:

if (FileUploadControl.HasFile)


View 3 Replies

Classes And Namespaces - Error CS0101 Namespace Already Contains Definition

Nov 29, 2010

I keep getting the error: Error message: CS0101: The namespace '<global namespace>' already contains a definition for 'checkvalue'. Then, I rename the Inherits from the @page directive in both the .aspx and .aspx.cs pages and it works! My website has only 2 pages, and both use the same class (same class name, exactly same syntax) but it has been copied and pasted and the 2 aspx pages (and aspx.cs pages) are not referencing each other. In other words, both aspx.cs pages (called page1.aspx.cs and page2.aspx.cs) has the class

public class CheckValue
return true;

Both the aspx pages reference the 'inherits' files seperately:

<%@ Page Language="C#" CodeFile="page1.aspx.cs" Inherits="_1" %>

and my code behind

public partial class _1 : System.Web.UI.Page

and for my second page

<%@ Page Language="C#" CodeFile="page2.aspx.cs" Inherits="_2" %>

and my code behind

public partial class _2 : System.Web.UI.Page

I don't use the .resx file. Why does this error happen some times, and not other times?

View 5 Replies

Mvc 3 And Vs2010 With Error CS1061: 'object' Does Not Contain A Definition For Model?

Mar 5, 2011

My code all worked under mvc 2 with vs2008. It didn't work when I converted it to mvc 3 and vs2010. Here is one of errors: Compiler Error Message: CS1061: 'object' does not contain a definition for 'LabelText' and no extension method 'LabelText' accepting a first argument of type 'object' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Source Error: [Code]....

Language="C#" [code]....

View 4 Replies

Crystal Reports :: Error 43 - The Report Definition Is Not Valid

Apr 27, 2016

Error 43  The report definition is not valid. 

Details: The report definition has an invalid target namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2008/01/reportdefinition' which cannot be upgraded.    
C:UsersUserDocumentsVisual Studio 2010WebSitesWebSite4CpanelReportspay.rdlc    1  

View 1 Replies

'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile. Does Not Contrail Definition For Delete / How To Fix This Error

Jan 31, 2011

I got an eeror in


'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile. does not contrail definition for delete and no extension method delete accepting a first arument of type System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile.

View 2 Replies

Non-invocable Member 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView.Rows' / How To Fix This Error

Jul 13, 2010


txtID = CType(GridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("TextBox1"), TextBox)
txtName = CType(GridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("TextBox4"), TextBox)

now i converted it into c# using the converter and i get this:


txtID = (TextBox)GridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("TextBox1");
txtName = (TextBox)GridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("TextBox4");

but i am getting this error:

Non-invocable member 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView.Rows' cannot be used like a method

View 39 Replies

MVC :: Executing The Command Definition And Error Is Generated Connect With Remote Server?

Oct 21, 2010

In my mvc asp.net application,I am getting error in edit function : in given code


I am getting this exception:

Source : System.Data.Entity

Stack Trace : at System.Data.EntityClient.EntityCommandDefinition.ExecuteStoreCommands(EntityCommand
entityCommand, CommandBehavior behavior) at
context, ObjectParameterCollection
parameterValues) at


1 forMergeOption) at System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery


1 source) at


1 query, Expression queryRoot) at
System.Data.Objects.ELinq.ObjectQueryProvider.System.Linq.IQueryProvider.Execute[S](Expression expression) at System.Linq.Queryable.First[TSource](IQueryable`1
source) at admin.com.Controllers.DocsGridController.Edit(Int32 id) in

Message : An error occurred while executing the command definition.See the inner exception for details.This error is generated when I connect with remote server.

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Handling TreeView Error Detected By System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView.LoadPostData?

Mar 1, 2011

Periodically a rash of occurrences of the following error happen. I believe they're the result of hack attempts. Whether that's the case or not, my question is how can I handle the error? I want to avoid unhandled exceptions. The TreeView control is just
a standard .Net TreeView control, not a custom one. If you suggest a code solution, please code it in VB.Net as that's what I'm using.

Message: Input string was not in a correct format.

Stack Trace:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView.LoadPostData(String postDataKey, NameValueCollection postCollection)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView.System.Web.UI.IPostBackDataHandler.LoadPostData(String postDataKey, NameValueCollection postCollection)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessPostData(NameValueCollection postData, Boolean fBeforeLoad)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: FileUpload In GridView VB Hasfile Postback Is Null?

Jan 12, 2011

I've been looking around and trying a lot of different tactics to solve this issue but basically the senario is this.I have a gridview with a fileUpload in it.I can upload a file perfectly and it writes to the database.The trouble starts when I update a different cell and don't touch the cell with the fileUpload in it,it'll postback a null value to the database.

How can I keep the fileUpload control from sending a null on postback to the database so it won't clear out my entry if there isn't a new one to replace it?Or alternatively,how to I default the value to the old value on postback if nothing was entered through the FileUPload control?


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Social Networking :: FacebookConnect Giving Error Definition Not Present In Current Context

Apr 16, 2013

Question for this FaceBookConnect word giving error definition not present in current context where I will get this and how to add this ...

FaceBookConnect.API_Key = "000000000";
FaceBookConnect.API_Secret = "000000000";
if (!IsPostBack)
if (Request.QueryString["error"] == "access_denied")
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('User has denied access.')", true);

[Code] .....

View 1 Replies

C# - Error / Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'd__a31[System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList]'

Nov 26, 2010

I am trying to pass a collection of Dropdown controls as a parameter to a method which takes a collection of type Control as input. While executing I get the following error:

"Unable to cast object of type 'd__a31[System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[System.Web.UI.Control]'."

My code:


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Web Forms :: Reading Data From Excel File And Inserting Into Sql Server - Initialize HasFile?

May 24, 2010

I am using reading data from excel file and inserting into sql server using following article, it seems to be working correctly except when I do page refresh normally, it again execute the the btnUpload_click. I want that once the record imported and if user refresh the page again it should ask for enter file name again. let me know how do I resolve this? [URL]

View 8 Replies

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