Web Forms :: How To Mimic Button Click Within Page

Apr 6, 2010

I have to access a web page and click on a specific button that will allow to trigger an action. I want to just use the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse but I don't want to use a browser control or class if possible. I have code that will read in the page to make sure the exact button name exists and if it does I want to be able to click that button.

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Mar 7, 2011

I've a dropdown and a listview inside an updatepanel (Master/Child relationship) so based on value selected in dropdown the listview gets populated. The Listview allow user to perform Edit/Insert/delete of records. I have to implement a scenario when a user is editing/inserting a record and if he tries to navigate away/change the value in dropdown he should be prompted to save the data and if he choose yes in JS Confirm Dialogue then the currently edited/inserting record should be saved (for which i'm trying to mimic the click of the update/insert button using js). I've attached change eventhandler of dropdown using JQuery which is getting called properly bind.

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I also tried the following
Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_initializeRequest(saveChanges);Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(saveChanges). The eventhandler gets called correctly but the click() doesn't work! Also the reason I'm calling click() method of button is to perform the validations via RequireValidator/RangeValidators.

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Web Forms :: Loading A Page From A Button Click?

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How do I code to show the welcome screen, for example welcome.aspx, if the current page is login.aspx.

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Apr 8, 2010

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Web Forms :: To Open Window In New Page On Button Click?

Sep 28, 2010

Here's my code


My url here opens in same page...how can i open my url in new page...redirecting to diff pages on each condition..how can i use windows.open function here to open up link in new window.

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Web Forms :: Page Validation Only On Submit Button Click?

May 31, 2010

Hi can some one please help me out how can i do below task. I have a page with set of TextBox controls, each contorl is binded with one required field validator.These validators should perform only on submit button click, instead in each post back all the validtions are performed.For Instance, on the page if i click on LogOff link button still all the validations performed.

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[URL]. I want the values in the First and last name textboxes from the form to post into two lables that would replace that line in the first paragraph of the agreement.I think this is using the postback feature, but I am unsure exactly how this would be implemented.

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Oct 9, 2010

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now i want to redirect this page to home.aspx after clicking on cancel button, but that two required fields validator get pop up and i get stuck in login page.

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Web Forms :: Master Page Cannot Work On Button Click

Mar 22, 2011

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Web Forms :: Create A Page With Click Of A Button With Few Controls?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a requirement of creating a form/template/page with controls like radio button, label, some database login for the controls on a button click.

For Example: Need to create a aspx form with 2 radio button, 3 textbox and a button control. For the above controls there shud be some database logic created automatically for storing values in the database.

All should happen in 1 button click.

Can we acheive this using .net. I am using framework 2.0 and VS 2005 and C#.

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Web Forms :: Button Click Not Go To The Page Load And Function Also?

Jun 8, 2010

I have the button click in the web page, I don't know why it cannot go to the code behind (Page Load or click event) after button clicked.

Do you know why?? before several days, it can and we have not done any amendment before.

After button clicked, it halted and show loading icon continuously. But it does not go to the code behind.

<asp:Button ID="btnPackConfirm" CommandArgument="Packing" ToolTip="Proceed Packing"
Text="Proceed Packing" CssClass="xTextBox" runat="server" OnClick="btnPackedConfirm_Click" />

View 17 Replies

Web Forms :: Send TextBox Value To Another Page On Button Click

May 26, 2012

I have 2 page

1-index.aspx and 2-store.aspx and House_info Table

House_info table

Id Name Image Behcode

1 Jack 1.jpg 1111
2 Sara 2.jpg 2222
3 Andy 3.jpg 3333

 In index.aspx I have 1 TB and 1 Button I want when user type behcode

in TB and click on BUTTON it go to store.aspx page and fill this page with data from  

table House_info according to the behcode in this table

I know i should use querystring but here i have TB and i dont know how i can use it 

This is my store.aspx code

SqlConnection _cn = new SqlConnection(System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["behtopConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from House_Info _cn);

[Code] ....

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Web Forms :: Button Click Event Is Called Before Page Load?

Oct 8, 2010

I just discover why some validation is working bad on some of my forms: the button click event is being called before page load.

What I need for good is (I consider this is a normal cycle of events):

The user press a buttonSome validation occurs at client side (js function returns true if success)Some validation occurs at server sideThe page loads again showing the results
But this is what I get (BAD):

The user press a buttonSome validation occurs at client side (js function returns true if success)The page loads showing no results, because server validation hasnt happened yet Some validation occurs at server sideThe page doesn´t loads again and I cant see the results, so my client cant know what happened on the server side

This is how I tried to implement this:


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Web Forms :: Preview Forum By Popup Page On Button Click?

Mar 16, 2010

I have never before used pop up in asp.net. I am trying to code for Preview of forum on button click event. I am able to do successfully to open window but can't retrive data to display from parent page. So what is the way to retrive data from (contols) of parent page on the Child(popup) page. I already know to get data from textbox at parent page by below code.


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Web Forms :: Catch Button Click Event In Different .aspx Page

Aug 26, 2010

I have a button which starts processing. I want that when ever a button is click from page1.aspx .. a count down timer should start and displayed on page2.aspx. I am thinking of using iframe to join 2 pages.

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Web Forms :: How To Validate TextBox In UserControl On Button Click In Page

Jan 17, 2010

I have a usercontrol which has few textboxes and associated validators. (This is for holding common form fields which i include at multiple place.)

This usercontrol doesnot have any buttons.

The user control is included inside a page. The page has other textboxes and a submit button.

How do i ensure the the forms in usercontrol is valid when i click the submit button outside on the page?

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Web Forms :: Accessing Controls After Redirecting To Same Page On Button Click?

Jan 3, 2011

on my default.aspx page, i have one dropdownlist (which has book types as values e.g. small books, medium books etc.). Then one textbox. And one button named 'Search'. On button click the datagrid shows result by filtering table data with book type and search string that user enter in textbox.

So on 'Search' button click, i want to load the same page with result but with query string like 'Default.aspx?booktype=small' (using response.redirect) if user selects small in dropdown list. The problem is when i click 'Search' button and the page gets loaded again I cannot access dropdownlist values and search string that user has entered. It takes null only when I use,


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