I am having grid view with check boxes, If user selectes multiple rows Iwould like to print all the selected rows page by page means first row in first page second row as second page how can I do this
Now I am printing the data from model in mvc. I am also printing the documents, How I upload file how to print that particular documents which is related that particular user with the other data...
I have a webform on which i display all the details of a particular record now i want to give my client print functionality so he can print those detail. Can this be done in asp.net and if yes then how?
I have this print button on a webform which has many other tools I don't want the invoice history panel to get printed when I click the print button, how do I modify the code for it.I have attached the code for my print button but this prints even the invoice history panel which I dont want
how to show direct print dialog box when click on print button in crystal report? when i click on print button the it goes to pdf file i want to show print dialog box?
How do I hide the default browser's behavior to print the URL at the top of the page and page x of y at the bottom.I know how to change this client side, but how can I do the same in my application server side?
This is bizarre and seems like a bug to me.Using a table in SSRS, I have a details row, with a parent group and finally a header row. For my header row, I am referencing a particular cell in the parent group.I am doing this so that i can have the header row repeat on each page of the group.his works fine when I'm not in Print Layout mode. However, when i switch to print layout mode, or print the report itself, the data that is presented on the screen is different then what is presented when not in print layout mode. WHAT THE F*!@!?? I've been battling this for a while now and i'm at my wits end. Has anyone else experienced different results from when you are in print layout mode as opposed to being in print layout mode?
when user input the valid data then there will be generate a areport and that report displays in a gridview itemtemplate. when i print the report, only first page data printed properly on a predesigned designed paper. and others are not. then how to print each rowdata of gridview on per page.
iam using the ReportViewer Control in Visual Studio 2008 for displaying the report on the page. When iam going to Click on Print button iam getting the below error. Unable to load client print control
I am working with asp.net 2.0 project. I have a gridview in one of my forms which contains list of people who are late in payments. Now when I select an item in the grid and hit open it opens a letter to be sent to that person. The user can go and hit print in the letter form and the letter gets printed.
Now the user wants to select multiple items from the list and hit "print All" on the grid page and get all the letters printed silently for all the selected items in the grid.