Web Forms :: How To Call A Function In The Masterpage From Its Content Page
Feb 25, 2011
How can I call a function in the masterpage from its content page I have a function in my master page to populate a tree view in the master page. After entering some database values from the contentpage I want to call the master page function to show the entered value in the treeview.
I have a javascript function on my Master page, how do I access it with a dropdownlist of a content page. Not from codebehind, I can do that, but from the control itself such as the onSelectedIndexChanged event.
Is it possible to write btn_Click once in Site.master's CodeFile and have it called in the OnClick attribute of each content page's button? I'm trying to avoid adding the same function (or anything at all) to each content page's CodeFile.
I have done master page and some content page..I have put three LABEL(not in inside the Content place holder) in masterpage and l have store some value..in this, the same value i want to use in content page..how to get that masterpage content value.
I am having a slight issue with grabbing data from my masterpage into my content page (as a whole).
I have generated a public property for the my textbox and the contentpage can see this public property. But it comes across empty (even from within the masterpage). Now I guess the problem is with the property itself (possibly). It also shows as empty when I response.write it's value to the page.
Even when I call the value of the property in the masterpage it comes across as empty. The way I have this setup is that a textbox named pageTitleField has it's value updated from an iframe. All is working well and the textbox has its value updated correct upon iframe content changes. This is great. Now I just need to pass this textbox value into my content page and then set it as the document title.
see my code thus far.
My MasterPage
My MasterPage CodeFile
My ContentPage
My ContentPage CodeFile
I know the public property is being seen from the content page because if I just do a Response.Write(Master.GrabPageTitle) I see System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox appearing as the output of that property. So it appears hat the textbox value is not being captured in the public readonly property.
I have a MasterPage in my project which it contains a FormView and the FormView is databound with a Connection String to a SQL DataBase.
This FormView is selecting users information from Database, when the ContentPage is loading, Im trying to get the information from the FormView of MasterPage and load them in Content Page, but it is not working fine for me.
For Example:
In MasterPage I have a FormView such as follow:
Name: Amir
In ContentPage, I have a Label and I want to get the name from MasterPage and replace it with the text of the Label.
I am doing this at PageLoad of Content Page with the Following Code:
At the page load of ContentPage, it says that it could not find the FormView1
but after I refresh the page, it works fine.
is there anyway for me to ask the FormView in MasterPage to DataBind and After that, it retrieves the Data from FormView and place them into the ContentPage.
I also tried: fv.databind() but it is not working.
I am trying to access the txtNotes textbox on the MasterPage using the following code and I get and error saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I am tryign to make the master page code globally do some chaecking before the content page loads. Pageload event in Masterpage is executed after the content page for some strange reason. How do I go about this?
I have a label on the master page that is updated by the contents pages. Rather then create a content placeholder that will contain only this label, I was hoping to be able to modify it directly. I have the label called lblYAO on the masterpage, and in the code behind I have
Public Sub DisplayDataFromPage(ByVal message As String) lblYAO.Text = message End Sub
I know I can modify the page directive on the content pages, but there is another person who will be adding pages, and this may be a bit much for him. In the content page's code behind, I would like to do something like Page.Master = "something" but I understand I have to explicitly cast it to the appropriate type first? This is as far as the examples I've seen have gotten me. I haven't seen any casting examples.
Is it possible to remove an item from the master page when within a content page? so in my example i have a column on left and right which i have created in the master using divs but i want to remove them in a particular page
Using VS 2010 RC, VB, I have a label on a masterpage that is hidden. I want to make it visible from a content page when needed, and have the text change on the label as well from the master page.
I am using the following to access the label, but the text and other properties don't change for some reason.
Dim lblErrorMessage As Label lblErrorMessage = CType(Master.FindControl("lblErrorMessage1"), Label) lblErrorMessage.Style.Add("display", "inline") lblErrorMessage.Text = "LoginID ALREADY EXISTS!!! Please choose a different ID"
I have a MasterPage.master and default.aspx content page From the contetn page I'd like to edit a style property of an Html tage that is in the MasterPage.
But error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I open a pop up page(child page) by using jquery(jquery.colorbox.js) in asp.net application. now when I click on search button I want to close the pop up page(child page) and refresh the UpdatePanel1 by using search parameters. for above I need to execute server side function in parent page. code to close pop up:
child.aspx: <script> function closePopup() { [Code]....
i am writing a login page in asp.net c# not using login control.i can create account and log in without problems as a user.the pages that require login has a separate master page.and i want to check if the user is logged in in masterpage page_preinit function but the problem is that child page event functions are called before masterpage's so i could experience a problem like session expire in child page before i get to check it in master page.is there anyway around this?
ok found the event im looking for. second one on the list http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dct97kc3.aspx
In CompanyMaster ihave a gridview (listing all companyBranches) with select,Update,Delete button on it.On clicking select of anyone row in gridview ,it should redirect to CompanyBranchMaster page and there is a funciton in it dbSelectGrid to show the details of that Branch in form.
CompanyBranchMaster page contains a form with all the required fields and gridview and its funcitons.
My Question is if user clicks on grid of CM then it can be redirected to CBM with Response.Redirect.But how to call the function dbSelectGrid of CBMs page.
i have this function on my master page, i want to call it from one of my content page, what should i do?
function showAddress() { var txtAddress = document.getElementById('txtAddress'); var address = txtAddress.value; geocoder.getLatLng( address, function (point) { if (!point) { alert(address + " not found"); } else { map.setCenter(point, 15); var marker = new GMarker(point); map.addOverlay(marker); marker.openInfoWindow(address); } } );