Web Forms :: How To Reset Gridview Sort On Buttonclick Event

Feb 23, 2012

I have a gridview and I used sqldatasource to bind data with gridview 

Sorting is working correctly 

But on first button click event  If i sort column Name by desc

and on second button click event the sort order for column name id desc only 

How to reset column sort as per sql query on every button click event ? 

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Sort Expression - How To Reset A Gridview Or Prevent It From Doing A Sort

Sep 23, 2010

Just spent about 8 hours googling and looking through this forum for a solution on how to make sure that I can dynamically sort. Here is the situation.

I have 1 Gridview that displays 10 different scenarios based on what button is clicked.

I am also returning only top 10 records. I am doing all of the data binding pragmatically. So I have BoundFields, HyperLinkFields etc.

I also want to sort some records. When I change DataSource SQL statement the gridview somehow remembers what the last sort value was and it errors out saying that value "x" cannot be sorted because it does not exists.

I tried this:

Tried setting gridview1.sqldatasourceid = null; gridview1.allowsorting = false; gridview1.databind();

Here I get an error that says that the data source does not support sorting? Doesnt it say gridview1.allowsorting = false;

I also tried gridview1.sort("", SortDirection.Ascending); This does nothin... except query my database one more time because i have a onSorting event that looks like this:


Here is an example of just one of those SLQ statements inside GetSQLQuery:


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Web Forms :: How To Reset Gridview Sort

Feb 25, 2012

runat="server" DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1"
       PageSize="30"  EmptyDataText = "No Records Found" EmptyDataRowStyle-HorizontalAlign ="Center"
    HorizontalAlign="Center" BorderColor ="Black"   Width = "762" Font-Names="Calibri"

[Code] ....

First time on page load 

Sorting works fine 

But if I done sorting on gridview column then its always the same , How to assign result of SQL query to my result 

so that my sort will show result from sql query order  not the order of grisview sort ...

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protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
HtmlButton btnClick = new HtmlButton();
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protected void grduAdminSerservice_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
DataTable tbl = grduAdminSerservice.DataSource as DataTable;


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What should I do?

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Forms Data Controls :: Default Sort "The GridView "GridView1" Fired Event Sorting Which Wasn't Handled

Feb 19, 2010

I have a page displays CRM data (with CrmService) in GridView. Everything run ok until I tried to sort out one field by default and I received the following exception: The GridView 'GridView1' fired event Sorting which wasn't handled. The reason I am using GridView to do the sorting because:

1) Cannot do it with SQL "ORDER BY" since date retrieval from CRM Web Service

2) Cannot use OrderExpression for QueryExpression from CRM because the column I want to sort is generated by my algorithm

GridView1.Sort("ColumnName" SortDirection.Descending);
in Page_Load, or Button1_Sort(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e), they all trigger the above execption!

I also added the method to the following method to handle exception, but didn't work:

protected void GridView1_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
GridView1.Sort("ColumnName" SortDirection.Descending);

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GV = new GridView();

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I am not looking to work with a Sqldatasource as I use a data access layer. So the sort would have to be from a datatable and databind or directly with the gridview.

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Is it possible to have the postback return with the highlighted selected row visible rather than forcing the user to scroll back down to find the selection?

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Aug 11, 2010

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Jan 20, 2011

I have webform that is used to search for records and displays them...the form contains a dropdownlist, a textbox, a button, and a gridview...user select an entry from the dropdown, type in a matching value and then click on the button to add the entry into the gridview. All of these seem to be working just fine...however, the issue am having is this...after working with the first entry and users search for the second record, the gridview still maintains the entries from the first search. How do i go about resetting the gridview each time there is a new search? Here is what my code looks like.




How do I get the gridview to reset the next time the btnSearch button is clicked?

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if i click a button and i have a string(2010/08/12,2010/08/13,2010/08/14,) in the textbox it divides to 2010/08/14 in the textbox wich i dont want here is my code


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Forms Data Controls :: Reset Page Index On Gridview?

Sep 12, 2010

Right now I have a gridview with databind. My menu item consist of the 7 days of the week. Everything works fine except for one thing, the page index. Right now by default it loads the results for Monday. If I click on Pg 2 for Monday, and then I click on Tuesday, the page number stays at page 2 and the data remains the same. I have to click on Pg 1 or Pg 3 before the data would refresh and change the result to Tuesday's data.

I've tried adding databind() to the MenuClick event but if Monday has 3 pages, and they click on Tuesday which only has 2 pages, it would give me an error. Also the adding of the Databind() still doesn't fix the page index when I click on a different day.

How do I reset the page index when the user clicks on the day.


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Mar 26, 2010

I have a DropDownList when selected, brings up Detail Info in GridView1. That GridView has a LinkButton when selected brings up the final Detail Info, in GridView2. need to have the GridView2 clear out and display as when it is "EmptyDataText", when the DropDownList is changed.

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