Web Forms :: How To Use Zebra Printing In Code

Aug 11, 2012

i want to use Zebra printing in my code  with button click how can i use it???

con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandText = "usp_NEW_ TRANSACTIONS";cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Patient", Patient_name);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@E_TO", Export_ TO); cmd. Parameters. AddWithValue("@R_type", reptype);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@User_name", Label1.Text = Session["name"].ToString());                           


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<Hospitality:Message ID="Validation" runat="server" />
<!-- content -->
<p id="pagetools"><a href="javascript:print();">Print</a>
<p id="notes">


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DirectoryInfo dI =


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Forms Data Controls :: Printing The Gridview In Page?

Aug 10, 2010

i am printing girdview on clicking on button


Public Shared Sub PrintWebControl(ByVal ctrl As Control, ByVal Script As String)
'dim StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
Dim stringWrite As IO.StringWriter = New IO.StringWriter(sb)
Dim htmlWrite As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter = New System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(stringWrite)
If TypeOf ctrl Is WebControl Then
Dim w As Unit = New Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage)
CType(ctrl, WebControl).Width = w
End If
Dim pg As Page = New Page()
pg.EnableEventValidation = False
pg.EnableViewState = False
pg.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = False
If Script <> String.Empty Then
pg.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(pg.GetType(), "PrintJavaScript", Script)
End If
Dim frm As HtmlForm = New HtmlForm()
frm.Attributes.Add("runat", "server")
Dim strHTML As String = stringWrite.ToString()
End Sub

I get the error at line: pg.RenderControl(htmlWrite);

I tried setting the Enable Event Validation to false on the page but that didnt work..

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