Web Forms :: Image Control Does Not Display Images From An Outside Folder

Aug 18, 2010

I have a web site application using FW 3.5 and I have the following problem: In one of my forms when I click a listview an image control displays the image that corresponds to a directory, something like this:

imgImage.src = "D:\Images\" + this.lstImages.SelectedValue;

But this doesnt work, the image control always displays the Alternate text.

The code works when I copy those images to a folder inside the solution and when I reference them like this:

imgImage.src = "~Images/" + this.lstImages.SelectedValue;

Is this the only way? I have tried this with a couple of photos, but I cant put them all in C: drive (where the wwroot is located) because there is no space available, I really need to read those images from the D: drive.

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Security :: Unable To Display The Image From The Images Folder?

Nov 4, 2010

I have created a .NET 3.5 # web app. It has a master page, a homepage, and an Accounts folder with Login.aspx, Register.aspx etc.When I run the app Login.aspx displays but it doesn't display the Image from the Images folder, it doesn't inherit the MasterPage/CSS and when I click on the Register link it stays to the login page .I understand that this is probably down to permissions. Do I have to put a web.config file in each of the Folders or do I update the main web.config and add location elements to allow access.

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I want to display images in the Gridview from the image folder in this way:

But without saving the image location in the Database (i.e;i want to do this using the System.IO)

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Are there any links that may point me to the right direction? Most of the links I found dealt with displaying images that came from a string stored in a table.

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AJAX :: Display Images From FTP To Image Control?

Jun 16, 2015

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Ex :

There are 5 folder are available on FTP site. If I want to access the folder A with all images. How it it possible ? The Image should display on slider.

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I have a project I'm getting ready to start and I want to see if anyone out there has any good examples or suggestions on how I would handle processing images. My company has about 10,000 images orgainzed in folders which I am planning on pulling into SQL Server. What I want to do is develop a web page where the end-user can select a folder which would then be scanned for photo / image files.

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<iframe id="pdfiframe" runat="server" height="400px" width="800px">
</iframe>pdfiframe.Attributes.Add("src", urlpath);

Its working fine in ie showing image but not working in chrome and firefox

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public string getHREF(object sURL)
DataRowView dRView = (DataRowView)sURL;
string Id = dRView["Id"].ToString();
return ResolveUrl("~/Pages/Timeline.aspx?Id=" + Id);


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Now i want to display the those saved image as Image in web page.

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May 11, 2010

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and in page load


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Jan 20, 2011

in asp.net i upload file names of images to a DB and in a folder /uploads i actually store the files

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command.CommandText = " SELECT * FROM ( SELECT upload.* " & _
" , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS [RowNumber]" & _
" FROM upload) sq WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN " & pageNo & " AND " & rowsPerPage
da.SelectCommand = command
da.Fill(ds, "upload")

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Jul 27, 2013

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Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Request.QueryString("PNO") IsNot Nothing Then
' Read the file and convert it to Byte Array
Dim filePath As String = "C:AWINGPHOTOS"
Dim filename As String = Request.QueryString("PNO")


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C# - How To Display A List Of Images From A Folder On Hard Drive

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to make a simple photo gallery website. Using ASP.NET and C#. Right now I don't have a server set up but I am just using the development one that Visual Studio Starts when you make a website project and run it.

I have a folder on my hard drive that contains an unknown number of images. I want to write a piece of code that will go through each image and add them to the default webpage. I have tried this code but it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? Should I be using a ListView control or a DataView or something like that? Do I need to add a virtual directory in order to access the images? If so, how do I to that on this test server?

ALSO, how do I set the position and alignment of these pictures? For example, how would I make it so that the pictures are in a line vertically and centered on the webpage?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] filesindirectory = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:UsersJordanDesktopWeb Images");
int i = 1;
foreach (string s in filesindirectory)
Image img = new Image();
img.ID = "image" + i.ToString();
img.ImageUrl = s;
img.Visible = true;

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Data Controls :: How To Display Images From Project Folder To DataList

May 7, 2015

I am first working on this module. Target is to show all the pictures from images folder to datalist. I myself got the code from other sources and not getting the logic that's why I am continuously receiving error..

<asp:DataList ID="dlpic" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" RepeatColumns = "4">
<img src='<%# Bind("Name","~/images/Gallery/{0}") %>' class="scale-with-grid" />


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AJAX :: Display Directory (Folder) Structure For Folder Outside Project In TreeView Control

Nov 22, 2015

[URL] ....

In above link you clearly describe (How to display directory folder structure).  

The path only works when the folder insight the project.

When I put folder outside the project it didn't work. What type of changes I need to made to acces the folder outside the poject. & How can I show other details of files which are including in folders Like. Last Modified Created Date, Modified Date etc..

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Web Forms :: How To Display Image Preview Without Saving In Database Or Folder

Apr 28, 2013

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