Web Forms :: Login Page Private Bool IsAdmin?

Nov 11, 2010

I am a super newbies in ASP.net. Can I know what is the explanation for this coding? it is in Login page ;private bool IsAdmin(string id)

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Similar Messages:

ADO.NET :: Cannot Convert From Ref Bool To Ref Bool?

Jan 31, 2011

i create a sproc for validation username and email address lilke below:now i use this sproc like below:


Error 6 The best overloaded method match for MisaghDataContext.usp_ValidUserNameEmail(string, string, ref bool?)' has some invalid arguments

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AJAX :: Redirect To Login Modal Popup Instead Of Login Page In Forms Authentication

Dec 1, 2010

I have my website in which there are free links and links that require login. Free links open even if the user is not logged in. But in case of links that require login, redirect to login.aspx specified in Web.Config in loginURL tag.

I want some way to override this and show Ajax modal popup (Ajax extender toolkit) with login control for only thos links that require login (not for the free links).

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What's The Default Access Modifier For Controls Created On .aspx Page - Private Or Something Else

Jan 19, 2011

What is the default access modifier for controls created on .aspx page. Private or something else?

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Web Forms :: Page Redirecting In Endless Loop When Press Two Times Login Button Then Able To Login

Jan 26, 2010

I am doing project in ASP.NET with C#.net using SQL Server DB,

I am getting endless loop when user logged in after some time page is displaying,

and also i ahave masterpage in that i have login button, when i clicked login buton it is not going to the redirected page, appearing in the same page but sessions are going to be assigned(there are some sessions in login button like loginID). If i presss second time login button then user logged in page is appearing. This problem is when uploaded into server, local it is working good.

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Security :: Catch A Failed Login Attempt (Windows Auth) And Redirect To A Forms Login Page?

May 26, 2010

I need to create an application with Forms Authentication and/or Windows Authentication. If the application is set to use mixed authentication (Forms + Windows Auth) and the user don't have a Windows user account, the login will fail and he must be redirected to a forms login page. How can I do this?

Are there any different way to provide mixed authentication?

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding A Check Box To A Gridview To Represent Bool Value?

Jan 22, 2010

I would like to add a checkbox to my grid view to represent a bool property of the list the grid view is bound to.

I want to show a checked checkbox for true instead of just showing text of 'true' or 'false'

Is this possible. When I try to add the checkboxfield in the gridview wizard. The add button is grayed out when selecting checkboxfield

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Security :: After Login To New Page And Moving Back To Login Page And Getting Resource Not Available

Jan 11, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Express and created a login page using the ASP.net web site Adminstration tool security to generate users and passwords.

After login, a new page appears. I have a button to go back to the login page to allow a user to relogin. When I try loging in again as a different user or the same, I get an error saying the resource that I am looing for was not available.

I have a button on the page after login (one this one page will occur) and I am using on on click event to do the following:


After clicking on this button, the Login page appears again. How can I release everyting to allow it to work like when I first open the application.

This is the error message I get:

HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /MyFirstSite/default.aspx

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3615; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3618

Server Error in '/MyFirstSite' Application.

The resource cannot be found.

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Web Forms :: Error 25 / Cannot Convert Method Group Read To Non-delegate Type (bool)

Aug 30, 2013

I worked in C Sharp code works vote and found the problem appointed Data ReaderIf you will allow me in the solution

Error 25 Cannot convert method group 'Read' to non-delegate type 'bool'. Did you intend to invoke the method?

Show Erorr also 

Line 23: Con.Open ();Line 24: OleDbDataReader dr = cmd2.ExecuteReader ();Line 25: if (dr.Read)Line 26: {Line 27: label2.Text = dr (0);


public partial class Default2 : System.Web.UI.Page
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Con = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Forms Data Controls :: Select Command And Gridview - Just Want To Return Rows Based On Bool Tick?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a table in my Database called Creditors.

One of the columns is Paid which is type Bool.

On my aspx I have an objectdatasource and gridview. In the DAL is a method called GetCreditors which

returns all the creditors into the Gridview.

In some cases the "paid" column is ticked and in other not.

I want to run a select query that only gets the rows where PAID is not Ticked. insead

of retrieving all.

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C# - Setting Private Memory Limit For Application Pool In IIS 7 Increased Page Faults Before Crossing The Limit

Aug 16, 2010

I have set Private Memory limit of 200mb in IIS 7 for an application pool. The Private Working Set memory(Task Manager) for the application is always below 125mb but the number of page faults have increased a lot and application cache is getting cleared frequently after setting the limit.

I haven't set any limit on Virtual Memory.why the cache is getting cleared even when the Private memory used is below the allocated memory?

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Security :: Login Sql Statement / Tier Project A That Required A Login Page>

Jan 11, 2011

i doing on a 3 tier project a that required a login page, Im not sure how the flow go for the 3 tier...This is my BLL


This is my DAL


And lastly here is the aspx page


When i try to insert my NRIC and password, it's like not passing through the statement, it just say login sucessfully eventhough i put the wrong NRIC/Password/Not valid..

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SQL Server :: Create A Login Page That Will Use This Database And Table To Authenticate The Login?

Sep 24, 2010

I dont know where to start, but I have a simple issue that you may be able to resolve.

I have a SQL database that contains a table with user name / password / Account level in it.

What I am trying to do is to create a Login page that will use this database and table to authenticate the login.

I have spent some time looking about for an example, and the nearest that I have found is for an access Database, but I really need this to work with SQL.

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ADO.NET :: How To Convert Bool Value Into String In LINQ

Dec 29, 2010

I have the following query in which I have to convert the 'bool' valu into 'string' value as "Y" or "N". I have a class defined called ChartDosCodeInfoStruct which definesQAIndicator as String. The value I am feteching from DB is a bool value. I need to take this bool value and accordingly assignQAIndicator= "Y" or "N".

UserManager userManager = (UserManager)BaseEntityManager<DataAccessLayer.User>.GetSingleInstance();
List<User> user = userManager.GetCodersForChart(_currentChart.ChartId);
UIConfigurationObject.CoderForChart.value = user.First().FullName.ToString();

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Bind Nullable Bool To Checkbox In MVC 2

Feb 16, 2011

How to bind nullable bool to checkbox in MVC 2. I try with this code in view:

<%: Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.Communication.Before)%>

But show me compilation error.

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C# - Cast Session Variable To Bool?

Jan 13, 2011

Why can't I do this?

if ((bool)Request["genericError"] != true)

Compiler gives me:

Cannot convert type 'string' to 'bool'

Request["genericError"] should be an object, so why does the compiler think its a string?

I'm looking for the reason for this, not how to sidestep it (using Convert)

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Security :: Make Login.aspx Called By A Form At Page Load And Return To It After Successful Login

Apr 12, 2010

A Login.aspx has been created to enforce security on several forms of a web site.How can it be best called by each form at page load and return to that form after succesful login? How could that requirement be declared in web.config?

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Login Control After Successful Login, Does Not Redirects To Destination Page?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a ASP.NET Login Control with Forms authentication.Even after successful Login it does not redirects to destination page.But it uses returnURL and stays at same Login page.How to make Login Control to redirect to specified destination page?

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How To Check Empty DataList / The Name Bool Is Not Declared

Feb 26, 2010

I am using ASP.NET and VB to display a message(label) while the datalist is empty like this
<asp:Label ID="lblEmpty" Text="No Data To Display" runat="server" Visible='<%#bool.Parse((dlErgebnis.Items.Count==0).ToString()) %>'></asp:Label>

I am getting a error "the name bool is not declared".

What is causing this error?

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ADO.NET :: Cannot Convert String To Bool Error In LINQ

Oct 22, 2010

cannot convert string to bool error in LINQthis is my code:


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ADO.NET :: Assign Datable Column Bit Value To Bool Or Check Box?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a DataTable, one of the column data type is of type Bool or sql(Bit).

now i want to assign this value to a Bool variable/object or lets say i want to assign this to a checkbox, How do i do that

eg. not correct though

DataTable dt= new DataTable();
Bool a= dt.Rows[0]["IsApproved"];

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Tryparse: Cannot Implicitly Convert Type 'bool' To 'int'

May 1, 2010

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Login Page Takes Long Time To Login?

Apr 12, 2010

I am working on a web application in C#. I am using FormsAuthenticationTicket to authenticate the user. The user's information is check against a sqlserver database, if the correct credential is entered, (combine the username and password, encrypt them using the FormsAuthentication, and assign the random number generated to a session.), the users is redirected to a welcome pages.

However, I notice that there are times when I run the application, and it takes over five minutes to display the login screen, or I have to stop and start the application in order to display the login screen . Does anyone have an idea what may cause this issue?

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On Login Error, Redirect To Separate Login Page?

Aug 25, 2010

I have a home page that is very design-specific, down to the pixel. It needs to have username/password/login, but I can't have it showing any error messages there. There is a separate standalone login page that is not design-specific and can show any messages. It's using the standard Login control.Is there an easy way to link the two so that if an error occurs on the home page the standalone page comes up with the errors?

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AJAX :: Login Page With Remember Me Without Using Login Control

Apr 27, 2016

I used below code for register user. I want use function for insert data into database. if user exist then it’ show message. Now I want show message from button click. 

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Validate_User]
@Username NVARCHAR(20),
@Password NVARCHAR(20)


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