Web Forms :: Managing MySQL Data In GridView?

Jan 30, 2011

I finally got a GridView to display MySQL Data. Now however I need:1) To edit the way the data is displayed. When my DateTime is grabbed from the MySQL Db, it is displayed like so { 22/01/2011 15:45 } but really I need it like so { 22 Jan 2001 - 15:45 }.2) To Enable Edit, Delete andUpdate of each row of the data. when I go in design view and click on the gridview, I don't get them options, where as on SQL Server 2008 I did.I did some google searching on editing the way a date time is presented, but all I got were results for the function DateTime.Now ..etc which is not what I'm after really.

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Web Forms :: MySQL Data Can Be Used To Fill A GridView

Jan 25, 2011

I am trying to populate a GridView with some data that I'll grab from a MySQL Database. I googled and found some code ! But it is giving the following error:[IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/15foy78.jpg[/IMG]

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Forms Data Controls :: Editing Data With Gridview - MySQL Database

Jan 10, 2010

I have a MySQL database, and I'm currently creating an ASP.NET website to update data in it. I'm currently having trouble changing the data with GridView. Reading through various posts on this site, i think I've got a problem with binding the data, but I'm not sure how to accomplish this with MySQL database. My c# code is as follows:


My asp code is as follows:


At the moment I'm getting an error about the "trash" data, it's an Int32 field, but I'm not sure how to handle that.

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Forms Data Controls :: Paging In Gridview Control Asp.net 2.0, MySQL

Feb 20, 2010

I am a new user of ASP.NET 2.0 (VB.NET)
I am facing a problem related to GridView Control

I have a table <UsersDetail> with following structure in MySQL

userid | Numeric
Userlogin | Varchar(25)
Userpassword | Varchar(25)
Firstname | Varchar(50)
Lastname | Varchar(50)

I wrote a code to fetch data from this table :

Dim Con As New MySqlConnection
Dim Cmd As New MySqlCommand
Dim Adp As New MySqlDataAdapter
Dim DTable As DataTable
Con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("dbConString").ConnectionString
Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Cmd.CommandText = "sp_FetchAllUsers"
Cmd.Connection = Con
Adp = New MySqlDataAdapter
Adp.SelectCommand = Cmd
DTable = New DataTable
GridView1.DataSource = DTable

Basically Gridview controls is used to display data in tabular format.
but due to requirement I changed its layout to columner in following manner

<asp:GridView ID="myGridView" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" AllowPaging="True" PageSize="3" Width="520px">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="User ID">
<asp:Label ID="Label3" Text='<%#Eval("userid") %>' runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="User Login">
<asp:Label ID="Label4" Text='<%#Eval("Userlogin") %>' runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Pack Amount">
<asp:Label ID="Password" Text='<%#Eval("Userpassword") %>' runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="For">
<asp:Label ID="First name" Text='<%#Eval("Firstname") %>' runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Validity">
<asp:Label ID="Last name" Text='<%#Eval("Lastname") %> Months' runat="server"></asp:Label>

Now come to the problem, i set the AllowPaging="True" and page size to 3 records/page but when click on paging links it displays the following error :

The GridView 'myGridView' fired event PageIndexChanging which wasn't handled.

An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: The GridView 'myGridView' fired event PageIndexChanging which wasn't handled.

Source Error:


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Forms Data Controls :: Update MySQL Database Checkbox Value In Gridview

May 5, 2010

I have been stuck on this for a while and I can't seem to get it to work despite looking for answers in books and all over the web, so I hope perhaps you all can help me figure this out...

Here's what I'm trying to do....

I have some information in a simple product database displaying in a gridview table. One of the columns is a row of checkboxes indicating whether the item has been discontinued or not. When the row gets updated, it needs to update the checkbox value in the database.

1. It needs to be disabled until the row is getting edited.

2. Send the string value of 0 or 1 to the database when the row is updated.

Here's the code for the sql datasource and the gridview part in question...

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:sqlDataMaster %>"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:sqlDataMaster.ProviderName %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT ID, ProductName, ListPrice, Discontinued FROM Products"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE Products SET ProductName=@ProductName, ListPrice=@ListPrice, Discontinued=@Discontinued WHERE ID=@ID"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM Products WHERE ID=@ID">
<asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ProductName" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ListPrice" Type="Double" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Discontinued" Type="Boolean" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ProductName" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ListPrice" Type="Double" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Discontinued" Type="Boolean" />
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowSorting="True"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" CellPadding="3"
GridLines="Vertical" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#999999"
BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px"
DataKeyNames = "ID">
<asp:CommandField ShowSelectButton="True" ShowEditButton="true" ShowDeleteButton="true" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="ID" HeaderText="Product ID" SortExpression="ID" ReadOnly="true" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="ProductName" HeaderText="Product Name"
SortExpression="ProductName" >
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Left" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="ListPrice" DataFormatString="{0:c}"
HeaderText="Unit Price" SortExpression="ListPrice" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Discontinued" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center">
<asp:CheckBox id="Discontinued" runat="server"
Checked='<%#Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("Discontinued")) %>' />
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></ItemStyle>
<FooterStyle BackColor="#CCCCCC" ForeColor="Black" />
<PagerStyle BackColor="#999999" ForeColor="Black" HorizontalAlign="Center" />
<SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#008A8C" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
<HeaderStyle BackColor="#000084" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
<AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="#DCDCDC" />

Here's a live version for you to look at...


View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: GridView, ObjectDataSource And Custom Pagination With MySQL?

Jul 22, 2010

I am trying to hook up custom pagination with an ObjectDataSource to my GridView. However, this thing renders no data, but does render the column headers. The debugger clearly indicates a populated DataTable being returned.


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Databases :: MYSQL Using VB With VWD2008 For MYSQL Data Transactions

Jan 11, 2010

I have used ASD.NET code using SQL Database for Transaction operation successfully. By changing the Database Code to interface with MYSQL an Error occurs. If I remove the Transaction Code from within the the application, it works OK by displaying the MYSQL data (Read Only) in the layout of the application. I am using Mysql Essential-4.1.22-win32 and MYSQL Connector ODBC-3.51.2. My objective is to EDIT the MYSQL Data.

View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Managing Repeater Data In Code Behind?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a repeater which has it's data bound in the code behing. I want it so that as each row is written out I can check the data and if a piece of information stored in the database exists, I can then do something (format the text in a different manner). So far I have this in my code behind:


And my front end code is simply:


View 4 Replies

Databases :: Retrieve Data From MySql And Display It In Gridview?

Jan 5, 2011

I want to retrieve data from MySql database and display it in gridview in asp.net.I want to retrieve data from two tables which has no common fields to link.Is there any possible way to display in gridview?

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Databases :: Using Mysql Installed Mysql And Mysql Net Connector?

Dec 26, 2010

i was just using mysql i installed mysql and mysql net connector. its installed successfully but unable tp add to references.

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Data Controls :: Insert Edit Update Delete (CRUD) In GridView Using MySQL Database?

May 7, 2015

Insert Edit Update Delete (CRUD) in GridView using MySQL Database?

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Mono + Mysql = Slow - Inserts 26,000 Records Into A Mysql Database

Dec 16, 2010

Why does a very simple script which inserts 26,000 records into a mysql database (myisam, no transactions) take 13 seconds in the php implementation, and then 35-50 seconds using mono+mysql connector? I thought asp.net was faster than php? Could the problem be the mono mysql connector is "platform independent", so the performance just stinks? or does asp.net suffer more overhead than php when it comes to executing each query? Aren't there any native linux binaries for mysql connector for mono that may be faster?

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Web Forms :: Managing Web Buckets On Semi-CMS Website?

Dec 20, 2010

Now i am developing web application, i wanted to be like a CMS but not with all the bells and whistles of a fully blown CMS system. To explain the idea, it is a classifieds ads site were users can log on and add their own ads or browse other users' ads. What i want to be able to do is to have full control on the application without having to write any line of code. I mean, after the application is launched, i want to be able to add / delete ad categories, change dynamic content on the site (like banners, polls and so on).

I managed to create a control panel for myself where i can edit and manage the ad categories (after all it's a data repeater bound to a database and rendering to an ul list containing the categories). My question now is: i am using Master / child pages design, I have some content that's on the Master page and other on the child pages (by content i mean those plugins that are frequently found on websites like polls, news tickers, stocks...etc). Using the Master / Chile paradigm: how can i control the visibilty of those controls through my control panel?

add labels for those controls and control their content from the backend database together with a boolen indicating their visibility. But the problem is that: how can i determine which page is serving this content currently. Like for example, a news ticker on the addad.aspx child page but not on viewads.aspx child page.

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Web Forms :: Managing Multiple Sitemap.xml Pool?

Jan 31, 2011

have a question related to sitemap ........i have a pool of websites which are same in function but different in css and format ..every site in that pool different from each other in terms of information so each site in the pool would have different sitemap.xml but the problem is how would i know that the Google crawler or other search engine crawlers are picking the right sitemap ... ?is there any place where i can identify that sitemap-abc.xml belongs to abc site and sitemap-xyz.xml belongs to xyz site ? ll the xml are put in one folder only difference in between them is there names ..

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Forms Data Controls :: Add The Grid View Data Into MySql Database?

Jan 17, 2011

I am importing Excel file data into gridview control,i want to insert same grid view data into mysql database.I have plenty of excel files in my root folder, these excel files always update with new data.

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Forms Data Controls :: Load Data From Mysql Into Checkbox = Checked?

Dec 18, 2010

I have 13 checkbox which is consist of outlet locations, The way i store into database is converting the 13 outlet code and store in string type which is need to split it when the need to view it.

My problem now is, i would like get any releated outlet code checked into checkbox which is the outlet code store into mysql in same column and row. for example:

Outlet code store into my cLocCode column inside table itemdetail. The data inside store in string type:

|cLocCode |productcode |
|200,201,202,203,204,205 |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |

As all of u can see the cLocCode store as string. I would like to load it into web form as checkbox which is like this:

x Checkbox200.Checked x Checkbox201.Checked x Checkbox202.Checked x Checkbox203.Checked
x Checkbox204.Checked x Checkbox205.Checked x Checkbox 206.Unchecked

this is the situation.

View 6 Replies

Databases :: Transaction In Mysql For Update For Each Row Of Gridview

Feb 2, 2011

i am having a transaction related problem regarding mysql.. need some advice how to proceed !!!

here is a gridview for my application and i am inserting or updating for each row.... like


well now what i want is if any of the row update or insert failes ... it should revert all the changes that was already made into the database ... even a single row update .. into that perticular table ... the code which i have called for payment.Update(PayDetails, 0) is :


can someone help me out how to proceed in this scenario ??? how do i undo each of the updates made into the table payment schedule details ...

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Display The Mysql Table's Contents Into Gridview?

Jan 12, 2011

what can I do when my all database table's name into dropdown list & when i select or click the table name from dropdown list display the whole field into the gridview dynamically.

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Error "[42000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.1.51-community]" In C# Code (mysql Database Connection)

Dec 21, 2010

My code is to update a record if it already exists in database else insert as a new record. My code is as follows:

protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OdbcConnection MyConnection = new OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=testcase;User=root;Password=root;Option=3;");
String MyString = "select fil_no,orderdate from temp_save where fil_no=? and orderdate=?";
OdbcCommand MyCmd = new OdbcCommand(MyString, MyConnection);
MyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", HiddenField4.Value);
MyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", TextBox3.Text);
using (OdbcDataReader MyReader4 = MyCmd.ExecuteReader())
if (MyReader4.Read())
String MyString1 = "UPDATE temp_save SET order=? where fil_no=? AND orderdate=?";
OdbcCommand MyCmd1 = new OdbcCommand(MyString1, MyConnection);
MyCmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("", Editor1.Content.ToString());
MyCmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("", HiddenField1.Value);
MyCmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("", TextBox3.Text);
// set the SQL string
String strSQL = "INSERT INTO temp_save (fil_no,order,orderdate) " +
"VALUES (?,?,?)";
// Create the Command and set its properties
OdbcCommand objCmd = new OdbcCommand(strSQL, MyConnection);
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", HiddenField4.Value);
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", Editor1.Content.ToString());
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", TextBox3.Text);
// execute the command

I am getting the error as: ERROR [42000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.1.51-community]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'order,orderdate) VALUES ('04050040272009',' &' at line 1

The datatype for fields in table temp_save are:

fil_no-->INT(15)( to store a 15 digit number)
order-->LONGTEXT(to store contents from HTMLEditor(ajax control))
orderdate-->DATE(to store date)

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Insert Html Pages To MySQL - Error "check Manual That Corresponds To MySQL Server Version For The Right Syntax"

Oct 7, 2010

I am trying to insert html pages to MySQL with my Asp.NET project but i am getting error; You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'de Osman patlaması', '', '<div style="text-align: center"> <img src="/i' at line 1

How can i fix that problem my server side code is;

MySqlConnection myCon = new MySqlConnection();
myCon.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MySQLConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
string query = @"INSERT INTO `test`.`posts` (`id`, `author`, `title`, `description`, `content`, `ispublished`, `iscommentsenabled`, `pubDate`, `lastModified`, `raters`, `rating`, `slug`, `tags`, `categories`) VALUES (NULL, '{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}')";
query = String.Format(query, p.author, p.title, p.description, p.content, p.ispublished, p.iscommentsenabled, p.pubDate, p.lastModified, p.raters, p.rating, p.slug, p.tags, p.categories);
cmd.CommandText = query;
cmd.Connection = myCon;

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Mysql - How To Get Image Whose Path Is Stored In Database In Gridview

Feb 8, 2010

i have stored the images in mysql using the varchar datatype and i am storing the path of that and i want to retrive that images in the gridview of asp.net

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Variables Into And Out Of Mysql Query

Jan 9, 2010

First up i would like to apoligize for these questions that are proable realy easy. I have been put on the spot by my boss and have been told to change all my php to asp.net c so it can go in this new cms i have at work. I have just spent the last 18 hours trying to get this to work and im geting a little desperate.

Ok so my current issue is that i dont know how to add html formating to a result string i pull out of my mysql database. I have my result sheet pulling into a gridview, what i want to do is put some information drawn from each row in the gridview out side of the <Tr> tag. Is this possible? But within the Table Tag second issue is it possiple to feed data into a page and then run a mysql query like i was doing in php.

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Dropdown, Textbox Search Mysql Database, Result In Gridview?

Feb 18, 2010

Let's say I have a gridview with some columns like, title, name, funding agency. Here's an example of what I want to do:

I want to display all the records in the gridview to start. There would be a dropdownlist that lets the user select whether to search by title, name, funding agency and a text box that lets them type in what they want to search for (and a button to start the search). After searching, the gridview would only display the records that matched the criteria.i already know how to connect datasets to the gridview, but i am using mysql database and writing code in vb.how to accomplish this task

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Receives System.Byte[] In GridView When MySql's DateFormat Function Is Used?

Mar 30, 2010

I have written this query for retrieving data from mysql as below

select FeedbackCode,EMailID,FeedbackDetail,
Date_Format(FeedbackDate,'%m,%d') as 'Feedback_Date'
from FeedbackDetail
where EMailID not like '' and InstanceCode =5
and I'm binding this data with GridView in asp.net but at the column of Feedback_Date,
instead of Date I receive System.Byte[].

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Forms Data Controls :: MySQL Query On DataGrid Is Not Formatting Currency?

Jun 3, 2010

I am pulling data from an excel file but the column Amount doesn't want to format to currency. i think it's my SQL statement but I am not sure.


I can take out the where the SQL statement begins "ALTER TABLE [Sheet1$] ALTER COLUMN Amount CURRENCY" and it works fine but I need the Amount column to be in currency format.

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