Web Forms :: Master Pages - All My Pages Inherit From The Base Page Class

Jun 21, 2010

Currently I'm doing common functionality required throughout my site inside of my masterpage. What I want to do is move this functionality to a BaseClass so All my pages inherit from the Base Class. However, I'm not sure how to set this up interms of c# code with regards to Using a Base Class and then having a masterpage applied to my aspx pages that i create.

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Similar Messages:

Search Pages And User Controls To See Which Master Page And Base Class They Use

Feb 12, 2010

I want to search my asp.net pages and user controls to see which master page and base class they use. I mention search because we are re-factoring a large project and we need to track progress on the code conversion. I know I can pull this information individually but I need a automated and repeatable procedure.

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Can Page Inherit Multiple Master Pages

Jun 2, 2010

Can a page inherit multiple master pages?(ASP.NET)

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Web Forms :: Inherit Multiple Master Pages?

May 14, 2010

Is there a way to inherit multiple Master pages? One for the heading, the next one for the menu section, and one for the footer?

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Web Forms :: Why Admin Can't Inherit Master Pages

Jun 1, 2010

ok this is that My Master Page is out side the folder but i Have Folder with Name Admin which contain Admin.aspx but it cannot all the images and stylesheet

see how it looks


code of page


but this prbolem don't come when i take the same page outside of Folder

i am thinking there is soultion to it is that again making a copy of all IMages and Style sheet and place in admin folder which gonna solve my prbolem but is that a right solution...?

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Web Forms :: How To Inherit Multiple Master Pages To A Webpage

Aug 6, 2010

in my project i need some features from one master page and some from another..

how can i inherit multiple master pages at a time..

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C# - Can Two ASPX Pages Inherit The Same Code Behind Class

Sep 4, 2010

I'm just starting out learning ASP.NET. From what I understand, ASP.NET differs from old school ASP in that the logic code for a page exists in as separate file rather then being embedded in the ASP page. So when a user requests a page like ShoppingCart.aspx the server reads the directive at the top ...

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Styles/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeBehind="MyShoppingCart.aspx.cs" Inherits="TailspinSpyWorks.MyShoppingCart" %>

This tells the server what file and what class in the file is associated with the page. The code behind class also has member variables that correspond to each control on the page, and provide a way for code in the code behind file to manipulate the controls.

First, do I understand this correctly?

Second, could a site be setup with two separate ASPX pages with identically named controls, which both had a directive pointing to the same file and class? Would you even want to do this? Both pages could have the same functionality but a different layout. I was thinking this could be a way to create separate "desktop" and "mobile" versions of a page with out duplicating content in the code behind files.

I guess ultimately what I'm wondering, is if there a way to define an abstract page? Say create an abstract page definition that says a page must have controls "cart_list", "total_lbl", but then be able to have multiple pages that inherit from this abstract page?

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Web Forms :: Change Master Pages To Inherit With Home.aspx Using Radio Button ?

Aug 2, 2010

I have 3 master pages with names master1.master, master2.master and master3.master and a webpage named as home.aspx how can i change my master pages to inherit with home.aspx using radio button linst.

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Web Forms :: Master And Base Pages For Default.aspx - Page_Load Is Called Twice?

Feb 2, 2010

I've got a page Default.aspx, it was inherited from class MyBasePage

like this

public partial class _Default : MyBasePage, ICallbackEventHandler

also it has a master page

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" EnableEventValidation="false" MasterPageFile="~/Master/MyMaster.master" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>

this master page also has a master

<%@ Master Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Master/Base.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MyMaster.cs" Inherits="MyMaster" %>

All works ok, but then i discovered that

Page_Load in Default.aspx is called two times, and both from method OnLoad in MyBasePage

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
base.OnLoad(e) calls Page_Load.

I've got a site with such a structure of master pages and basepage, but it works ok, method page_load is called only once.

So why would in the second site PAge_Load be called twice?

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Base URL In .net Master Pages With Virtual Directories?

Mar 16, 2010

I have an ASP.net master page. In this master, I have all my css and javascript files defined. I also have a few images and a few buttons and hyperlinks.All the urls are all declared as relative ie "/scripts/ian.js"Everything works fine if this site is the root website, but I need it to work in a virtual directory.My problem is when I place this website in a virtual directory under a root site, all my links are pointing to the root site. so my links point to www.root.com/scripts/ian.js but it should be pointing to www.root.com/virtualDir/scripts/ian.jsI thought the Base Href tag in the header would help, but so far it does not seem to be helping in anyway. All the links are still pointing to the root website when i hover over them.

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How To Add Title And Meta Tags For Content Pages In A Project Base On Master And Content Page

Oct 17, 2010

how can i add title and meta tags for content pages in a project base on master and content page(dinamically) ?

i used the blow method for master page :


and the error is :(in line *)

Error 17 'System.Web.UI.MasterPage' does not contain a definition for 'SetMetaTags' and no extension method 'SetMetaTags' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Web.UI.MasterPage' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

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Web Forms :: VS2010 Master Pages / Everything Shows On The New Pages Except The Jpeg Image Logo?

Sep 5, 2010

i'm developing a site using VS2010 and with my windows vista busniness OS. i used the default VS2010 wizard for new web application to create it. included a folder in the root directory and created new aspx pages to derive from the master page in the root directory of my site. everything shows on the new pages except the jpeg image logo in the master page. But other aspx pages i created in the root directory shows every thing fine.

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Web Forms :: Trying To Use A MasterType TypeName To Access A Class With Master Pages?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm trying to use a MasterType TypeName to access a class with master pages. This works when I'm using .NET 2.0, VS 2005, and C#. When I try this using .NET 3.5, VS 2008 and C# I get the error:

The type or namespace name 'classA' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) and it is pointing to the Default.aspx.designer.cs

In the default.aspx I have:

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="...

<%@ MasterType TypeName="classA" %>

I have added a folder App_Code to my project and in that folder I have a class file "classA.cs" that contains:

Using ...

Namespace Project.App_Code

public class classA : System.Web.UI.MasterPage


The main difference that I see from where it works and where it doesn't work is that where it doesn't work it uses the namespace called Project.So I figure my problem is in the including the class classA in the namespace or properly including the namespace and / or App_Code directory in the MasterType TypeName which I don't seem to be able to figure out.

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Web Forms :: Use Link Master Pages In Content Pages?

May 11, 2010

My requirement was to share master files among diff projects i read this doc [URL] so i use this technique to share msster pages among my diff projects in a soln but i dnt know how to reference such shared master page as if i use such

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="../masterPages/masterInvGen.Master"

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Web Forms :: Access Base Class Functions From Master Page?

May 14, 2010

I have a base class called BasePage, and a master page called SiteMaster. All my content pages inherit BasePage using BasePage instead of System.Web.UI.Page. Now, I need to access some functions in BasePage from my master page SiteMaster, let's say, the function is called "DisplayClientName()". How can I do it? Searched the Web, have found tons of similar questions but not solid solutions.

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How Does The Child User Control Inherit The Markup From The Base Class

May 25, 2010

I have a user control (uc1) which inherits from uc2. uc2 has a user control (uc3) declared in the markup. I am trying to access uc3 from uc1 but I get NullReferenceException. I thought due to inheritance uc3 would instantiate but looks like I am missing a step.


How does the child user control inherit the markup from the base class? The server controls in the base user control are null in the code behind of the base user control. Why?

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Web Forms :: Reference Control On Third Level Master Page From Content Base Class?

Aug 8, 2010

I am attempting to access a textbox control on a master page from a code behind base class but having problems. I have 3 levels of master pages. m1.master is the master page for m2.master which is the master page for m3.master.m3.master has a textbox as shown below


I have a content page c1.aspx that uses m3.master as its master page as shown below:


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AJAX :: Set Title For Content Pages When Working With Master Pages?

May 17, 2013

How can we add titles to each content pages which inherits from mater pages in asp.net?

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Web Forms :: Changes In Master Page Does Not Apply To Nested Master Pages

Aug 4, 2010

I got a Master page and nested master pages in the subfolders.

Top Level Master page

Second Level Master page inherited Top Level Master page

Third Level Master page inherited Second Level Master page

However, changes (i.e. new images & alt. name) that I made in the Top level master page did not apply to the second or third levels.My webpage has a correct front page but not in the sections. How can i correct this ?

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Combining CSS And JS In Master Pages And View Pages With SquishIt?

Jul 2, 2010

How do you implement SquishIt to bundle Css/Js across View Pages and Render it in the Master page? I thought I could use a ContentPlaceHolder above the Render portion, but there seems to be some odd behavior where it sometimes adds 3 files (1 in the view page and 2 in the master page) but other times will ignore the file added from the View Page.

<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="CssFiles" runat="server">
<% CssHelper.Add("home.css"); %>
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="CssFiles" runat="server" />
<% CssHelper.Add("reset.css"); %>
<% CssHelper.Add("master.css"); %>
<%=CssHelper.Render() %>

My current solution is a Static wrapper around SquishIt's static Bundle class that keeps the BundleBuilder in HttpContext.Current.Items.

I'm curious if this has been done successfully and how so.

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C# - Possible With ASP.NET Master Pages To Create Content Pages Dynamically?

Jan 22, 2010

Is it possible with ASP.NET Master Pages to create content pages dynamically?That is, I know we can create content dynamically, but the content pages themselves,can those be created programmatically? I want to give my users the ability to define new content pages (i.e. Categories: Sofas, Tables, Lamps, and add/delete as they see fit) through a management panel. The resulting content pages should have proper URL naming, so that they index properly.An example: http://www.example.com/products/Lamps/contentpage.aspx.Is there a demonstration of this somewhere I can view?

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Web Forms :: Create Several Pages That Inherit From Main

Jan 28, 2011

I am writing a program in ASP.Net. I need to use page inheritance. I will have a Main Page called "Main" for example. In this form I will have several controls (Any type of control, can be datagrid or any other control). I want to create several other pages that will inherit from this main Page. When I inherit, I want the controls on the main page to appear on the inherited pages. I know that some of you will tell me use a master page, but this is not what I need. I need inheritance. (I suceeded in doing inheritance, but when I do so, the controls do not appear)

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Web Forms :: Master Pages - How To Access Content Page From Master Page

Sep 5, 2010

I have a master page setup that is used throughout my site that is basically a header with a menu. I recently added a textbox and a button to this master page which is to be a quick search box that is available anywhere in the site. When a user enters text into the search box and hits the button, I need to load the actual content page which is used to search and show search results (which also uses this same master page), and have the text entered available so the search can be triggered automatically. Again, this search text box and button is now in my master page so it could be triggered from anywhere in the app... it serves as a convenient way to do a basic search from anywhere in my app, without having to first navigate to the actual 'search page' that already exists. You can also navigate to the actual search page, which uses the same master page, where there is many more search options.I'm thrown off by the master page arrangement, which I have not used until this project. What do I do?

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Page With Base Class With Dynamic Master Page Not Firing Events

May 3, 2010

I am feeling that I have terribly wrong somewhere. I was working on a small asp.net app. I have some dynamic themes in the heme folder and have implemented a page base class to load the master page on the fly. The master is having the ContentPlaceHolder like: <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="cphBody" runat="server" />

Now I am adding pages that are derived from my base class and added the form elements. I know, Visual Studio has problem showing the page in the design mode. I have a dropdown box and wish to add the event of onselectedindexchange. But it is not working. the page is like this:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="trigon.web.Pages.MIS.JobStatus" Title="Job Status" AspCompat="true" CodeBehind="JobStatus.aspx.cs" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphBody" runat="Server">
<div id="divError" runat="server" />
<asp:DropDownList runat="server" id="jobType" onselectedindexchange="On_jobTypeSelection_Change"></asp:DropDownList>

I have also tried adding the event on the code behind like:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
jobType.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.On_jobTypeSelection_Change);
if (!IsPostBack)
JobStatus_DA da = new JobStatus_DA();
jobType.DataSource = da.getJobTypes();

protected void On_jobTypeSelection_Change(Object sender, EventArgs e)
//do something here

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WCF / ASMX :: Web Service To Inherit From A Custom Base Class That Inherits System.Web.Services.WebMethod Inste...

Oct 18, 2010

Recently, I tried to get my Web Service class to inherit from a custom base class that inherits from System.Web.Services.WebMethod instead of the System.Web.Services.WebMethod directly.

However, I've been getting Error 500.

Public Class Service1
Inherits BaseClass
<System.Web.Services.WebMethod()> _
Public Function GetSessionID() As String
GetSessionID = Me.Session.SessionID
End Function
End Class

public class BaseClass
Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService
public property Property1 as string
public property Property2 as string

End Class

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