Web Forms :: Operation Is Not Valid Due To Current State Of Object

Sep 8, 2013

I'm facing a very serious issue like application is throwing an error "Operation is not valid due to current state of an object" when have a post back. My page has a grid view with text box inside without paging because it's a delivery page, I was googling and understood this error can over come by adding 

<appSettings><addkey="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys"value="2001"/></appSettings> in web.config file, I added the same with more value, but system is still throwing the same error.

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http://localhost/Reportserver/ i can see all my reports perfectly. But when i try to see my report using
http://localhost/Reports/ and click on my report it gives a SSRS error "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object".

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ADO.NET :: Getting Error - System.InvalidOperationException: Operation Is Not Valid

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Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'checkedListBox1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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example: x = (List<my_struct>)Application["MyList"];

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void ReadKey(SymmetricAlgorithm
byte[] converted =
byte[] bytes =
algorithm.Key = ProtectedData

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Web Forms :: Login Page - Connection Was Not Closed / Current State Is Open

Apr 14, 2013

In my asp.net +vb+access web i have made a login page and the code is as under

Dim connectString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:webauth.mdb"
Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(connectString)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("select * from Users where userid =@userid and Password=@password", con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userid", txtUserName.Text)

[Code] ....

I am getting error The connection was not closed. The connection's current state is open.

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Here is the error message.

Execute Reader requires an open and available Connection's current state is connecting.

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Can Manage Without Adding An Additional Label For The Valid State(by Setting The Visibility: True/false)

Jun 14, 2010

I have a validator that check an input.

i what that the validator displayed "valid" if the value is valid, and "invalid" if the value is hasnt passed the validation.

can manage without adding an additional label for the valid state(by setting the visibility: true/false)?

does the validator control has am alternative value, or i have to override it?

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Web Forms :: How To Persist The State Of Object On Postback

Jan 26, 2011

I bind textbox to a property of an object. After running the app, if the value of textbox is changed, I expect the object to update this property .This does not happen. I also understand that I am recreating the object from viewstate on postback, which is wrong. how to persist the state of object on postbacks all.


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C# - Get The Current Bounded Object In A ListView's ItemTemplate?

Mar 14, 2010

I want to be able to get the current bound object in the ItemTemplate of a ListView control.

Here's an example of what I want to do:

<asp:ListView ID="UserList" runat="server">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceHolder" runat="server" />
//How can I get the current bound object in here?

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C# - How To Create A DateTime Object Not In The Current Culture?

Jul 29, 2010

I'm really drawing a blank on this one. I've been working on globalization but the DateTime seems to always revert back to the CurrentThread's culture.

I've got a textbox with the date expressed as a string:

// the CurrentThread's culture is de-DE
// My test browser is also set to de-DE
IFormatProvider culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de-DE",
// en-US culture, what I'd ultimately like to see the DateTime in
IFormatProvider us_culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US",
// correctly reads the textbox value (22.7.2010 into a datetime)
DateTime dt= DateTime.Parse(txtStartDate.Text, culture,
// correctly produces a string 7/22/2010
string dt2 = dt.ToString(us_culture);

At this point I want a DateTime that's in en-US I've tried both:

DateTime dt3 = Convert.ToDateTime(dt2, us_culture);
DateTime dt3 = DateTime.Parse(dt2, us_culture);

But both produce de-DE DateTimes. My motivation in asking this question is the rest of the business logic is going to be calling dt2.toString() and will result in an incorrect date time string. I realize I could change toString() to be toString(us_culture) but I'd rather not change all of the rest of the business logic to accomodate this change.

Is there a way to get a DateTime in a culture other than the CurrentThread's culture?

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State Management :: How To Check For A Current Session

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to write a code that I can attach to a .aspx page using <!--#include file="newcode.aspx"-->. What I am trying to do is check to see if they have an current or active session and redirect them if they don't. It seems like this should be pretty
simple, but I have not been able to get anything to work. This is only being used on One page. What I have tried is:


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State Management :: Possible To Get Current Session Timeout Value

Oct 6, 2010

I have a section in my web app that displays the user's name, the current datetime and a logout link. What i would also like to display is the time left for the session.Is this possible? I'm using an ajax timer to give the user the real time, so if i could display also the time that is left for the session to end would be great.

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COM Object With CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Is Either Not Valid Or Not Registered

Jul 24, 2010

In my application there is a functionality to show an excel sheet.Due to some reason we need to uninstall Microsoft Office.

Now the above functionality is not working and I am getting following error.

COM object with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} is either not valid or not registered.

how do I resolve this without re-installing Microsoft Office?

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State Management :: Current Count Of Users On Website?

Apr 8, 2010

I would like to know if anyone knows of any way or software that will give me a count of the number of unique users to use my site in the last 5 minutes. I want to make some updates to my site during the day but I want to check to see if there is slow traffic then I can do it but if it's busy I can wait till a later time.

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Get A Reference To The Current Class (ascx Or Aspx) Given A Member Object?

Mar 14, 2011

Given an instance of a control SomeControl that is in a some file (could be a usercontrol/ascx, or an aspx) how can I get a reference to the class to which it belongs?

In a usercontrol, SomeControl.NamingContainer seems to be reliable.

In a page that inherits from a MasterPage, this will return a reference to the ContentPlaceHolder, not the actual class that defines the aspx. What I would want in that case is SomeControl.Page

Parent will return the parent control in the heirarchy so isn't much use.

Is there any method for getting this directly regardless of what kind of thing it is?

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