Web Forms :: Regular Expression For Float Number In A Range
Jan 14, 2011
I want to validate a number by regular expression. Here is the requirement.
1- It should be between 1 and 200
2- maximum 2 floating point (e.g. 24.54 accepted but not 24.546)
3- the radix point can be either Dot or Comma (e.g. 29.45 - 29,45 both accepted)
4- can be intiger in this range also (e.g. 24 or 24.00)
Can anyone post an efficient regular expression for this?
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d{7} - first 3 digits
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(a(bb+aaa+((ab)*bb+(aba)*aa)(a+b)*) + (b(aa+bbb+((ba)*aa+(bab)*bb)(a+b)*)
+ is an OR
* is a LOOP, it is optional, it may be done as many as a user wants.
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<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="reg2" runat="server" ControlToValidate="rng2"
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LowRange as int
HighRange as int
with the data similar to below
select * from Ranges
LowRange HighRange
1 100
101 200
201 300
901 1000
And another table "infoDetails" with the following columns
Range as INT
amount as money
with the data similar to below
select * from infoDetails
Range Amount
23 34.00
235 44.00
345 34.00
678 100.00
555 100.00
530 100.00
510 100.00
I need one report with the following format without cursor.
LowRange HighRange Count Amount
1 100 1 34.00
101 200 0 0.00
501 600 3 300.00
601 700 1 100.00
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hjghj bvgfh . it is failing
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<P> </P>
<P><IMG alt="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures\Sunset.jpg" src="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures\Sunset.jpg"></P>
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I would like to validate P.O. Box with regular expression in web form text box? I don't want to allow user to enter PO Box.
eg. P. O. Box, p.o. box, PO Box, po box, etc
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