I have a question about E-mail body. I have a button called and when user clicks this button, I want the webpage to be sent to someone as a email body, not as an attachment. (The exact same webpage content) I have been working on this for 3 days and cannot figure it out. The email line is this:
objUtilities.SendEmail(subject, BodyMessage, emailTo, emailFrom); So something like this: BodyMessage= webpage
I want put a hyperlink in body email for changing password. My code is:
First generate URL for navigation URL, I need have 2 querystring in login.aspx page [Code].... then [Code].... and below code is method of send mail: [Code]....
But when I send this mail I haven't any hyperlink in body email? Is value of navigation URL is correct?
My requirement is that, i will display 2 buttons Yes/No in Mail body, if the user clicks on Yes then without redirecting to webpage i need to update value in sql database.How to achieve this?
I have a form that's used to submit emails. I'm not sure what the character limit should be for the body of the email. I'm thinking about setting it at 150. It's used to allow people to inquire about services provided by a small business. Should I allow more? Is this sufficient?
I am trying to send email using gmail smtp. I used to bind the grid view to mail body using GridViewToHtml(GridView1) this method. I defined the method in same source file as ...
what can I use on a form that will hold images and text and can be sent as the body in an Email? For example, can I use a panel and add a table inside it and then organize text and images in the table and then use the panel as the body in the email?
I have a working email form in VB.NET but I want to create a form that receives more than just plain text for the body. I need it to take from more than one text box and drop down list and apply it to the body section.
Imports System.Net.Mail Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Button_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim mail As MailMessage = New MailMessage() mail.To.Add(email@email.com) mail.From = New MailAddress(fromaddress.Text) mail.Subject = textsubject.text mail.Body = msg.Text mail.IsBodyHtml = True Dim smtp As SmtpClient = New SmtpClient() smtp.Host = "host here" smtp.DeliveryMethod = System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network smtp.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials smtp.Send(mail) answer.text = "Thank you for your participation in my Dissertation research" End Sub End Class
Currently I have this: Email: <asp:textbox id="fromaddress" runat="server" /><br /><br /> The subject: <asp:textbox id="textsubject" runat="server"/><br /><br /> Enter your message:<br /> <asp:textbox id="msg" runat="server" textmode="multiline" columns="35" rows="8"/><br /> <asp:button ID="Button1" text="Send" onclick="Button_Click" runat="server"/><br /> <asp:label id="answer" runat="server" /> </asp:Content>
I've got a form that will be used to send an email from a site. I'm using regular expression validators to limit the input to only appropriate characters in all of the fields. There are two things I want to protect against with the body portion of the email, sql injection attacks and the user entering too much text. The body portion of the email is entered using a text box with text mode set to multi line.
What is the best way to prevent the user from entering too much text and to guard against characters I don't want? I assume a regular expression validator will be ok for this. Will there be performance issues with this? Will the regex validator work well enough for this situation? Is there a better way of doing this?
I want to send HTML emails from .html files, using Asp.net. To be more precise I'm wondering how to take the content of an HTML file and make it the body of my HTML email?
So using, "System.net.mail" how would I make the the Body of the email the content of a chosen HTML file?
I Use SmtpClient to send email, but I need to interleave some links and logo images into email body. How can I do that? is it as simple as adding <a ...> links and <img ...> tags into body content? how to make confirmation links and confirmation emails?
My web page produces a simple email that works correctly. I now want to put on image at the top the email. My image is xyz.jpg in folder images in my asp.net web site. Here is my code:
MailMessage mm = new MailMessage(); mm.To.Add(Convert.ToString(Session["Email"])); mm.Subject = "Sales Order"; mm.IsBodyHtml = true; mm.From = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("ABC@gmail.com");
[Code] ...
I'd like the image to appear at the top of my email. I tried using the <img> tags but the image never displays. I think it's the syntax I'm using for the url path to the image is wrong. How do I do this?
I have a page that the user can make selection using a checkbox.. at the end of the page, they have the option email those selections to others. So i'd like to loop thru the gridview if they click on the email button, first make sure they made a selection, if no selection then i will prompt them.. if they select 3 records then i need to put those 3 records into the body of the email.. Ive looked around and found some others with the same end result, but none that provided a good example of building that list dynamically for the email body. im using "using System.Net.Mail;" and have the email working fine with hard coded data for the body, i need to connect to the gridview and build the body.. Can anyone offer suggestions, examples or links to a good tutorial?
I'm coming from web forms and still very new to MVC. I want to create a contact form that simply emails me the contact information,
FirstName LastName Email Age Company
I need to collect about a dozen different fields of information. In web forms it was easy to build the email body just by calling TextBox.Text.What's the best way to build the email body besides having to pass in a long-ass parameter:
Public ActionResult Contact(string firstName, string lastName, string Email, int Age, string Company, ...) { // ... }
What's the easiest method of getting values from an email body and inserting them into a database?
I am able to connect to a POP3 account and read new emails, but I don't know how to 'process' the email content. The email is in plain text format, and the content is like:
test name: 1 another test: No some other test: 54 final test: