Web Forms :: Resize Image Dynamically To Create Thumbnails
Sep 6, 2010
I have googled around for a solution and it seems that a lot of posts are dealing with these kind of things. Unfortunatley none of them seem to help me. I'm trying to resize an image dynamically to create a thumbnail. I'm basically loading a current JPEG into an image object and using the following commands to create a new image:
I put the image which I get from the code next to a manual re-size which was made in Photoshop. You cannot even compare between the two, the dynamic one looks so blurry when you compare it to the one made in Photoshop. Is there a way around this? I imagine Microsoft found a solution for this by now. Otherwise I will have to upload manually 4-5 different versions to every image on my website which doesn't sound right to me.
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Nov 9, 2010
I'm trying to create my own image viewer w/thumbnails using a datalist control. I found some ASP.Net code that utilizes another ".aspx" page to view the images. However, I wish to load the thumbnail images into a DataList control on my page and not another page. I've never done this before so I'm a little confused on the highlighted piece of code.
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Jun 23, 2010
i am facing a prblem about image resizing.. i know it is a common problem but the scinario is little different here. i have some image in my server image directory and also have their small 128 X 128 sized thumbnail..i show a page with those images like 'facebook photo album' and also linked another page to display them..when a picture is clicked it refferd to that page and that page loads the full sized original image along with picture comments bla bla..., the page width is fixed to 1024px, and the div's width is 800px max which contains the <asp:image..../>; that shows the full sized image. here the problem comes, when a original sized picture is greater that 800px then the remaining part of the picture is croped !! i know it will happen.. that is why i planned to show a thumbnail like pic which's size will be 800px max and link the page with a pop up java script page which will contain the full sized picture only. the problem is i can't resize the picture in a limit of 800px on fly.
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Jul 29, 2010
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Nov 29, 2010
This code DOES Create the Text "TOTO" but does not create image "Targetvignette"the code works ok with BUTTON object as opposed to Image.I have manually created a image with the toolbox using exactly the same credential, this displays OK.it does not catch any exception it just doesnt display anything on the webpage.I can create all sorts of control but not image [Image button] is not that better as it seams to be create but I got no image just "SUBMIT QUERY" textI am confused and stock I have tried i think every single property of the image object i could find.
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Mar 25, 2010
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Apr 11, 2010
I have ran into an issue where I have to use ASP.NET to do a Thumbnail of images uploaded since the hosting company does not have any of the required ASP Classic 3rd party utilities that I can use. I have played around with several different Upload scripts before I found a tutorial on using: Uploadify (Love this script) with ASP.NET. [URL] What I am needing to do with the script is to create Thumbnails of the images that are uploaded, and when I try to do so, I get an IO Error. I was informed that I would have to create a Web Application instead of the Web Site as the web application would give me the default.aspx.designer.cs file for setting the FileUpload control as Public to be used in the upload.ashx file. But after doing that it basically breaks the code. What works in the Web Site, does not seem to want to work in the Web Application. What I would like from the .NET community is some help in making the Uploadify script to create Thumbnails. The script for the Thumbnails that I am using (or trying to use) is here
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Jan 8, 2010
- In have a website where users can upload their photo and along with their profile.- I store the photo as binary data in database.- Using ASP.NET MVC 2.0 FileContent option, I display Photo back in the browser, when user view his/her profile detailsQuestion: Currently I am showing image as-is and not restricting width/height, so that users see exactly whatever image they uploaded as-is without distortion. However I want to do like every other website: Show only smaller image alwayswith fixed size and allow user to click on it to pop-up and show original image as-is in pop-up.NOTE: I can do this simply restricting width and height to fixed limits but still show original image. But in this case image is distorted as it was not originally designed for this dimension.This very basic question and I am seeing many options, including some libraries. But don't know what is best way to do this using ASP.NET MVC 2.0
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Sep 14, 2010
i want to provide user to select images to upload, maximum images is 4.
the overall size is 1024px width and 500px height.
within this 4 or 3 or 2 images will have to fit.
if the user upload 4 images it has to calculate the overall width and height and resize the 4 images as equal width and height for each.
if the user upload 2 images it has to calculate the overall width & height and fits.
i want to do through code. iam using c# asp.net
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Apr 23, 2012
I use image control in my page and i set Height=100px and width=100px for it
When I set imageurl fo this control it convert my image size to Height=100px width=100px
But I want it small my image Proportional my image scale i mean that if my image is vertical it small it with out change it's scale .
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Jul 30, 2012
I am trying to google search on how to resize image but i cant find the perfect one.. I want to resize 144 * 144..
below are my codes..
if (FileUpload1.HasFile) {
string strFilePath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploaded/") + "" + this.FileUpload1.FileName;
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Feb 13, 2010
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if point =1
my image must be displayed once,
if point=2
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Feb 4, 2011
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This is my current code to upload to the database
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Jun 13, 2010
I'm trying to create a list of image buttons dynamically, but I'm having trouble displaying the images. I'm using the Directory.GetFullPath method, but I don't think its the right thing to do.I've viewed the page, and the image path is showing as
'd:Hosting6238630htmlPropertiesCedarsext%20front.jpg'. I know this isn'r right and that it needs to be something like www.annereevelettings.co.uk/property/images..., but the question is, how do I do it?The page can be seen at the following address
Here is the code that I am using:
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Sep 10, 2013
Visual Studio 2008. I've done a page to upload images in asp.net web application.. . Now I need to create a web service which would be able to convert the image by our given height and width before uploading.........
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May 12, 2010
iam trying to create image button in the pageload with clickevent dynamically but iam getting error. i have searched many blogs but i cant overcome with the problem.
'System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs' does not contain a constructor that takes '1' arguments.
example shows how iam creating imagebutton in the pageload
ImageButton ib = new ImageButton();
View 11 Replies
Aug 18, 2012
In my Web page,I have a Div section with height=302PX and width=302PX.
In another page,I had a File Upload control. When we will upload the image,then the image will be displayed in that Div section.
1.When the image is large,it should be re-size and display in that particular Div section completely.
For Eg:The image size like 350PX*350PX and 1024PX*1024PX, it should be re-size to Div Section size has 302PX*302PX.
2.When the image is Small,it shouldn't be re-size and display in that particular Div section completely.
For Eg:The image size like 50PX*50PX,100PX*100PX and 302PX*302PX ,it shouldn't be re-size and display in that Div section.
For Eg:The image size like 15PX*15PX these will appear very small.But When uploading the file these images also should displayed completely with as it is in that Div section.But the image will displayed neatly.
3.If there are any tools for these type of conditions using ASP.Net.
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