Web Forms :: ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock Method

Jun 11, 2010

I have a asp .net page with an UpdatePanel. Inside that I have a dropdownlist and a button. In the On Page Load I populate the dropdownlist and have a value selected.On the button click even I register a clientscript something like this ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, this.GetType(), "Alert", "alert(hello')", true);Problem part:When I click on the button, the alert goes on, then I cannot select anything on the dropdownlist.

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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock Does Not Work

May 25, 2010

I am trying to show client side confirm messages

from a button click event within Update Panel.

I find that ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock does not work.

I need to get the response value i.e yes or no from the confirm msg

and if it is yes call another js function.

What is the best solution to the problem?

My call is:


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How To Debug Javascript Registered With RegisterClientScriptBlock Method

Aug 29, 2010

I have many existing scripts that I need to debug, all embededed from code behind.

I would prefer to use Visual Studio 2008 client side debbging features, but breakpoints can only be set inside the aspx file withing a script block.

The problem is I can't put a breakpoint on the scripts because they are all registered from the code behind file(not the aspx file). The scripts are added to the page using ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock Method (Type, String, String, Boolean)

Here is an example(it's not broke, just an example of how it's added to the page).

if (!cs.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(cstype, csname2))
StringBuilder cstext2 = new StringBuilder();
cstext2.Append("<script type="text/javascript"> function DoClick() {");
cstext2.Append("Form1.Message.value='Text from client script.'} </");
cs.RegisterClientScriptBlock(cstype, csname2, cstext2.ToString(), false);

Is it possible to debug it without having to pull out each script in a test page?

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AJAX :: UserControl With ScriptManager And UpdatePanel, Some Pages With ScriptManager?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a user control with both an UpdatePanel and a ScriptManager.

Some pages in the system have a ScriptManager of their own, and need to include the UserControl.

This throws the "You can only have 1 ScriptManager" exception.

If I remove UserControl's ScriptManager, I'll get 'UpdatePanel1 requires a Script Manager" exception.

I've tried to modify the UserControl to dynamically include it's own script manager if none exists. But all the methods I've used before involve adding a delegate to Page.OnInit-- which won't work, since the UserControl Init fires first.

Because the system designers here like making my life difficult, I can't create a MasterPage, or a BasePage for the system in inherit off of. I'd be stuck going to each page an adding a ScriptManager before the UserControl on each of them. Is there any way of, in the UserControl, detecting if the page has a ScriptManager, and if not, adding it dynamically in a way that makes the UpdatePanel happy?

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Web Forms :: Use ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock In User Control?

Aug 29, 2010

I added 'Imports System.Web.UI' to the code behind for a user control so that I could dynamically create JavaScript usingClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock. However when I declared the variable, I got the following error message'System.Web.UI.ClientScriptManager.Friend Sub New(owner As System.Web.UI.Page)' is not accessible in this context because it is 'Friend'.

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock Does Not Work?

Sep 8, 2010

I am new to .Net and webpart. What I try to do is to create a griedview webpart with a functionality of export to excel. The gridview also can drildown another gridview. The drilldown work as expected. When click export to excel link button it works ok, too. The problem is when comeing back to the gridview to click any row, it stops to drilldown. If I want to use export to excel link it stop working also. Only refresh page can make it work again. I did research and found a solution, that is, to implement a javascript to solve the problem. I follow references from microsoft site as shown below.

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Web Forms :: Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock Is Not Working OnLoad Event?

Jun 18, 2010

I put following on Page_onload event, I am not sure why it is not working. However when I use with dropdown, it is working fine.


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Web Forms :: ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock Vbscript Not Running On Windows 7 Boxes?

Mar 25, 2011

We have an web application which has been working fine on XP but which fails on Windows 7.I have a page where I'm executing several procedures on server-side and then must execute a vbscript function on client-side which I'm registering from my server code.The problem is after postback completed vbScript function is not executed at all.... even a simple "Alert" statement is not executed but only using Windows 7.... same code works fine on windows XP...

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Web Forms :: Dynamic LoadControl - RegisterClientScriptBlock - Script Does Not Show Up In The Browser

Mar 10, 2010

I am running into a weird issue. Please follow the comments in the attached code, along with the code.

Basically - I am trying to let a dynamic control class decide on what its javascripts are and what it wants to send to the browser.

But for some reason, this is not working - the javascript is not getting written to the browser page after the post back, even though I see the dynamic control on the browser page.

Here is the code snippet:


View 4 Replies

AJAX :: How To Get The Value Of RegisterClientScriptBlock

Mar 12, 2010

I'm using ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock and i want to get an output to continue what i'm doing...

"confirm 'Are you sure?');",

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Security :: RegisterClientScriptBlock In Login?

Jan 25, 2011

A popup window is opened using jquery colorbox. Login Control is used in the popup. Once the Login is Authenticated, I want to close the popup window automatically and reload the parent window.

The code is a working code when placed in a Button click, but not working, when placed in the LoginControl LoggedIn event. Included the following code in the Login Control LoggedIn event, which is not working

protected void Login1_LoggedIn(object sender,
EventArgs e)
string myscript = "parent.$.fn.colorbox.close(); parent.location = '../../home.aspx'; ";


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RegisterClientScriptBlock Code Not Executing?

Apr 12, 2010

I'm using the following code in an attempt to show a dialog with a list of errors on the client:

if (rollout.ImportErrors.Count > 0)
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "showErrors", "showErrors();", true);

The error count is non-zero and the following script block is emitted, but the script isn't executing.

<script type="text/javascript">

If I call the function directly from a Firebug console window, the dialog shows properly, so I know the dialog and my code are working. BTW, this code is in a content page, using a content placeholder that 'injects' code into the element of the rendered page.

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RegisterClientScriptBlock Isn't Working Well With Firefox?

May 6, 2010

I've added the next code to show an alert box if a statement is true:


The "str" variable is the javascript code.

It's working great in IE8, but when using Firefox, the alert shows, and afterwards, the page goes blank, instead of going back.

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AsyncFileUpload RegisterClientScriptBlock Not Working?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a problem working with ScriptManager's RegisterClientScriptBlock which is not working.

I have a AsyncFileUpload and I want to preview the uploaded image dynamically after the upload.

the UploadedComplete is wired in Page_Init and here's the UloadedComplete block code in server side

void fileUpload_UploadedComplete(object sender, AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e)
string csb = string.Empty;
string tempfolder = "picserver/posts/temp/" + Session["Username"] + "_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy_MM_d") + ".jpg";
string newfile = Server.MapPath(tempfolder);
Byte[] f = File.ReadAllBytes(newfile);
Imaging i = new Imaging();
i.ResizeImageFile(newfile, newfile, 64);
csb = "$("" + postImagePreview.ClientID + "").innerHTML = '<img src="" + tempfolder + "" alt="" />'";
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("CSB: " + csb);
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "preview", csb, true);

and here's the html

<asp:Label ID="postImagePreview" runat="server" />
Upload a preview of your advertisement.
<asp:AsyncFileUpload ID="fileUpload" runat="server"
UploaderStyle="Traditional" UploadingBackColor="#CCFFFF" ThrobberID="myThrobber" />
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="myThrobber" style="display:none;" ></asp:Label>

here's my ScriptBlock

csb = "$("" + postImagePreview.ClientID + "").innerHTML = '<img src="" + tempfolder + "" alt="" />'";
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "preview", csb, true);

and it's not working.. even if I put "alert('hello');" in script parameter. still doesn't work.

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How To Use ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock With Inline Code

Mar 16, 2011

I have aspx page where there is no code behind. Server side Code written inside tag with runat server attribute.

ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Email", "GetEmail();");
in page_load() event, it just print GetEmail(); when page load
html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function GetEmail()

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AJAX :: RegisterClientScriptBlock Not Working With UpdatePanel?

Nov 23, 2010

I know that there are hundreds of posts out there on this problem, but I have tried everything (I think) and I still have not resolved it. If I remove the update panel everything works fine.

I've tried :


And every other variation I can think of.

Here's the ClientSide code:


And here's the Server Side code:


View 4 Replies

JavaScript - Fix RegisterClientScriptBlock Is Obsolete Warning In Visual Studio

Jan 29, 2011

I have the following Sub Routine in my vb.net project which runs fine, but I constantly get build warnings:


I think it would be best if I used the correct method. I have followed the instructions here - [URL] but it didn't make a great amount of sense.


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AJAX :: RegisterClientScriptBlock In UserControl Inside UpdatePanel - JS Disappears

Jul 28, 2010

Using ASP.NET 3.5 / C#. Have a page with a UpdatePanel, and a UserControl inside the UpdatePanel. When calling ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(UpdatePanel), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), script, false); the script appears to fire (have tried it with a JS alert), but the resulting script also disappears immediately afterword. I am trying to create a JS function via the script, and it is not in the Page Source after the Page is rendered. i have tried many variationsRegisterClientScriptBlock with no luck.

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Registerclientscriptblock - Call A Javascript Function At The End Of Button Click Code Behind?

Oct 8, 2010

My motto is to call a Java script function at the end of button click code behind. ie, firstly i need to execute the server side function after which my java script function should get invoked. My server side method is as follows

protected string SaveEmbedURL_click()
if (txtembedurl.Text != null)
School aschool = new School();
aschool.SchoolId = CurrentSchool.SchoolId;
aschool.EmbedUrl = txtembedurl.Text;
return "true";
My Java script function is as follows
function SaveEmbedUrlClientSide() {

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AJAX :: ToolkitScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock Not Work In OnUploadedComplete Event Of AjaxControl

May 13, 2010


the same code, but tryied differenct AjaxControlToolkit version.

30930 works fine, but there is no script fired in 40412 when upload complete.

I dont want to use OnClientUploadComplete because I need some informations from server side.

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Web Forms :: Which Should Use, ToolkitScriptManager Or ScriptManager , And What Will Going Wrong

Jan 14, 2011

I use scriptmanager instead of toolscript manager and don't seem to have problems. But I have noticed that the recommendation is to use toolscriptmanager. Is there any difference now?

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Web Forms :: Use Scriptmanager With Existing Javascript?

Mar 11, 2010

I have an existing site having a bulk of javascript used on the page. Now the page has to convert in AJAX but while using update panel my controls are not able to use existing javascript

It is not feasible to use ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock because script is around 200 to 300 of lines and also not feasible to move it in another JS File and Use ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude since each page has different script with almost same numbers of line Is there any way so that i can use existing script with minimum number of steps with full reusability

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Web Forms :: ListView, UpdatePanel, ScriptManager Not Working In .NET 4.0?

Dec 7, 2010

We have a ASP.NEt 4.0 project i just started. For some reason the ScriptManager, UpdatePanel and ListView controls have 0 intellisense, give me element not found errors and are really starting to $@#% me off. in 3.5 everything works fine. BUt in 4.0 none of these controls work (although they all exist in the toolbox). I do NOT have any Ajaxcontrol Toolkits installed for any previous version of ASp.NEt. I DO have the proper System.Web.Extensions dll referenced and it does exist.

My web.config is TINY though (is this new to 4.0?) i noted that in my compilation tag all i have is :


wheres in 3.5 in this were loads of references to the assemblies. Do i need this? I uninstalled and re=installed VS 2010 2 tiems today and its still the same.

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Web Forms :: $find (Sys.Application.findComponent) + ScriptManager Registering?

Feb 3, 2011

I don't know if this is the correct place to post this, so, sorry if it's not.The reason for my issue is some functionality that is missing from an ajax toolkit component, but the problem itself have nothing to do with a toolkit issue, and that's why I'm not posting this on the toolkit forum.What do I need to do?

Since the masked edit extender dont support "keep the mask if the control is not empty" funcionality yet (which I can't understand why), I've been having a hard time on trying to do that by using javascript.What have I done?I've wrote a static method in a helper class that looks for every maskededitextender, gets the textbox related to that extender and adds onblur and onfocus events on them as shown below:


Ok, now, those 2 javascripts do the following:


And I'm calling that FixMaskClearIssue() on the masterpage's load event.Now, finally, the problem... the FixMaskOnLoad javascript function:


The code is not finished yet, so there may be some logic errors, but i just cant test it cuz it keeps telling me that there is an error in the "mask = $find(IDs[0]);" line...It says Object Expected. I've tryied to put the full path of that function (Sys.Application.findComponent) instead of the $find, and it says that he cant find Sys.

I need this javascript cuz the mask is now working flawlessly, except for one little detail: if the user refreshes the website by pressing F5, the not empty and masked fields keep the value but lose the mask, and i need to keep them there, so i thought to set ClearMaskOnLostFocus to false on the masks of those fields to make them appear again.Can anyone tell me why i cant use $find if running through a scriptmanager registration, but i can otherwise? it works fine on the two other javascripts above!

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Forms Data Controls :: Unknown Server Tag 'asp:ScriptManager'?

Jun 28, 2010

I am getting this error. I have included my code below.

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.UI" %>
<html lang="en">
<title>Test Page</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
<script runat="server" language="VB">
Sub Page_Load()
End Sub
<form id="Form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />

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