Web Forms :: Tacking Usage Of Each Web Part On A Personalized Page?

May 3, 2010

I have a website with a home page using web parts and can be personalized. One thing that we need is to track the usage of each web parts i.e. How many users are using each web parts.

When I go to check in the database, there the whole Personalized page is saved as a Binary Data. The info regarding each webparts is not saved.

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Redirecting Users To Personalized Page?

Aug 20, 2010

I've been able to create a cool little website, it's up and running with users logging in and out, I created roles so my administrative team can see sensitive data that's not available to regular and anonymous users.

Now they would like me to create a page specific to each user. For instance when user A logs in they are redirected to a page that has information that pertains to user A only (like a list of their benefits/ their remaining vacation time). This page needs to be accessible only to user A.

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Login Page To Show Personalized Reports?

Mar 22, 2011

I have reporting setup on my webserver using sql server 2005 and asp.net 2.0

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Tacking Number Of Users Logged In Over A Time Period - Database Design?

Nov 12, 2010

In our application, we store the most number of users online. We do this by tracking what page each user is on currently and upon login, delete users who have been inactive for X minutes and then take a count of the users online, overwriting the most number online if this is higher.

How can we change this to track the number of users online over a time period, so we can look at a line graph of the number of users online. I guess we'll need a cron to run every 1/2/5/10/20/30/60 minutes to track the number online? Then how would be store this data, the table would get very large. I would think the likes of Statcounter/Analytics would have a better way of storing this data.

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Getting Mixed Results With Page Validation And Modal Popup Usage On A Page?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a page that works great until now that they wanted to add a ModalPopup based on a field value. Before the addition of this modal popup, i had a button event that would do the inserting of the data, it caused the page to validate and as long as the page passed then it would insert and move on to the next page. Now i have a ModalPopup displaying IF a certain field is empty. If they answer Yes to the modalpopup question, it takes them back to the page and sets the focus on that field. Works fine, but if they select No then i need the page to validate and insert the record and move on.I have a customvalidator for the field i need to check. I then have my insert on the main button that causes the validation. The "Yes" and "No" buttons within the modalpopup have the following setup.

My Main submit button has the following:

If i select NO it just goes back to the page and doesnt move forward. If i select YES and enter something the page pops up the modal again and again because i've clicked in the field and keeps asking even though there is now a value in the field. But since there is a value, i can continue on to the next page.

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Use Personalized Urls In Mvc Application?

May 26, 2010

I am working on a website in which many users can create their account and have a personalized page. I wish to provide them a twitter like url to access their pages, for example www.mysite.com/smith or www.mysite.com/john . I am using asp.net mvc 1.0. I have an understand that i can add routes to the global.asax file, but i am not able to figure out how to add a route that will work for such urls.

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Web Forms :: How To Get Values In Oultook From Database To Part Ab And Cc Part C And D

Sep 3, 2012

I have four columns in database. Consider it as a,b,c and d. I'm trying to place a and b column values in TO part and c and d column values in CC part in outlook. a,b,c,d contains six digits numeric values. I just need to place a and b columns values in to and c and d values in cc part on click of a button.

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.net - Personalized URLs In .Net Information Request?

Jan 10, 2011

I've done a lot of searching trying to figure this out: I am soon to develop an app using Personalized URLs in ASP .Net. Thankfully we are going to use the mysite.com/user1, mysite.com/user2 approach, as I can find plenty of info on making that happen using URL rewrites. However, in the post @ http://forums.asp.net/p/1259856/2842613.aspx#2842613 there is someone asking if there is a way to do something along the lines of user1.mysite.com, but dynamically. In the post there are answers that it can be done, but they are not very clear. I presented this my supervisor who then asked how does this work with DNS and I shrugged my shoulders and did the Scooby-Doo "I don't know" sound (rye-ron't-row)...

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AJAX :: High CPU Usage When The Page Loads?

Oct 15, 2010

I want to improve the performance of my web application. Whenever the page loads, it is taking 70-80% of CPU usage.

I'm using ajax timer controls to update the user controls on my page. Also I placed user controls in the update panels of my page.

How to avoid high CPU usage ?

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Web Forms :: Include Part Of A Page Into Another Page?

Nov 5, 2010

I am developping a ASP.Net webpage. I want to include a part (<div>) of another page (ex: google.com) into my page.

How can it be done?

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Web Forms :: Two Copies Of Same Web Part On One Web Page?

Mar 24, 2011

I have two copies of the same web part on one web page. When someone clicks the a button one of the web parts, the event, at times, seems to be firing on the web part that they did not click on. I can reproduce it with 100% accuracy. Is that possible? If so, how do I prevent that from happening?

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Web Forms :: How To Postback Particular Part Of Page

Sep 2, 2010

"How to postback the particular part of a page in ASP.Net"?

For Example:

If I am having a page and suppose I have divided it into 2 sections. In the first section I have placed a User Control related to Weather Forecast and in the 2nd section of the web page I have placed a Currency Converter user control.

In this scenario, if the user uses the Currency Converter User Control I don't want the entire page to get postback, I want only that particular section of the page to get postback.

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C# - Page Explodes Memory Usage To 80MB And Then Dies?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm using asp.net and chrome and the page becomes unresponsive after a while. When I look at the chrome debug, I see that memory usage increases to about 80MB and chrome popups a request to kill the page. The error counter spins and generates about 30,000 errors when the popup comes. What triggers the error is the call of an updatepanel. The error as displayed in chrome is "Failed to load resource".

The update panel: the user clicks on a button and the panel is refreshed. There's only one update panel on the page.

This is what I have:

function HistoryUIActions() {
$('.SelectDay, .SelectDay1Digit').click(function () { GetNewDate(this); });
function GetNewDate(thedateitem) {
var TheDay = $.trim($(thedateitem).html());
TheYear = 2011;
ThisMonth = 2;
DateString = ThisMonth + '/' + TheDay + '/' + TheYear;
__doPostBack('<%= TheUpdatePanel.ClientID %>', DateString);
function EndRequestHandler(sender, args) {

The errors compound on every postback: 1,4, 11, 26, 57, 120, 247.... eventually chrome kills the page. When I put a breakpoint in the function, it stops the code just after I press the button; then after it hits the __doPostBack line, it starts the GetNewDate function again several times by going back to the line of the click event, apparently executing it the number of times shown above.

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Delete Command Usage From Aspx Page To Mysql Database

Feb 1, 2010

I have mysql database which has been connected to web page in grid view (using add object), i would like to make delete option enabled in my web page to erase the records using check boxes may be multiple checks in single time, but i have finished the code for enabling single check and multiple checks of check boxes, my query is how to connect my mysql database to the web page using code so i can easily connect the database for using the delete command.

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Web Forms :: Show The Content Part Of A Master Page?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a page(a.aspx) which is under master page(m.mst). I have got another page in name b.aspx which is also under master page "m.mst". Now i want popup a.aspx from b.aspx on some button click. But in the popup(a.aspx), i do not want the master page features.

Is there any way i can detatch the master page from the page, or i have to recreate it without the master page?

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Web Forms :: Change Part Of Page Without Full Postback

Aug 19, 2010

I have a page with two columns. Initially, the left column will contain a list of links that are article titles. Clicking on one of the links will display the text of the article in the right column, keeping the list of titles in the left column. Clicking on another title will clear the text of the first article and display the second. Is there a way to accomplish this without having to repaint the whole page? I would rather not have the whole page resent each time a title is clicked, but rather have the page stay as is and only the contents of the right column get cleared and redisplayed. I assume there's a way to do this with JavaScript.

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Web Forms :: Place Different Levels Of Menu On Different Part Of Page?

Sep 13, 2010

i want design of page like this. At the top of page is first level of menu - Main Categories. On the right site of the page is submenu (level 2). Can i achieve this with bult-in component like Menu control and sitemap file? I want to try create menu this way.

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Web Forms :: Reload/updet Only Part Of The Page On OnSelectedIndexChanged?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a panelA with a drop down list (ddl1) and a panelB with 2 dropdown lists (ddl2 and ddl3).

I am disabling PanelB in the page_Load section. When a selection has been made in the ddl1 in panelA, I am enabling panelB in OnSelectedIndexChanged event to enable ddl2 and ddl3.

This process is working, but as soon as I make a selection on ddl1, the whole page reloads to enable ddl2 and ddl3, which feels odd. How can I make it just reload panel3 not the whole page? I guess it can be done using AJAX update panel but as soon as I put <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" tagprefix="ajaxtoolkit" %> and <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>, I start getting wierd error: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ArgumentTypeException: Object of type 'Object' cannot be converted to type 'Array'.
Parameter name: array

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Web Forms :: Enabling Client Caching Of Part Of A Page That Is Changing Often In Some Parts But Not Others?

May 24, 2010

Let's say you had a page like an eBay auction, where some of the content (top bidder, bids, history, etc) needed to be up to date but other sections would likely never change, like the description. I'd like to know the "right" method for getting that static section cached.

The "cheezy" solution would be to code it up in a separate javascript .js file as a bunch of "document.writeln()" calls, but that's plain evil and ugly.

If I made it a Content section of a master page, that might get it cached at the server, but the client has no way to know that this particular section of the page will never change.

I could IFRAME it but I don't always know the dimensions.

I'm sure this has all been done before, and as much as I love my own wheels, I'd rather not reinvent this one :-)

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Sharepoint Proxy Web Part - Configure The Web Part To Point To An Existing Web App

Feb 17, 2010

We have several asp.net web applications we've built and we also want to embed them into various sharepoint pages. We need to have them look like standalone applications when viewed in their own pages, but also have them look like they fit within the sharepoint page when embedded. We are doing this currently with IFrames and it works ok, but I'm wondering if there is some sort of proxy web part where we can configure the web part to point to an existing web app and it will proxy the contents through from the web app into the sharepoint page removing the need for an IFrame. Possible?

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Web Forms :: Want To Website Url In Web Part And Open Website Like I Google In Web Part Zone?

Apr 9, 2010

I m new in web part tools in asp.net, i create a simple page using web part tools, but now i want in my web part zone too open a web site like I Google..

when u use i google there is a functionality to open a web site in web part zone.

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C# - SharePoint Web Part Gallery Details Of Each Web Part

Mar 2, 2011

When using SPWeb.GetCatalog(SPListTemplateType.WebPartCatalog), it returns an SPList which of course contains a SPListItemCollection of the web parts in the web part gallery. When looping through the items, is there any easy way to get properties of the web parts? Such as AllowClose, CatalogIconImageUrl, etc... I know I can probably accomplish this using the listItem.OpenBinaryStream etc and loading the xml of the .webpart file, but I wondered if there was an easier way to do this.

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C# - How To Postback Some Part Of Page

Mar 1, 2011

how to post back some part of page ?

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Go Particular Part Of The Page In ASP.NET & HTML?

Dec 7, 2010

How we can go particular part of the page in ASP.NET & HTML

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