Web Forms :: Upload - Watermark And Email Image As Attachment
May 7, 2015
i want to mail water marked image to the user.but i can't do this. i will show my code...
to use this code,the image watermarking is done...buti can't attach this file to the mail.
Bitmap bmpUpload = new Bitmap(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream, false);
Graphics graphicsObj = Graphics.FromImage(bmpUpload);
Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Gray);
Point postionWaterMark = new Point((bmpUpload.Width / 25), (bmpUpload.Height / 35));
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protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
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HttpPostedFile PostedFile = Request.Files[i];
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Bitmap original_image = new Bitmap(FileUpload1.FileContent);
string sWaterMark = "reshu";//String to be watermarked
int fontsize = ((original_image.Width * 2) / (sWaterMark.Length * 3));
int x = original_image.Width / 2;
int y = original_image.Height * 9 / 20;
[Code] ....
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employeenumber ---textbox
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employee department ---- textbox
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employee age ---- textbox
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I have 2 buttons
excel export
In excel export i have a specified format
Range("A1:A2").Select With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom .WrapText = False .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .IndentLevel = 0 .ShrinkToFit = False .ReadingOrder = xlContext .MergeCells = False End With Selection.Merge ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "LOGO" Range("A1:A2").Select With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter .WrapText = False .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .IndentLevel = 0 .ShrinkToFit = False .ReadingOrder = xlContext .MergeCells = True End With Range("B1:G2").Select With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter .WrapText = False
[Code] ....
What I actually need is : when I click export button textbox data should be send to excel file and particular textbox data should be received at particular cell.
E.g:- textbox1 to send to c3 or c4
textbox 2 to send g9
when i click mail button, that data should be send to excel and automailed as attachment, i have 3 excel files with different formats, export button should view all the excel files with their respective data and mail button should send mail the excel files with data ,
1 user i excel file
2nd user 2nd excel file
3rd user 3 excel file
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here it writes watremark text is straight line (horizental)
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Nov 1, 2010
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Mar 1, 2010
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a form where a user asks for a quote and we need to send an attached application form. all this worked in the dev environment but when I post the changes onto our hosted server (third party ISP) I get an error when the attachment is added. I have tired to use URL's but that does not work, at the moment I am using a relative path, but have also tried to place the file in the forms page folder.
Here is my attachment code:
string strFullPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(pRelativePath);
Attachment myAttachment = new Attachment(strFullPath, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Pdf);
this is in a try - catch block and I get the error "Could not find file".
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Sep 13, 2012
I want to send aspx page via email. So i converted it into pdf. The problrm is the pdf is getting created before the data is saved. So when i open the pdf my testboxes are empty. Below is the code am using. Also I want to send the pdf file as attachment.
protected void SendMail() {
var userName = "anusha-4.n-4@cognizant.com";
var toAddress = YourEmail.Text.ToString();
const string Password = "Mypassword123#";
string subject = YourSubject.Text.ToString();
[Code] .....
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Mar 27, 2014
I have coded random string as below and i want to convert it to qr code , then send to email automatically...
Dim chars As String = "Test1"
Dim qr As String = ""
Dim r As New Random()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 5
qr += chars.Substring(r.Next(chars.Length), 1)
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