Web Forms :: Web Interface To Start Programs?

Feb 7, 2011

I am a gamer...mostly CoD series. I have a server in my house that hosts 3 online CoD games and Admin Tools (B3). I'm quite rusty at asp.net but it comes back pretty easy.My idea that came to me is, wanting to learn how to start programs on my server through a web page.

I could have it authenticated through a DB,But I have no idea where to look to make a button start an executable that exists on the same server.Yes, I'm trying to replicate gameservers.net way of starting / stopping / restarting a game server.

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Apr 28, 2010

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Mar 7, 2010

Lets say i got "View inbox", "View My Product", "My Profile" on top as the main menu in the admin control panel page

I want to do like this,

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2. change the masterpage for all pages permanently for all users, including anonymous visitors.

So when I log off after changing the settings, the new settings are retained.

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Forms Data Controls :: Call Interface Method From Within ASPx Page Gridview?

Feb 10, 2011

Got a little dilemma I could use some guidance on. I'm trying to call an Interface method that resides in my Business Layer from within the template of a gridview in the same manner as below:

<%# GetEmployee(Eval("EmpId"))%>

i.e. it reads as follows:

<%# BusinessLayer.IEmployee.GetEmployee(Eval("EmpId"))%>

I'm actually getting the following error:

"An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property"

Which makes sense as I haven't instantiated as instance of the Interface. So the queston is how do I do it?

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Q. Which control have visible interface.

1. Repeater
2. Datalist
3. Dropdownlist
4. Datagrid

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Jun 30, 2010

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