Web Forms :: Why Can't Directly Assign SiteMapProvider To TreeView Or Menu Control

Nov 29, 2010

Im not sure why we have SiteMapProvider and SiteMapDataSource. I mean i know we can have different providers ( like XmlSiteMapProvider, SQLSiteMapProvider etc) but then why there is SiteMapDataSource added in between the Server Control and these Providers? why cant we directly assign SiteMapProvider to TreeView or Menu Control? The way it works right now Menu Control ->SiteMapDataSourve->SiteMapDataProvider

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Apr 5, 2010

Is there a way to add/delete/update the default classes (for instance AspNet-Menu-WithChildren,AspNet-Menu-NonLink ) of the html generated by the asp.net menu or treeview control? I am using CSSAdapters so the menu control renders in a list format instead of table format.

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Web Forms :: Assign A Different Image To Each Node In A Treeview Control?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a question that is very simple to answer, I have a treeview control populated by a sitemap file, what I want to do is to assign a different image to each node/leaf of the control, let me explain a little bit more, this what I have in my sitemap file:


So I know that a different image can be placed for root, parent, leaf and node on the code, but I want a different image for each leaf in the treeview... I know that the easy way to do what I want is to edit/add nodes in the control BUT I populated the control from a sitemap file, so is there a way to put a different image in each leaf of a treeview control being populated from a sitemap file?

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I want to make a website having the following UI.

Once I click on 'Engines included' a treeview having all the engine node should show. I am geting the engine collection dynamically from database.

1.What should i use to create enginesIncluded control? 2.How do i show a user control having a treeview on click of 'engine included' control? 3. I also need to show the selected engines on the top row as buttons .

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C# - Assign DTO Properties To Public Variables Or Call The Dto Instance Directly On Aspx Page?

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Which JQuery/css Menu Library For Working With TreeView Or Menu Controls

May 2, 2010

I'm looking for a good jQuery or CSS, or combo, library to enance my left side menu in an an intranet application. I don't like the 'hover only' expand/collapse style of the ASP.NET Menu control on its own, and I don't like the 'icon-click only' expand/collapse style of the TreeView control on its own.

I plan on trying the CSS Control Adapters, to render the menu with some self-respect, i.e. as nested <ul> or <ol> elements instead of the usual orgy of tables. Beyond that, I need something to give a bit of style and menulike behaviour to these nested lists, and I would prefer a jQuery plugin for this. Which should I use?

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Treeview - Menu: How To Build Custom Menu

Jun 16, 2010

i have this situation: i have to build a menu with datasource from the db, because i have to filter them among the user that is loged in. i have tried building a menu using repeater, and all this works fine till i realized that i wanted the menu with more than two levels. i have also tried with treeview, but i really don't want this solution (problem with the style and the treeview doesn't have a pretty view).

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Web Forms :: Assign Shortcut Keys For Menu Item

Dec 29, 2010

How to assign shortcut keys for menu item of asp.net menu control e.g. i have one menu which open like this Trouble Ticket -->Trouble Ticket --> Add or Update or Edit so i wnat when i will press CTRL + TA for Add , CTRL + TU for update , CTRL + TE for edit.

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Web Forms :: Context Menu On Treeview?

Jul 10, 2010

Has anyone successfully implemented a node specific context menu on a treeview in any web project?I have populated context menu on specific treenode and able to get the treenode tagname, but i am not able to select the tree node while i right click on the treenode.My code is as follows:

function ShowContextMenu() { var obj = window.event.srcElement; if(obj.tagName == "SPAN") { showhide('ctl00_menuHover','true',obj.tagName);//function to show/hide menu } }
<asp:treeview id="trvMenu" runat="server" datasourceid="SiteMapDataSource1" xmlns:asp="#unknown">
CollapseImageToolTip="Collapse" ExpandImageToolTip="Expand" ShowLines="True" oncontextmenu="Javascript:ShowContextMenu();return false;">

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Web Forms :: TreeView Menu Third Level Viewstate?

Feb 22, 2010

I am trying to make TreeView menu with three level deep. I have problems, and can't figure it out how to save TreeView position in third level, when I click it. When I click it in second level, It saves position(expanded), but when I click third level, the whole menu collapses into root level :In my example I search for selected node name, expand it with node.Expand(); .. that is for masternode, but how to expand childnodes of masternode with selectednode name? Just cant figure it out..my code:


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Web Forms :: Display Context Menu On Right Click Of TreeView?

Sep 20, 2015

how can i create treeview node at runtime by right clicking on node?

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Web Forms :: How To Display XML Element Content From The TreeView And Menu Controls In An ASPX Page

Mar 2, 2011

Below are an XML file, as the DataSource, and an aspx code with the TreeView and Menu controls.

Why the TreeView and Menu controls can not display the "1999" and "2000" for the <StarWars>
tag and <JurassicPark> tag?

XML file

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Assign Shortcut Keys For Menu Item?

Oct 6, 2010

I am using asp.net menu control. In window application we assign shortcut key through '&' sign for accessing menu item but in asp.net this is not working and there is not any property like access key for menu items.

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Web Forms :: Style The Menu Control To Allow The Menu Items To Float To The Right Of The Container?

Feb 3, 2011

Currently I have a menu control on my webform in ASP.Net 4.0 :

<div class="PNMenu">
<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="PNSiteMap" runat="server" ShowStartingNode="false" />
<asp:Menu ID="PNMainMenu" runat="server" DataSourceID="PNSiteMap" RenderingMode="List" Orientation="Horizontal" CssClass="PN-PrimaryNavMenu" >

I am trying to style the menu control to allow the menu items to float to the right of the container, however I am unable to do so as whenever I am styling the a, ul or li it keeps getting overidded by asp.net and floats everything left.



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Web Forms :: Change Background Color Of Selected Menu In Menu Control?

Jul 15, 2013

i have a asp menu in master page and it is populated from database. 

i want if user click a link that menu link's background color should change how to do?  

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Web Forms :: Hide Some Menu Items For Non Logged In Users In Menu Control

Apr 8, 2013

What I want is to show menu items Administrator or show user menu items.Show menu items using login...How I can do it with role  provider, control menu and siteMap in masterpage?

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Web Forms :: Save Data While Changing Menu / Place The Menu Control In The Mater Page?

Mar 17, 2010

We have to develop an application which has a Vertical left pane menu control which displays all the web pages (A,B,C say). Now if user is in page A and filled some data and clicks on menu control to go to page B, all the data in page A needs to be saved. Also if all the required field in page A are not filled and user navigated to page B, there will be one ! sign after the menu so that user can understand that there some some more fields need to be filled up.

We are planning to place the menu control in the Mater page. Please give me some direction to do this. My question is:

1. If user change menu (In Master Page), how should we save data?

2. How should we display the ! in the menu control?

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Web Forms :: Menu Control - Does Not Render Image On Dynamic Menu

Sep 2, 2010

I am doing a rework on one of my sites and I am attempting to use the asp:menu control.

I am using images in the static and dynamic menus. Hard coded at this point.

On my local machine it works fine but when I upload to the server, the image on the dynamci menus do not appear.

Instead I just get white space where the images should be.

Here is the code:


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Web Forms :: Display A Context Sensitive Menu Using Menu Control?

Jul 28, 2010

I know that the code depicted below will not work but I am including it to convey the idea of what I wish to accomplish. I want to use a different SiteMap to construct the menu on the displayed page for each of three different classes of service (COS).

I set a session variable named "COS" at the login and want to test its value prior to rendering each page. I want to display a menu based upon the appropriate COS. Here is my first stab at it but I know that I cannot include <asp:...> controls within the "case" statements. Can anyone suggest methods of doing this? I know C# and can use that but I do not know how to select the proper sitemap within the <menu> control. I am also using a CSS in my production version.


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Web Forms :: Menu Item Click Event For Menu Control

May 7, 2015

Sitemap & Menu:

<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="Menu" runat="server" ShowStartingNode="false" />
<asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal" OnMenuItemDataBound="OnMenuItemDataBound" DataSourceID="Menu" >
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="Menu" />
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="Level" />
<siteMapNode url="javascript:Logout" title="Logout" description="Logout" roles="*">
<siteMapNode title="Logout" description="Logout"></siteMapNode>

I want OnClick event instead of navigation .

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How To Create Treeview Menu From The Database

Mar 22, 2011

i am creating a software., in that i want to form menu in treeview structure.the parent node, child node and sub child node location are stored in database table SQL 2005..using coding i have to display the treeview menu structure to the screen when the page loads and that too without any flickering on page load...i need in javascript or C#

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Web Forms :: Menu Control Click Event Not Firing / How To Pass The Selected Menu Item Text To The Other Page

Jan 10, 2011

I am using frames in my webpage.in one of the frames i have a menu control whose items are database driven.when click on the menu item, i want another page to be displayed in other frame.

now i want to pass the the selected menu item text to the other page using session variable which is in the menu item click event method.but the thing is when i click on the menu item, the click event is not firing.

is there any better way to pass the selected menu item text to the other page?

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Web Forms :: SiteMap.CurrentNode Returns Null For Internal SiteMapProvider?

Mar 7, 2010

I've run into an issue where calling SiteMap.CurrentNode returns null when it really shouldn't be. I'm using SiteMap.CurrentNode to highlight certain buttons on the page and generate a sub navigation bar (through SiteMap.CurrentNode.ChildNodes).

Now this works until I attempt to get to my pages of which are generated by a dynamic provider. For some reason whenever I attempt this on my Projects page SiteMap.CurrentNode returns null. Overall this is a bad situation for my program because then I cant generate my sub-navigation bar.

I was hoping someone here might be able to figure out the fault in my Sitemap or provider so that I can do a basic tutorial to others who are attempting the same thing since I haven't seen a tutorial that implements a provider in the manner that I have.


<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" >
<siteMapNode url="~/Default.aspx" title="Home" description="Home page where updates and other information can be found">
<siteMapNode provider="ProjectProvider" />
<siteMapNode url="~/Contact/Default.aspx" title="Contacts" description="Contacts" />


Implements the following methods and all of them do not return Null (I checked via debug):
- RootNode
- GetRootNodeCore
- Initialize
- Clear
- BuildSiteMap

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Web Forms :: JQuery Dropline Menu Using Menu Control

Feb 28, 2010

I am trying to implement dropline menu using asp.net menu control. I found JQuery dropline code @ Dynamic Drive & currently using CssFriendly Adapters to get neet CSS, but i am unable to implement it as menu control renders its own css names.

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