Web Forms :: Why Is A Refresh Meta Tag And Title Tag Sitting Outside Of The Tag

Jul 21, 2010

When I render a page in ASP.NET, the following happens


My masterpage looks like this:


So what I'm asking is, where the heck has this refresh meta tag come from, why has it put it between my head tag and body tag, and why has my page title jumped outside of the head?!

When viewing the page's generated source in firebug, it shows the title tag and this new meta tag within the head tag, but viewing the source in any browser, it looks like the above. When using wget to scrape the page, it also comes out incorrectly as displayed above.

why browsers may be interpreting this in different ways, and more importantly where this new meta tag has come from?

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Feb 15, 2010

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AJAX :: Postback Does Not Reset Meta Refresh Tag?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a kiosk application that uses master pages. There is a refresh meta-tag on the master page (or I can add it programmatically using Page.Header.Controls.add(metaTag), it makes no difference for my problem). When the user does not interact with the aplication it should return to the default page. But when the user does react using async postbacks only a partial postback is performed which does not reset the html meta refresh header, so it just keeps on ticking and after x seconds the page redirects to the default page. How can I avoid this from happening. The meta-tag can not be in the updatepanel so even though I can manipulate it from the code-behind when the async postback happens, any changes I make (for example sometimes when the user makes a mistake he should be redirected to a clean version of the page he is currently on after showing a modal message, so I have to change the url of the meta-tag content to no longer use the default page, but the current page) are not implemented.So the main question is, how can I manipulate (or reset in case of refresh meta tag) meta-tags in an async postback ?

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i used the blow method for master page :


and the error is :(in line *)

Error 17 'System.Web.UI.MasterPage' does not contain a definition for 'SetMetaTags' and no extension method 'SetMetaTags' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Web.UI.MasterPage' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

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In my application I have the following message:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

@Html.DropDownList("Title",ViewData["PersonTitle"] as SelectList, Model.Person.Title)

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ViewData["PersonTitle"] = new SelectList(new[] { "Dhr.", "Mevr." });

Why is this not working ? Edit: The purpose is to change

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Person.Title)

into something like this

@Html.DropDownList("Title",ViewData["PersonTitle"] as SelectList, Model.Person.Title)

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The Default.aspx page uses a master page. Our meta-tag is currently setup to index the default.asp page, but not to index or follow any other pages on the site. I also have a robot.txt file that states not index or follow any of the pages within the web site. Do I have the meta-tags in the wrong place? Should they be in the Default.aspx page or on the master page instead? If so, how do I format my tags, as if I just copy and paste them, get all sorts of issues.

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Feb 28, 2011

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Dec 8, 2010

1 - I am trying to create on the fly dynamic meta tags: keywords and description (possibly others later). I have managed to do so however when I view the source page I find the meta tags at the end of the Head tag and everything else is before them like reference to JS files and CSS files. I want them to be right after the title tag and then everything else is listed after them: css, js, javascript functions, etc.

2 - I am also trying to create dynamic ASPX pages. Meaning for example: I have a client who has a dynamic website that consists of 3 pages: home page, about page and contact page. He wants to add more pages to his website in the CMS software I created for him. He wants to add History.aspx page for example which is simply created using an editor (no fancy coding like gallery, products, news, etc) but when he hits the save button, I want the new page to be saved as a stand alone page and I want the navigation menu to be updated to the new links which one of them would be history.aspx. I don't want the page to be displayed as page.aspx?Id=history. I want it to have its own name. How can this be possible especially when it is not compiled and I want to add other aspx features such as the caching feature like:

VaryByParam="none" %>=

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Apr 24, 2010

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<meta name="title" content="Just Think Art" />

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Web Forms :: Display Value In META Keywords And Description Tag From Database

May 24, 2013

 i have seen your article to display value in title and keyword tag from database. then i want to know to display value in META Description tag from database . 

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