My website was running perfectly without errors both on IIS and VS2013. Now today it stopped working in IIS 7 but working on VS2013. when i explore it using localhost/bsd then it gave this error :
XML Parsing Error: no element foundLocation: http://localhost/BSD/Builder.aspxLine Number 1, Column 1:
This error goes same for all page while accessing from IIS Localhost
As you can see in picture , I surfed internet and found these two :
I am building a website and recently I had to format my re-install everything on my lappy..before that the site was working very good locally..but after re-installing VS2008 I don't know why I keep getting this error
XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: [URL] Line Number 1, Column 1:
I searched online..and found out that the reason might be some unclosed HTML tag but I checked and made sure that all the tags are properly closed..I also added Response.ContentType = "text/HTML"into .cs files in Pge_Load method..but I am still getting that error..I have one master page and two pages rendered using it..I dont understand how come the same program works once and after re-installing VS it doesn't work I dont know if this will help or not but master page starts with these 3 lines
I have an ASP.Net 4.0 Web Service method that returns a well-formed XML document. I am successfully displaying the XML in a browser locally and once deployed on the production server.
When I try to call the method via jQuery ajax I'm getting the error:
XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: moz-nullprincipal:{6c0c99b3-0fed-454f-aa6e-e0fca93a521c} Line Number 1, Column 1:
I use VS2010,IIS 7.5,just created simple ASP.NET WebForms Application,created ASP.NET 4.0 pool with .NET 4.0 setting and trying to Publish this site IIS.
Successfully published, but when I open this site in a browser, see error: XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: http://localhost/wa1/Default.aspx Line Number 1,Column 1:
Who knows where is error?I was looking on this site for an article about publishing in ASP.NET 4.0 and VS2010,but seems like there is no sperate article about it.I am installing VS2008 and going to try the same.
I would like to select an element that is in the same TR as another element I found with a selector. The selector itself: $("input[name='sMessageValue']","#messageTable") Now I have this element and got its value I would like to find a checkbox located in the same TR, i tried this as starting point : $(this).(':parent').val(). But seems not the right thing to do.
I have deployed my website to a shared hosting provider and since deployment, it shows the error "XML Parser Error:no element found" from time to time. I have checked my error log and I find issues such as "Object reference not set to an instance of the object" but the weird thing is if I visit the SAME page after a while, it loads!
I have checked with my hosting provider and they told me the below is what they can see on their side:
Exception information: Exception type: HttpException Exception message: Could not load type 'Test2.GlobalAsax'.
I have checked my global.asax and the interits are all correct. I have tried:
a) Deleting the webapplication dlls and rebuilding - didn't work
b) Deleting the global.asax and adding a new one and then rebuild. - didn't work
c) Changing the class name of global.asax.vb and updating at inherits at global.asax, and rebuild - didn't work
d) Change the Asp.Net version to an older version and change back to original version - didn't work
e) Debugged my application countless times locally (for the same page) but while connecting to the DB on my hosting provider - no issues found
My webhosting provider is saying there is an error in my code, but if there is a bug, shouldn't it always show the same error?
I also noticed that when the XML parser error is shown, if I were to go back to say and then to my website's main page, and then to the Page with error, the page loads!!
I am seriously running out of ideas what could have caused this issue. I have also conducted a ping test to my website and I am getting some time outs, will that cause my page to not load from time to time?
xml parsing error no element found location line number 1 column 1. If run every application this error come (in mozilla only). how to rectify this error.
I've set-up a server with IIS7. I want to be able to view the web dashboard. Everything has worked for me before fine in IIS6, but now it seems to be broke in IIS7.
If I browser to:
I get the following error: XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: Line Number 1, Column 5:.NET
It looks like ASP.NET isn't being hit when I request the page. But as far as I know the application pool of the site is set to .NET, and I don't know how to check whether ASP.NET is configured correctly with IIS7. if this a problem which can be rectified in IIS7?Has anyone test CruiseControl.NET from installation in IIS7?
I am in trouble. I have a file and publish it and run in localhost. [URL]. Its working fine.
But i put the file in mob server(It's the own server we are using in my concern)[URL] its not working. I got an error message that is
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: file://///Mob/mdirectalpha/CPWebserviceAlpha/Addons.asmx Line Number 1, Column 2:<%@ WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/Addons.cs" Class="Addons" %> -^
Is it the problem in server? I need to set any settings in server?
I have a WCF Web Service that my ASP.NET app uses. It has been working fine for quite some time. I just added in a Dev Express Grid (and the Dev Express DLLs) and a new page that uses them and now I am getting parsing errors on the WSDL. But the weird part is that it works fine on my machine but fails on the web server machine. (Both are connecting to the same web services WSDL.) Here is the error message I am getting:
Server Error in '/MyWebAppWebDev' Application.
Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: Reference.svcmap: Failed to generate code for the service reference 'MyWebAppService'.
Cannot import wsdl:portType
Detail: An exception was thrown while running a WSDL import extension: System.ServiceModel.Description.DataContractSerializerMessageContractImporter
Error: Referenced type 'WebClientApp.MyWebAppService.ReferenceUpdatesDataContract, WebClientApp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' with data contract name 'ReferenceUpdatesDataContract' in namespace '[URL] cannot be used since it does not match imported DataContract. Need to exclude this type from referenced types. XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='[URL]wsdl:portType[@name='IMyWebAppReferenceDataServiceLib'] Cannot import wsdl:binding
Detail: There was an error importing a wsdl:portType that the wsdl:binding is dependent on. XPath to wsdl:portType: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='[URL]/']/wsdl:portType[@name='IMyWebAppReferenceDataServiceLib'] XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='[URL]/']/wsdl:binding[@name='MyWebAppServicesDefaultEndpoint'] Cannot import wsdl:port
Detail: There was an error importing a wsdl:binding that the wsdl:port is dependent on. XPath to wsdl:binding: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='[URL]wsdl:binding[@name='MyWebAppServicesDefaultEndpoint'] XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='[URL]wsdl:service[@name='MyWebAppReferenceDataServiceLib']/wsdl:port[@name='MyWebAppServicesDefaultEndpoint']
I am completely stumped on this. I have checked my web.config endpoint address and it is spot on (and notably is not in the error message above).
Things I have tried:
Giving permissions to C:Windows emp to my Website user name Giving permissions to C:Windows emp to my App pool user name Checking to see that none of my data contracts are generic and have IsReference=true in them.
Publish your website on IIS in ASP.NET page: [URL] ....
1. webvidu to run in normal mode and programming Publish normal website 2. Publish test their IIS under ASP.NET on IIS website, follow the instructions above also normal 3. When put up IIS and web browser they type in localhost/asp shall be the following error:
Code: XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: http://localhost/asp/ Line Number 1, Column 2:<%@ page theme="Default" language="C#" masterpagefile="~/MasterPage/MasterPage.master" autoeventwireup="true" inherits="webvidu._Default, App_Web_default.aspx.cdcab7d2" %> -^
I do WinXPSP2 IIS on the operating system, and use vs.net2005 13.0.1 firefox browser...
I am new to .net. i amworking on the supproting project. At first i want to execute the project. It uses microsoft visual studio 2010 and sql server 2008, i attached the data base to sql server 2008,when am trying to execute the project , it opens the login page , it is taking the user name and password ,after entering the user name and password, when it redirects to index page it shows the xml parsing error. i am not getting what to do for this error. when i try to execute all other pages, it opens that pages . please help me to open the index page.
I have hosted a project working in 3.5. All it is working fine, but some time i got error message XML parsing error;Not wel formed. Location: http://www.(my domain name); Line number 1, column 14.
I'm writing a class to automatically extract information from an excel spreadsheet (using NPOI api) in C#, and then import this information into a database. I've got it all working fine except for one small issue.
One of the spreadsheets I'm working with, contains the date in the following format: 04/01/2011 04:43:28.
When I ran the web application, I got the following error message:
String was not recognised as a valid
So I debugged through the code after this, and it turns out that the date is being read in as:
40546.0151388889, so it is being formattted back to a number.
I uploaded a few new pages to a web site and now I am getting these errors no matter what I try. Parser Error
An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'PSR.MasterPage2'.
Parser Error Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. Parser Error Message: System.Web.UI.WebControls.RoleGroupCollection must have items of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.RoleGroup'. 'ContentTemplate' is of type 'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl'. Source Error:
Anybody else find the web page editor for Visual Studios (2008) to be horribly buggy? Almost every other time I try to debug a program, it sputters around for a minute or two, and then I get this error: Unable to Start Program [URL]. Element not found. Sometimes it happens two or three times in a row, and each time it leaves a hung browser I have to go and end the process for and then try again, so it can get up to 10 minutes at times just to get the damn debugger going. Really frustrating, especially when it's at the end of the day and I'm trying to finish things up.
I'm looking for a way to parse excel into Asp.Net, the problem I'm experiencing same as in[ URL]
I've searched all web, but no1 seems to have an answer
here's the error
The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'Cities'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.
Error parsing attribute 'something': Type 'System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage' does not have a public property named 'something'.
Notice how it tries to use System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage rather than my BaseViewPage class. To make it more interesting, if I remove the "Something" attribute from the Page directive and put some code in the generic version of BaseViewPage (OnInit for example) the class is actually called / used / instantiated.
So, am I doing something wrong or is this a limitation.