Web Forms :: Calculate Years And Get Future Date?
Oct 13, 2010
how to calculate years in asp.net..that is , if a value in textbox is 10-oct-2010... i wanna get 10-oct-2011 in another textbox if i specify to calculate 1 year and 10-oct-2012 if it is 2 years....
so how can i implement this...using vb............is there any function for that..
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if I google it I get things like "you could try..." or "that doesn't work if...", etc. and I want some tried and true way. So, have you written any age-calculation routines and found they actually work when put to the test (that would be, when they go live ) or simply found one on the Internet?
I tried googling "vbforums .net calculate age" and I got some VB6 code. I am thinking there might be something more sophisticated in .NET.
I tried searching "calculate age" in the advanced search here, and got hits like "calculate tax" and "calculate discount" so it's not recognizing my combined keyword string.
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List<string> StringDates;
[0]: "04.03.2010"
[1]: "09.03.2010"
[2]: "11.03.2010"
[3]: "12.03.2010"
[4]: "16.03.2010"
[5]: "18.03.2010"
[6]: "19.03.2010"
[7]: "23.03.2010"
[8]: "25.03.2010"
[9]: "26.03.2010"
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