Web Forms :: Call Usercontrol's Code Behind Method In Aspx.cs?

Dec 20, 2010

How to call usercontrol's code behind method in aspx.cs

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Feb 10, 2011

how can we call the code begind method in a aspx page? for ex:

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public bool sample()
return true;

<asp:CheckBox ID="chkPFCeilingFlag" runat="server" TabIndex="15" Checked='<%# sample() %>'
Enabled="true" CssClass="CheckBox"></asp:CheckBox>

but it is not called.

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C# - Call Function From UserControl On ASPX From UserControl On MasterPage?

Jan 31, 2011

I have MainLayout.master that has UC_Menu.ascx on it.

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How can I have UC_Menu.ascx call a function that is in UC_Details.ascx with this scenario?

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Sep 7, 2010

I have a problem with calling a method on a aspx page from a usercontrol.

The case is: I have 1 main page with 5 usercontrols, when something goes wrong in the code I want to display the error message in a Modalpopup Extender. I can create for each usercontrol a different modalpopup extender but isn't much easier when I make 1 popup in the aspx page. But the problem is: How should I call a method in the aspx page that open the popup?

I have search several hours on the internet but can't find anything useful.

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Web Forms :: Can't Call Method From Aspx File

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I have a base class for all my user controls. In the base class I've got a method GetText() which returns a string.

When I do like this in the page load event it works fine:


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C# - How To Call The Event Of Usercontrol In Page Of Aspx

Oct 28, 2010

I have created the usercontrol. There is event :

public event System.EventHandler MemberSelectionChanged;

I have called this event in aspx page like this(given below). It working fine. Is there any other way to call the user control event in aspx page.

this.ucMemberList.MemberSelectionChanged += new EventHandler(MemberList_MemberSelectionChanged);

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How To Call Aspx Content Page Methods From Usercontrol

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User Controls :: Call A Method Or Function Inside UserControl From Web Page

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I am having a Calculate() function in user control which is inherited in a page.

I need to call this method in the button click event in the page.

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Web Forms :: How To Call A Method Of Code Behind From ASP.Net

Feb 17, 2011

I am just learning ASP.Net and i am more using C# as code behind than vb.I am trying to call a method of the code behind (file.aspx.cs) from the (file.aspx).I know how to do it the easy way:- create a button from ASP.Net and double click on it than the property "onclick" will be linked to the method.But i don't know how to do it from a query:

- By example, from an Access database,i use the syste, [using System.Data.OleDb;] and i made a query and display it into a standar object named "Table" which has rows (tablerow) and cells (tablecell) and the cells have one of their properties which is "Controls" where developers can add button (regular button, image button, link button, etc). With i display the buttons from the database, i can not call a method from code behind! I can't either use their properties "onclick" to call i method i created in the code behind.Is there a way to do it ?

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Mar 12, 2010

my objective is i want to log all those exceptions on my aspx pages which are handled or unhandled. To do this do i need to write my method in global.asax or how can i do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Call Interface Method From Within ASPx Page Gridview?

Feb 10, 2011

Got a little dilemma I could use some guidance on. I'm trying to call an Interface method that resides in my Business Layer from within the template of a gridview in the same manner as below:

<%# GetEmployee(Eval("EmpId"))%>

i.e. it reads as follows:

<%# BusinessLayer.IEmployee.GetEmployee(Eval("EmpId"))%>

I'm actually getting the following error:

"An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property"

Which makes sense as I haven't instantiated as instance of the Interface. So the queston is how do I do it?

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C# - How To Call A Javascript Method From Code - Behind Web Method

Jan 25, 2011

I have a web method in my code behind:

public static string GetStateData(string state)
//this is where i want to call a javascript method "GetItems"

I have a javascript method that retrieves some values for me and I want to get use one of those values in my web method

function GetItems() {
var variable1= $("#<%=Item1.ClientID %> input:checked");
var variable2= $("#<%=Item2.ClientID %>").val();
return [variable1.text(), variable2.val(), variable2];}

I've searched for ways to call the javascript method from the web method but every time my search results in how to call a web method from javascript.

I did find this but it was done from the code-behind of a silverlight project and when I tried adding the correct reference to my code-behind it wasn't there

var result = HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("GetItems"); Is there a reference I'm missing?

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How To Call Code Behind Button Click Event Or A Code Behind Method From Javascript

May 18, 2010

how do you call code behind button click event or a code behind method
from javascript.

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Can Call Method That Exist On Aspx Page Through Web Service

Feb 24, 2011

Can we call a Method that exist on a aspx page through Web Services.

It is like Reflection that method exists in dll form , but is it possible to call method from Aspx page.

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Web Forms :: How To Call A Code Behind Method For A Button Control Using Java Script

Feb 12, 2010

If I have a web form with a button control on it. Is their a way to have it's button press method called from a Java Script method? Can someone show me how to do this?I have a hidden button on a web form. I need to simulate it being pressed programatically through Java Script. So I need Java Script to run the code behind method for a button.

void PageButton_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
// How to have this method called from Java Script?

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C# - Call Child Iframe Method From Parent Aspx Page?

Jul 26, 2010

I've created one aspx page Default.aspx. It contains iframe with child.aspx. File Child.cs contains web methods which should be called by parent page.

As I understand I need to receive the instance of Child class so then I'll be able to them call. How can I make this?

Default.aspx (Parent page)

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Parent_Child_Iframe._Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">

So How I can call getResultData () from Child.aspx.cs by clicking Button on the parent page.

The main difficulty is that I can't use Javascript to collect the information from TextBoxes because the task is more complicated and I can use only server methods.

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Web Forms :: Call Javascript Function From Code Behind From Page.aspx.vb

Nov 24, 2010

how can i call javascript function from code behind from my Page.aspx.vb. in my Page i have a button i want to add this function to my button onclick="refreshParent();"

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How To Call Method Inside Of Usercontrol Which Is Nested Inside Of RadDockableObject

Jul 28, 2010

Here is my code. I'm able to find Asp.net UserControl and play with attributes but I need to call specific method inside of it.

var usercontrol = (UserControl)RadDockableObject1.FindControl("ControlName");
usercontrol.Visible = true;

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C# - Call Method In Code Behind From JQuery

Jun 11, 2010

I am trying to execute a method in ASP.NET from Jquery

type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "MyMessages.aspx?id=66&epslanguage=sv/test",
data: "{}",
dataType: "json",
error: function(xhr, err) {
alert("readyState: " + xhr.readyState + "
status: " + xhr.status);
alert("responseText: " + xhr.responseText);
success: function() {
alert("it works" );

code behind:

protected void test()
test.Text = "works";

I get errormessage redayState: 4 and status 200 when I do this. I don't understand the problem. I am vey new at this. :)

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C# - How To Span Tag Onclick To Call A Code Behind Method

Jan 9, 2010

How to make a span tag behave exactly like an asp:button (ie) using its onclick method to call a codebehind method..

<span onclick="MyPageMethod()"></span>

I know linkbuttons can do it for me,but my question is can span tag do it for me?

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C# - Call A Method Inside Code-behind Using JQuery?

Feb 9, 2010

My pages base on master and content pages and in content pages I have Multiviews; inside Multiviews I have RadComboBoxes.Two of my RadComboBoxes are parent and child, like country and city dropdowns. Therefore in code-behind I put some code in the OnSelectedIndexChange event of parent RadComboBox for filling its child; I use a hidden field for country id and sql datasources (stored procedures). Meantime parent and child combo boxes are in an update panel.For doing this job i set the autopostback property of parent combobox to true,but I do not want that autopostback=true because of some focus problems that I coded with jQuery.So I want to convert the OnSelectedIndexChange event in code-behind to a method and call it in jQuery (in change event or something like that of parent combobox). How can I do this?

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