Web Forms :: Copy File From Local Machine To Device Connected To This Machine
Mar 24, 2010
1. ASP.Net WEB server.
2. I have PC, on which file to copy to device is located, with Active Sync installed and IE running which has a page in that IE has rendered by server #1.
3. I have a DEVICE connected to desktop #2 via AS.
I would like to copy file from a local machine to the device which is connected to this machine. My application is located in a webserver.
I am attempting to write an asp.net application that copies any file from the user's local machine to another server on the same network.
The Catch
The server that will house the application is separate from the server that will receive the files from the local user's machine. In other words, to do the file copy the user will have to access the application on one server via IIS and within the application it must place that file on another server. Further, these servers while on the same network cannot physically see each other.
In addition, the users of the application are connected Anonymously (Anonymous Authentication)
In our application, we allow user to upload documents which can be PDF, Doc, XLS, TXT. Uploaded documents will be saved on web server. We need to display link for each document user uploaded and when user click on that link, it should open relevant document. it is expected to have required software to open relevant documents.
To upload document, we use saveAs method of FileUpload control and it works absolutely fine.Now, how to view it?I believe, i need to copy/download file to local user machine and need to open it using Process.Start.For that i need to find user local temp directory. if i put path.GetTempPath(), it gives me web server directory and copy file there.
I basically want to transfer a file from the client to the file storage server without actual login to the server so that the client cannot access the storage location on the server directly. I can do this only if i manually login to the storage server through windows login. I dont want to do that. This is a Web-Based Application.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { filePath = FileUpload1.FileName; try { WebClient client = new WebClient(); NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential(uName, password); Uri addy = new Uri("\\\upload\"); [code]...
I am working on asp.net 3.5 through C#, I have 1 problem regarding File Upload. We are using Master Page. How to upload file on Other Machine connected in LAN
On one of my pages I display a datetime (from a database) and it is formatted correctly as a UK date time (dd-mm-yyyy) on my local machine. However when I deploy it to a server it reverts to American format (mm-dd-yyyy). Does anyone have any idea of when this might be happening?This might be outside the scope of stackoverflow
I am working on asp.net 3.5 in C#. In my application I have to Create folder and upload file in that folder, which works fine on my machine. I want help for create folder and upload file in that folder on other machine which is connected in LAN. code for create folder and Upload file on my machine
i have a .JPG file in my local machine which has to be sent as body of SMTP mail.Path of image D://foldername//imagename.jpg The code I run is in the server mc. I want it to access my local machine's d: folder to get the image file. But it is accessing the server mc's d: folder. How can this be done?
I have had a real nightmare with Server.MapPath(). When I call Server.MapPath("~") in my application that is running in ASP.NET Development Server it returns root directory that ends in a back slash like f:projectsapp1, but I call it in published version, installed in IIS, it returns root directory without any back slash like c:inetpubwwwrootapp1.
string mainRoot = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~"); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(mainRoot); //added to solve this problem with Server.MapPath if (!mainRoot.EndsWith(@"")) mainRoot += @""; FileInfo[] files = di.GetFiles("*.aspx"); foreach (FileInfo item in files) { string path = item.FullName.Replace(mainRoot, "~/").Replace(@"", "/"); //do more here }
I have created a CSV file on the server and want to send it to the user using the following code:
Dim strPhysicalPath As String strPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath( "CSV/" & PathVirtual) Dim objFileInfo As System.IO.FileInfo = New System.IO.FileInfo(strPhysicalPath) Response.Clear() Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & objFileInfo.Name) Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", objFileInfo.Length.ToString()) Response.WriteFile(strPhysicalPath) Response.Flush() Response.End()
This seems to work fine except when the downloaded file is viewed in Excell the html code behind the page from which it came is also appended to the file. Does anyone have any idea why it does this?
How do I get the smtp server address for the local machine? I want to my email address on a windows form and have the user send me an email and I need to be able to get their smtp server address programatically to do this. I tried this:
System.Net.Mail. SmtpClient smtpc = new SmtpClient(""); smtpc.Send(email);
How to get Client MAC address(Web). I used this it's only work in IE. But i want work all browser. How i can solve this?
This script is for IE only:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function showMacAddress() { var obj = new ActiveXObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"); var s = obj.ConnectServer("."); var properties = s.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"); var e = new Enumerator(properties); var output;
i have the following code. what i have tried to do is map a path which points to my R:/ - the value 'R:' is stored in my web.config file. this drive is on my server. what i then do is pass the file name and play in an embedded media player in the web browser. when browse the website everything works fine. however, when i browse the website on another PC, i get an error saying it cannot access the file. is this because the second PC i tried the wesbite on doesnt have an R: drive? i wouldnt have thought this was a problem though. is what i am doing wrong? does anyone know why i cant access the file on that drive?
In my shopping website..... I had integrated Paypal. Using the Developer / SandBox Version I had already tested the site from my local machine. It is working fine.
But after uploading the files in shared web-Server, whenever I am trying to call the Paypal, then always it is showing me the following error. The operation has timed out Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
Source Error:
Line 32: End If Line 33: Catch ex As Exception Line 34: Throw ex Line 35: Line 36: Finally
my projects image files hosts on a local server machine which name is A.
another server hosts my web projects on IIS which name is B.
I want to set my web projects's image file names like image1.ImageURL = "A\foldername\image.png";
but when the projects runs the image file url gets the image url adrress : [URl] I must access the image files which are another server machine on my local network area and I must get the ImageUrl properties from another server machine
We have a web service running on the server. We want to use the service in local machine. Could some one kindly give all the steps to get the methods availble in the client.
We have created web methods in the server. And trying to access the same thing on the client. I can literally access those methods using the refernce variable of the server. but when I try to run it , it comes up with run time exception unable to connect to remote server.
im Developing a site since a very long time,Using a remote database Connection.Previously site in local machine runs fast.But now a days even login takes morethan a min (in Local) but on hosting it runs as fast as it was
I've built an ASP.NET application that's using Forms Authentication. In our hosting account control panel, I set up an automated task that requests a web page once per week. When the page loads, a number of emails are sent out.I'd just like to know if there's any way to determine in the code-behind if the request is coming from the local machine (as with Windows authentication). Using a separate web.config file in the page sub-directory with Windows authentication mode doesn't work.
I am having some trouble with an ASP.NET website I've set up and it's very difficult to debug.Background Information:There is a page on my website that allows the user to upload one or many Microsoft Word documents. The user can then press a button, and the code is supposed to open the document(s), count the words, and then return the number of words in a table.This works perfectly fine when I am in Visual Studio running the debugger, however when I try to do it over the web from another computer, I get an error.
try { String file = this.lstFileBox.Items[i].Text; // MicrosoftWordOperations is a custom class MicrosoftWordOperations wordOps = new MicrosoftWordOperations(file); String contents = wordOps.GetContents(); int numWords = wordOps.CountWords(contents); [code]...